
Anonymous 256673
i want to make music, or do anything i can to convert incels to be less sexist without being their gf.
how do i appeal to males
Anonymous 256677

I feel that music is something that works on an emotional level by amplifying something the listener already believes in, and is quite bad at sending messages that could attack and change someone's worldview. It's also going to be hard to convey a message in just 5 or so minutes, or like 30 if it's an album of 6 songs. It's just my opinion though.
Sexist incels are very defensive about their ideology, and if you want to attack someone on an ideological level, it's going to trigger intense cognitive dissonance, and they're probably going to resort to verbal or even physical aggression to stop that uncomfortable feeling. I think incels are lost hope and the only thing that actually keeps them alive is the toxic belief that it's women's fault that moids are suffering. It helps them avoid responsibility. It's a defense mechanism. I guess what I'm trying to say is… real change comes from within.
Honestly, sexist incels are so wild that it feels like you're talking to a brick wall. I've tried to have a conversation with one and he kept using the word "axe wound" and they completely dehumanized… demonized women.
Anonymous 256678
>>256677but i feel like i could convert some incels, i already have converted one who is my close friend now, although it wasnt an extreme case of incelism. i also have cool interests that somewhat correlate with incels, idk i think maybe i could start a server instead of just making music (but i want to do both)
Anonymous 256681

>>256678Hmm… maybe.
I guess it's easier to first befriend someone and then work on changing their beliefs than trying that on strangers who know nothing about you, because there's some sense of trust and they'll lower their defenses to be receptive of your opinions, but building friendships is very time consuming.
I guess that's why mass media is very good at propaganda. They introduce likeable characters that represent LGBT or any other minority in their shows, and make the viewers get very familiar with them, as if you have an emotional connection with them and become friends with, and then they silently push all the ideas they want you to accept while these characters parrot them casually.
Pulling all this in a 5 minute song is surely a hard thing but not impossible. It has to be very subtle, like trying to push a needle in a balloon. If it's too obvious, it becomes nauseating, and if it's too subtle then it completely misses.
Worth a try though if that's what you want, lol.
Anonymous 256702
Memory-Drive - ear…

If there are any actual musician in this thread, can anyone advise on how one would make electronic music (think synthwave)? Is there a good tutorial somewhere?
Anonymous 256851

>>256673>>256702Actual musician here. If you need good resources to make traditional music, look up "Basic Music Theory" by Johnathan Harnum. Even if you're going to be making exclusively electronic music, you'll still want a good grasp of the basics before plunging knee-deep into a DAW.
To make digital music, you'll need a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). They're all the same, and are generally compatible with the same plugins.
PS: I admire your ambitions, OP. I've had mixed success trying to convert "incels" but I truly think music is one great way to communicate with people on a profound level, even make them completely change. A good song is the difference between ending a day on a bad or a good note (pun completely intended).
Anonymous 256852
Drop the savior complex, I'm telling this for your own good, that's your female socialization talking.
Incels are men with multiple layers of some of the most deep rooted sexism you can probably find, they genuinely don't see women as people, trying to make saving them your mission will just deteriorate your mental health to ashes.
Like another nona already mentioned real change comes from within. Focus on yourself and your happiness, not a man's who hate you.
Anonymous 256917…

>>256851Thanks nona, I'll check it out.
>>256852The savior complex is a good pretext to drive home a very high ambition.
Anonymous 256921
>>256917You can't convert incels, you can at most take fucked up people, make them not fucked up, and then they suddenly realize that being an incel always was retarded.
So if you are legitimately convinced of this path, I recommend doing whatever will take lost young males and make them less lost and messed up in their lives.
Targeting the "incel" ideology is a waste of time, because just like a shitty diaper in the trash will pick up flies, a fucked up male that is autistic will pick up the incel ideology
Anonymous 256930

