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cat furlita2.jpg

Non sexual furries Anonymous 257233

I'd like to join a furry community that isn't sexually degenarate, full of porny art, and disgusting coom fantasies, especially the ones bordering on zoophilia. Disgusting.
I have no idea where to look, since most of the western fandom is tranny adjacent, "sex positive" degeneracy oriented.
All the non sexual furries I've encountered online are japanese, btw. And I don't speak japanese.
>pic related
Do they even exist in the west?

I love cute anthropomorphic animals like in the Beatrix Potter illustrations, Louis Wain paintings, sylvanian families/calico critters, or even the cute mice in Cinderella animated movie. I also love medieval tales and illuminations featuring animals behaving like humans. They're technically "anthros" but completely unrelated to the gross western furry and their art style that reeks of coom even when it's not directly sexual.

Anonymous 257236

Furries are creepy

Anonymous 257242

Screenshot 2023-11…

"Nonsexual furries" are a lie furries perpetuate to make themselves not look like what they are and lure children into their garbage. Here's a fun fact: furries are so autistic that there are 2 furry organizations specifically aimed at gathering statistics about themselves. At one point, you could look it up and get pic-related. Then they realized how fucking batshit insane and predatory towards children it makes them look and erased the data.

This fandom is absolutely the last community you should join if you don't want to interact with moid coomers.

Anonymous 257252

Tbh it's way worse when fetish groups or communities try to promote themselves as nonsexual, sfw or all-ages-appropriate.
Because that's the time when they're stuffed to the gills with groomers who want to interact with minors.

Anonymous 257262


I feel you, I also like those classical children's book animals. I wouldn't consider it furry, not sure what you'd call it, but it seems broader than the furry community. Talking animals?
I don't hate all furries since when they take their hand off their dick a lot of them are great artist, but I despise that fact that when I'm looking for cute art of say, Thumper from Bambi, the Google results are littered with anthroized art of him with D-cups. Same thing with Pokemon. If you need to modify a character so much to draw them you probably shouldn't be making art of it.

I wouldn't join any community advertised as furry, I'd look for an art community more centralized around animals in general. I bet you find a lot of Beatrix-Potter style works.

Anonymous 257288

you'll have to make one. honestly, i think the only way it would work would be as a women-only space. i've heard of a radfem furry and even saw one a while back in a radfem server i'm in. there's also a furry youtuber that doesn't have pronouns on her twitter, but that doesn't guarantee she's not a TRA, and she hasn't been active for several months. still, i think there's enough interest to form a small group at least.

what's your discord? or other contact you're okay with sharing here

Anonymous 257299

Here's a good life advice:
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. The bigger the community is the worse it gets. There is absolutely no reason for you to be an active part of some massive worldwide self-identified circlejerk. Especially an infamously shitty one like furry fandom. Just find a group of good friends who share some of your interests and stick with them.

Anonymous 257300


sure, here is my mail (I don't share my discord directly to filter out moids/creeps) : [email protected]

Yeah you're right.
I mean it's sad because when you look at vlogs of furry conventions, the attendees are cringe but free; they seem to enjoy themselves freely without caring about how they come off as. Honestly I liked this because I'm part of an other "stuck up" hobby, but yeah the degeneracy of furries is too much. If they were fapping in private to "regular" drawn coom shit and not gross zoophilia bordering shit with animal genitals… they would be like usual moids, but their shit is just way beyond what's acceptable.

Anonymous 257301

wain down it.jpg

So cute! just sharing a funny talking cat pic from Louis Wain, this kind of art deserve more attention than moid degens!

Anonymous 257312

>I feel you, I also like those classical children's book animals. I wouldn't consider it furry, not sure what you'd call it, but it seems broader than the furry community. Talking animals?
in Sweden we call them "fable animals" (fabeldjur)

Anonymous 257313


Louis Wain's stuff is awesome from all parts of his career. Love the eyes in particular, really captures the curiosity cats have.

Fitting name I like it. Does it apply to modern works featuring the animals or is it more for the 1800s Victorian picture book stuff?

Anonymous 257314

it applies both to tales of old (including dragons, unicorns etc) and to modern funny animals

Anonymous 257330

sent you an email, see if you got anything, might have to check spam, not sure if it'll work since i have an acc for another email service

Anonymous 261434

More or less. The only way I haven't gone insane from being a furry since I was a child was never actually getting involved in any actual furry friend groups or twitter fuckery. Porn is hard to avoid on sites like twitter and FA but it can be a bit easier to blacklist porn related keywords, blocking outright nsfw accounts, and turning on FA's NSFW filter. Some furries on twitter and insta (moreso insta because of its strict-ish rules against adult content) make a point of being strictly sfw and add age suggestions to their profiles. Twittertards often post their porn on alt accounts so you're not outright getting blasted with it. Finding actual talented, cute furry artists that don't rely on coom shill is a bit easier if you can tune the instagram algorithm. That's how I've navigated it mostly.

