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Screenshot 2023-10…

Moid Ls Anonymous 257303

Let's have a "moids posting their Ls online" thread. I have a small folder of screenshots that I mainly collected from 4chan. If any of you suffered from the misogyny on that website (which I'm sure a lot of you did), remember that these are the kind of moids that shit on women.

Anonymous 257304

Screenshot 2023-06…

He really bought into the meme that college aged women want crypt keeper sperm kek
They don't.

Anonymous 257305

Screenshot 2023-07…

Japanese women won't fuck you only because you're white, stupid

Anonymous 257306

dating for moids i…

These are the moids telling you that you're going to hit the wall at 30

Anonymous 257307

This shit so depressing is not even funny, just… sad…

Anonymous 257310

guy in the OP should have stacked social skills instead of money

Anonymous 257317

>tfw when posting this as a woman L but this lady found her man in the end

Anonymous 257322

images (16).jpeg

Anonymous 257324

that sculptor is a cutie

Anonymous 257390

just get a husband…

>just get a husband lol
His next post was talking about how he liked to hold hands and shit, as though that makes him a better person somehow.

Anonymous 257460


Anonymous 257469


Anonymous 257480


I enjoy laughing at male pattern baldness, it's the ultimate L. Moids can screech about the wall all they like but there is no sign of aging uglier or more impossible to prevent/reverse/hide than going bald.

Anonymous 257482

hides MPB under a fringe
puts on baggy clothes on his fat/skinnyfat body
sneaks height increase insoles into his shoes

Anonymous 257853

Why are males so emotional?

Anonymous 257862

Why can't they just get hair transplants?? IDK why men don't even try

Anonymous 257912

Oh wow lol, there's LAYERS to this one.

Anonymous 258328

Well, that‘s expensive

Anonymous 258333

>"high quality man"
>pro-human trafficking

The scum under my shoe is more valuable than someone with such a disgusting mentality.

Anonymous 258334

Most sane and kind /r9k/ poster. Only on /r9k/ will you find such spectacular living specimens.

It's funny too because moids bait each other all the fucking time with "femanon here" posts. Misogynists are sad retards.

Anonymous 258335

Men who say this have always been projecting. Especially when they try to argue that "men get better in old age" when their dicks shrivel up, and the best looking old men are ones that were already taking good care of themselves whe the were young.

A lot of these idiots don't take care of themselves and just magically expect women to like them.

Anonymous 261358


Anonymous 261364

This post got removed, meanwhile they leave up posts trashing the wives. Reddit is a curated archive of women hate and anything going against that narrative is purged.

Anonymous 261365


Sooo pathetic. I can’t even imagine having a relationship that long let alone a whole ass wife/marriage , meanwhile disgusting scrotes like this throw it all away to satisfy some temporary degenerate lust. Total subhuman behavior, many such cases

Anonymous 261366

This feels like it's written by a woman because a real man wouldn't take accountability and would just guilt trip his wife for not trying out whatever gross shit he saw in porn

Anonymous 261374

God these are priceless

Anonymous 261421


Anonymous 261422


Anonymous 261424


Anonymous 261427


Anonymous 261428


Anonymous 261442

There is nothing wrong with fucking over scrotes and I'm tired of pretending its wrong.

Anonymous 261707


Anonymous 262123

This has been living in my head for a few days now, and I just have to ask myself: am I that much better than him? Instead of forming relationships with rl people I get attached to fictional characters and content creators.
I mean, I guess I'm not at the point where I'm buying their stupid merch or otherwise spending money on them…

Anonymous 262128

I hate that I know that it's a pathetic coomer moid, but still can't help but feel bad for him for some reason. Probably because he doesn't look like the kind of unhinged person who would actually buy a sex doll.

Anonymous 266896

This one could go in a modern art exhibit.

