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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 257174

What are your plans for thanksgiving? Anyone met someone new this year or going out of town? Having a big family dinner?

Anonymous 257175

Dinner with my husband's parents.

Anonymous 257359

with family, this year i lost a lot of friends and now all of my friends are online

Anonymous 257361


Anonymous 257362

Working, picked up an extra shift. I like dinner with the family, but I need the holiday pay.

Anonymous 257380


I hate my family, so I'll probably just be alone in my apartment.

Anonymous 257381

You could try volunteering and help less fortunate people during Thanksgiving. Otherwise try cooking a Cornish game hen and pretend it's a tiny turkey.

Anonymous 257382


Would love to, but I live in an area where physically I am extremely tied to where I can and can't go due to not driving. Unless I find some place I can help out online…

>Otherwise try cooking a Cornish game hen and pretend it's a tiny turkey.

I really wanted to try making my own Thanksgiving dinner, so I might try something like that. Thanks.

Anonymous 257556

I'm cooking green bean casserole, roasted carrots and mashed peas.

Anonymous 257623

Probably not doing thanksgiving this year but I got invited to my first friendsgiving!
It wasn't that fun because I suck at parties and no one really talked to me but everyone liked my baked mac and cheese so mild success.

Anonymous 257626

Visting fiance's family and taking advantage of the plethora of boxed wine they always bring to gatherings

Anonymous 257649

I did friendsgiving too! I cooked a turkey for the first time which was honestly terrifying but it somehow came out okay lol

Anonymous 257652


>What are your plans for thanksgiving?

Anonymous 257697

Lol thats awesome, I bet it was delicious.

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