>>256921I meant: when it comes to art, it doesn't matter if the goal is unrealistic. Shooting for the stars etc.
Anonymous 256932
>>256673if we are talking pr, copy brett cooper.
Anonymous 256934
the image have a short skirt, wear long skirt and do not show your skin. make women fashion, look ugly or like men with beards.
Anonymous 256938
>>256936 Not OP but
Anti-porn and anti-sex work songs might have some effect along these lines. Being an "anti-Cardi B" would probably get moids to shut up. But you'd have to be careful not to turn this into another "pickme" facade because if you do that men will see through it, plus that would be reinforcing sexism rather than pushing agaist
Anonymous 256939
>>256930Ffor art specifically, wholesome content works on some lost men. Something nice and warm for them to cling onto, where they can shelter away from their "friends" bombarding them with incel memes and negative shit
Anonymous 256946
i make music but my goal is to sow chaos and confusion it worked for awhile but i think i was more of a fotm kind of artist that kind of fell on the wayside
Anonymous 256947
You can never convert a radical. Almost by definition. They wouldn't be such if they were receptive to the information that contradicted their beliefs.
The absolute best you can hope for is finding a person who is already getting over the phase and prop them up a little on their journey. Even then, there's no guarantee that they won't snap into the moid behavior and try using you.
Frankly, having issues is the new norm anyway. If you want to help others, then you'll have your hands full with your regular friends and a normal person for a boyfriend.
Anonymous 256948
>>256673sounds like you want to be a glorified pickme with lots of orbiters but no commitments
Anonymous 256949
I just remembered this great song about choosing anime girls over real women but I don't really know how many incels reformed by watching this, lol. It's not available on youtube because it's too sexual to the point it becomes nauseating, which I guess is the point.
Anonymous 256950
>>256949>I don't really know how many incels reformed by watching thisNone. All I've ever seen were moids salivating over the sexualized visuals.
Anonymous 256951

>>256950Lmao, yeah. No self-awareness at all.
Anonymous 256953

>>256917>Thanks nona, I'll check it out.Cool! Good luck experimenting with DAWs. Pick whichever one appeals to you the most and just start making random songs or covers of existing ones. Find something to practice with and stick to it.
>>256936>>256938>Being an "anti-Cardi B" would probably get moids to shut up. But you'd have to be careful not to turn this into another "pickme" facadeAh yes the careful balance. Making anti-porn songs is a good start though.
Also, don't listen to these posts:
>>256921>>256852>>256947>"you can't convert someone from being a radical! They have to decide by themselves!"Considering how terminally online incels are, this opinion severely underestimates the impact of any online media on them. Absolutely go ahead with your plans nona, I believe in you.
Anonymous 256956
I feel like works similar to Tomoko and Ongezellig come closest to actually forming some sort of empathy towards women in incels and they achieve it by not pandering to them directly.
Anonymous 256957

>>256949>>256951Honestly upsetting how many people don't understand the video when it's so upfront with it's message. There is no subtlety and I don't understand how media illiterate people are. Love the fact that one the original expo site it would loop forever to show the "cycle" of addiction, cool art piece.
Banger track message aside too.
>>256851NTA but thanks for the book suggestion. I aways struggle to put music into words and have been looking for a good music theory starting place but there is just so much out there it's hard to decide what is actually worth reading.
Anonymous 256961
>>256917i agree, sometimes i feel like converting incels one of the only giving me a goal in life.
Anonymous 256962
>>256961i get very limited computer time so thats why i havent been responding a lot but i read them and appreciate all of your replies
Anonymous 256964
>>256948i dont want people to give me sexual or romantic attention, but i want people to like me and see me as cool. as a male.
Anonymous 256967

>>256964>i want people to like me and see me as cool. as a male.Um… what?
>>256965>almost 18Uh oh… You're not supposed to be here.
Listen kid, happiness is something that comes from doing things you specifically want to do, for yourself, and not to please others or from doing things to make others happy so that they think you're likeable or cool. You do things you truly like, and people get attracted to you as a person with your own individual tastes and preferences, and that's what being cool is about. Being cool is not creating an image for yourself that isn't really you, but a persona to make yourself look cool. That's not cool. That's narcissistic. Once your pretty play collapses, because it eventually will, the people who you attracted will realize that the things that they thought were cool was just a big fat lie.
Nobody will see you as a female online unless you mention you're one. I regularly check out at places online that stink of scrotes and nobody cares who you are.
If you want to be treated as male then I don't know, is that like something transgender?
Congratulations on making out of foster care by the way.
Anonymous 257127
What is most disturbing about this thread is how widespread incel ideology is that literal sub-18 girls are dealing with it. These scrotes are fucking cancer, literally infecting kids.
Anonymous 257128
>>257127I don't understand where kids learn words like incel or simp but I've seen a few use it around me, especially because English isn't my first language. My nephew watches Skibidi Toilet and I think YouTube recommends him videos that use such words. A few days ago, I even saw words like pick me and rape apologist being thrown as insults around in one of those videos, lol. Internet has become a toxic hellhole.
Anonymous 257222
>>256673>i want to do anything i can to convert incels to be less sexist without being their gf.>without being their gf.That's like trying to help starving people in any way you can, except feeding them.
It's a fool's errand. It's never going to work unless you directly provide them the main thing they sorely want/need, otherwise they're just not going to listen to you. Especially cause they see us as "the enemy".