Anonymous 266978

Finasteride cost 7 dollars

Anonymous 271130


>literal cake boy faggot takes up pistols to feel strong
>gets shoved in a locker and gets lunch money stolen by actual man who laughs at his tiny gun
>everyone laughs at him

Anonymous 271132

tbh i feel bad for him

Anonymous 271173

>moids posting their Ls online
That's 90% of what they post

Anonymous 271268

Is it just me or its hard to find some real L's. I only stumble across triggering content

Anonymous 271468


Anonymous 271494


Anonymous 271495

minus the hairline

Anonymous 271513

Because they like to think they are not

Anonymous 271522

its so bleak when males behave like this

Anonymous 271641

This is the face to remember when men try to say "women hit the wall at 25" or other similar ridiculous bullshit.

Anonymous 271642

How can you possibly think you are worse than, or feel bad for, a loser confidently posing with a sex doll and trying to frame it on-par with having a real girlfriend to take selfies with?? Jesus christ.
You can enjoy content creators and fiction all you want, you are not so obnoxious and smug about it that you are insisting it's an equivalent replacement for having an IRL relationship.

>wearing a cap
Probably balding and does indeed look like the kind of incel that would buy a sex doll. Physical appearance also does not affect level of moid brainrot and unloveability.

Anonymous 271645

Anon.. Do you have a learning disability? It looks like you completely misread the chain of posts above.

Anonymous 271647

That's not an anon, it's a norwoodcel trying to repackage sexual rejection and mockery as "jealousy". It's a sad sight.

Anonymous 271660

This thing goes to church.

Anonymous 271694


I had this white ugly moid insta moot who had a fetish on Japanese woman it was so disgusting, whenever I saw a reel of a random Japanese woman he would always comment some creepy shit. Also he hated American women so much because they aren’t “traditional”, he fr lives in his world its sad

Anonymous 271941

balding catman.png

hairline minused

Anonymous 271966

All balding scrotes should be killed, and all their male descendants too (if they somehow have any).

Anonymous 271967

But male pattern balding is mostly on the X chromosome so balding males can't really pass it on to their sons. Then can have daughters who are carriers though.

Anonymous 271968

Can it, chromedome.

Anonymous 271969

Moids could easily solve their hideous balding if they swallowed their pride and wore a wig but they’re too scared shitless of feeling unmanly. This is why bald moids are obviously toxic.

Anonymous 271970

LMAO I would never date a moid who wears wigs.

Anonymous 271971

More moids should wear makeup and wigs and stuff. I like them pretty.

Anonymous 271972

Then just date one that's actually pretty instead of needing it fake it.

Anonymous 271980

This is even worse. Would rather be with someone pulling his bald head than coping with a wig.

Anonymous 271984

> I like them pretty.
You like women.

Anonymous 272007


Anonymous 272008

Who is this an L for exactly? The hot guy for having to settle for the ugly girl?

Anonymous 272009


How ironic is it that scrotes having to resort to posting men LARPing as women in order to make women look bad? We're gonna see way more of this from now on

Anonymous 272012

this is also so obviously a man it makes me genuinely wonder how many men actually are biologically attracted to women and not just like socioculturally attracted to long hair or something

Anonymous 272013

My friend's ex cheated on her with a tranny. I went on to do some research to find the answer for that exact question. Seriously, a shitload of men are attracted to trannies but hide this, especially from women. A lot of them even show higher genital arousal to trannies than women; They're are called gynandromorphophiles on scientific literature and there are a couple of studies on them showing this. There are no exact numbers but somebody did a questionnaire on ~4000 americans and 20% of the men regularly fantasized of MTFs or something like that.

There are not enough straight men for all us. We should be able to test men's sexual orientation on lab setting before dating them to eliminate the chances we end up dating a pedo, these tranny lover pederasts, etc

Anonymous 272014

There are three Ls
The first is that the woman thinks the mid moid is "the hottest man alive"
The second is that the (admittedly) not ugly moid has "yellow fever" and is with an (admittedly) ugly woman just because she's Asian
The third is the incel tweeter of the tweet is complaining that ugly moids die alone.

Anonymous 272016


Anonymous 272021

The L is for all the incels malding because an average looking girl is dating a hot guy

Anonymous 272084


Anonymous 272085

almost enough to make a girl feel bad for moids. almost.

