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Anyone have experience working in coffee shops Anonymous 256736

How was it? Would you recommend it as a temporary job?

Anonymous 256754

My friend did this all through high school. She said that working in a local one, had mostly good days but some days where it was just an endless line of assholes who think their time is more valuable than everyone else's. Working at Starbucks, she said every single day was like that.

Anonymous 256785

Good advice. I'll apply to local coffee shops instead of name brand one's like Starbucks.

Anonymous 256789

any fast food job is going to suck

Anonymous 257013

I hated my coffee shop job more than any other job I’ve had and I’ve worked at McDonald’s but it was a fancy coffee shop with an…intense customer service ethos. Some of those jobs want you to create the friendship experience with customers which is honestly sick as they are customers so it’s a one sided delusion that you have to smile through. Baristas can also be nasty and intense.

Anonymous 266131

Had a friend who used to work for a small chain in Northern California what would take everyone's tips from every chain and then split it up evenly. She didn't like that had a big fight with the boss then quit.

Anonymous 266136

I wanted to work at Starbucks when I was younger but they rejected me. Kinda glad I never ended up doing it now.

Anonymous 266567

i kind of want to work as a waiter, im not that afraid of shitty costumers but of bad employers who underpay you for long hours. im also thinking of doing delivery or being a taxi driver. dont really fear my safety or anything i just have a feeling they wont accept a woman there easily

Anonymous 266646

Current local coffee shop worker here. In terms of dead-end jobs, it isn’t too bad. Co-workers are fairly high IQ compared to other dead end jobs I’ve worked and customers tend to be polite.

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