Anonymous 261437


Where do I find good friends with common interests?

Anonymous 261476

I love anthropomorphic animals, and I tried and tried to find a sliver of the furry fandom that was non-sexual, and I just don't believe it's possible.

Some of the most innocent wholesome anthro artists hide absolutely vile things in their Twitter likes/follows. I found one artist that did cute wholesome Beatrix Potter style art who was following some furry dildo company that makes molds for dildos from actual horse/German shepherd penises. They even have bios for all of the horses/dogs on the farm that they cast. They sell at cons to my knowledge too. Repulsive.

Somehow furries managed to fix their image in the last several years by really hammering home that whole "no it's not a sex thing! No one would have sex in a fursuit, do you know how hard they are to clean uwu?" Total bullshit.

Anonymous 261483


There's this used book store in my city that sells antique prints and I've got a bunch of louis wain ones all over my house (picrel is one of them). They make me feel so cozy when I see them - I wonder what my cat thinks of it.

Anonymous 261500

anyone atomized enough to join a community where adults pretend to be animals already has to be a degrnerate. what you are looking for does not and cannot exist

Anonymous 261510

"furry" sounds like a gross fetish organization from the name alone

Anonymous 261511

Kero the wolf, rainfurrest, diaper cubs, etc all taint the furry fandom

Anonymous 261512


im so jealous, id love to have some louis wain prints in my home. his work feels so warm and full of love despite how bittersweet his life was at times, i always look at some of his art as a reminder not to mope around in my own misery.

Anonymous 262565


anon i know this post is two months old but i just sent you an email. An all female not icky sexual shit furry community could be so comfy if done right, ladies (believe it or not)

i can be your friend, anon. Drop a burner email address if you want to and I'll write to you.

Anonymous 262692

The Dappervolk browser game might interest you. There are absolutely degen furries using it but the art style and universe the characters inhabit is very sweet/whimsical. Neopets is also under new ownership, and again while there are degen furries using the site you'd never know it due to the strict bans for adult topics. In both games you can just focus on your characters and find people with like-minded aesthetics.

Anonymous 263123

we need a radfem furry group

Anonymous 263124

would join

Anonymous 263130

I feel bad for you all, the furry fandom was since the beginning very sex positive like op said which is why it attracted coomers en masse. I'm kind of a furry myself and i don't care much or interact with the community at all but if you do there is sfw furries out there, the pornsick ones that want to fuck dogs are always males so try to interact with women, can't guarantee that they aren't tifs though if you are a radfem.

Anonymous 263136


I guess this is a decent place to talk about this. I've been reading the lackadaisy comic, and I have noticed that Tracy Butler considers her work 'anthro' art rather than 'furry' art.

What do you think is the distinction between the two? Are they the same thing? Nowadays, 'furry' stuff encompasses such a wide variety of styles, so arguing for either makes sense.

Anonymous 263143

I'm sorry but calling your art anthro is such a cringe cope, just own it that you are a furfag.

Anonymous 263150

im gonna make a throwaway email in a bit

Anonymous 263151

Would join X2

Please and thank you anon! Discord sharing is against the rules isn't it? I wouldn't have minded making one or something, but I do think a throwaway email would be safer around here.

Anonymous 263154

>>263151 >>263124

[email protected] i made the group! email me for my discord and the invite

Anonymous 263156

newemailasdfjkl at google mail (hope this is ok mods!)

Anonymous 297707


Is this still open?

Anonymous 297711


Anonymous 297712


You don't have to join the furry community, do you know what anthro art is? You can instead search for anthro art and avoid the degen of furry community

Anonymous 297713

fiddle averi wave.…

Anonymous 297714


You just want anthro art, not join any furry community

Anonymous 297715


I actually have a semi-appropriate image just for this.

Anonymous 297716

No, no, that fits perfectly, actually.

Anonymous 297717

Did she ever come back? I left that dumpstersite.

Anonymous 297718

Nah. Fiddle's been gone for years now, shame.

Anonymous 298654

Can you stop shitting every thread with your sperging about Americans? No one gives a fuck

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