Anonymous 272086

no like why do i actually feel terrible for him

Anonymous 272089

>waaaahhh I'm going to le kill myself because I'm le short this is so hard waaaahhh

Scrotes wouldn't last one day if they had to endure anything women had to deal with but I'm supposed to feel bad for them because "bloobloo me not tall!"? Fuck em.

Anonymous 272100

what a fucking faggot

Anonymous 272107

watch this guy be 5'6" or something completely normal

Anonymous 272109

He's 6 feet now.
6 feet under LMAO

Anonymous 272110

Anonymous 272124

>using shitstain and fecal stain in the same insult

Anonymous 272125

>32m and wife 33f
>been together 12 years
>we met when we were both 22

Anonymous 272126


I don't know if it's real but imagine putting effort into self-improvement only to be misogynistic.

Anonymous 272131

id do the same if i was treated like that, but the reality is this never happened
>anon copes with his jealousy by fantasising being bullied like in the 1980s
>in reality women paid him zero attention
>(like they still do)

Anonymous 272143


Anonymous 272144

it's larp

Anonymous 272145

he looks like gypsy rose

Anonymous 272147


Not a man but
this woman has been showing up on my timeline. She's been expressing some thoughts on age gaps that I agree with and always did. However, what was cringy at first is now sad. The spectacle of self-hate, self-degradation and desperate, in-vain mate calls has been lasting for several days now.

What can we learn from her? Emulating a 15yo 4chan user in hopes men will see you as a this witty, edgy, smart and overall "special" woman is not gonna get you a husband, let alone one with high mate value. In prostituting your "soul" for crumbs of male attention, with hopes that your dream HMV prince will notice you, you're rending yourself unmarriable. Every man pities you now and all that's left are weak men looking to take advantage of your fragile state

Strong women control their emotions to achieve their goals, whichever they are

Weak women can't handle the process, freak out and destroy their chances. They become pickmes

Anonymous 272150

aimee terese is just a stupid troll don't pay any mind to her. she's been doing this for years at this point

Anonymous 272153

We've already learned this lesson from Pearl. These women are used as mouthpieces only.

Anonymous 272155

>you're so full of yourselves you think no man could possibly hate women for any reason other than not getting attention from them.
Is that not what he's mad about though? If women don't give unattractive men attention and treat them like shit because they're unattractive then a man would get upset and bitter at not getting attention from the opposite sex due to being unattractive.
>you think the instant he starts looking better he's just supposed to forget what women are truly like and jump at the chance to become simps for them.
No it makes sense to be bitter about that and it's not like you become a different person just because you got more attractive. I just find it funny how you think the halo affect doesn't apply to both sexes and that women are uniquely the ones doing this when most people are vapid. This shit sounds like some incel revenge fantasy so I'm calling LARP

Anonymous 272156


>5'6" or something completely normal
>completely normal

Anonymous 272232

When he beats women but he is 6'4

Anonymous 272236

what's the pic even supposed to show

Anonymous 272412

Screenshot 2023-06…

>I'm still fairly compassionate

Anonymous 272416


Not her, but depends on where he's from. This site has 5'7" as the average global height for men, so both of those would be lower than the average overall but tall if he's Filipino. Then again, >Redditors aren't human so I'm not sure if they get counted in these stat things.

Anonymous 272420

>dick 8"
why moids are so obsessed with dick like what woman would think this is a nice thing lol

Anonymous 272754

I mean tbf if you got to the hidden board there are threads about big dicks, as well as the bf gush thread

Anonymous 272766

They're obsessed with dicks by default. It's their "manhood", and they start comparing theirs to others from a very young age. It's very tied to their ego and the way they interact with the world.
>turns of phrase ("you've got balls", "dickless", pussy = bad by comparison)
>whole festivals https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanamara_Matsuri
>displays of physical/social dominance (real or otherwise, violence varies)
>making shit up involving their dicks so they can lie feel superior to the women who beat them https://publishing.cdlib.org/ucpressebooks/view?docId=kt5z09q3kz&chunk.id=pt03&toc.depth=1&toc.id=pt03&brand=ucpress;query=naked%20Chinese%20males
>aaand once again, plus thinking them symbols of superiority that must be the only weakness of the woman who beat them https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Lady_Tri%E1%BB%87u#cite_ref-Marr_9-1
>sending pictures of it to anyone that breathes in their direction
>drawing/carving them everywhere since time immemorial up to current year https://www.livescience.com/roman-penis-graffiti-stone-uk
>additional cultural obsessions over dick size and what it signifies
>making so much of their religions/mythologies involve dongs and semen that I can't even begin to list them since it's on every continent, jew snips only scratch the surface
>building giant statues and monuments to their dongs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phallic_architecture
>wanting to stick it in absolutely everything, ask any hospital worker or EMT
>and so on and more monkey brain displays of "I'm the malest monke" and so on

Their whole lives revolve around their penis in some way, and assume that if women mention it then it must be because they're similarly obsessed to the same degree 24/7 instead of just in the context of what feels good during sex. There's also this idea men have that bigger is always better, which is how you get so many of them thinking it's good to be as lumpily roided up as possible. They're not thinking about what women find attractive when they talk about looking good when they do that, they're thinking about what males find impressive.

Men are incredibly gay, basically.

Anonymous 272768


Anonymous 272769

Lololol, we need to get a thread for pickme Ls

Anonymous 272932


Anonymous 272933

My favorite moid cope is when you tell them girls graduate from college more and they respond with "but how many of those degrees are in women's studies"?
The majority of women major in nursing, which is a lucrative career lmao cope.

Anonymous 272936

>US colleges have to prioritize making at least 50% of their accepted students women
>admission rates accurately reflect demographics 50/50
>women still graduate more
Cope moid

Anonymous 272938

>legally not allowed to lose
So, collages are forced to pass women? You're retarded. Affirmative action hasn't been legal for a while, yet the trend of women graduating more continues.

Anonymous 272941

>Police records allege one unnamed boy danced on the dying teen's body shortly after the beating, while others performed 'humping' - simulated rape acts - to further degrade their victim.
Well, boys will be boys!

Anonymous 272945

>he looks nice
Bet you wouldn't say that if he started balding in 5-10 years

Anonymous 272947

Well duh but like the same is true for every man.
Jocks rarely go bald in my experience anyways.

Anonymous 272948

You’re a pathetic sack of shit who’s happy that a teenager was murdered.

Anonymous 272949

Are you saying you would date that ugly guy? Why?

Anonymous 272950

She probably just thinks not wanting to date someone isn't a reason to want them to be beaten to death and their corpse desecrated.

Anonymous 272951

Ugly men are worthless and shouldn't exist.

Anonymous 272955

Ugly men turn into incels. They're not just ugly, they're also bad people

Anonymous 272962

Oh sorry I thought this was the moid L thread not the "pickme scrotes defense force" thread.

Anonymous 272963

Have you ever taken into consideration that not everyone here is going to be ok with someone killing their brothers and others they're close to because they're deemed not attractive?

Anonymous 272964

Have you ever taken into consideration that not everyone here is going to be a pickme like you?

Anonymous 272965

I'd consider it if I was being a pickme, but that's not an answer to what I asked.

Anonymous 272966

Almost every scrote has at least one woman who loves him (his mother) even if he doesn't deserve it, can we not make fun of ANY of them anymore then because it'd hurt his mommies feelings to see her ugly son mocked?

Anonymous 272969

The art tradition she's working is completely Western though, not a hint of anything else, so it really only proves his point that everyone abandoned their own traditions for a Western one. And the sculpture clearly depicts a white woman. I don't really like the style though. Classical style looks way better and this looks coomer.

Btw If you want to see a sort of fusion of Western and Chinese art, look at Western court painters used by the Qing. The painters were forbidden from using their own themes, subjects, and motifs (i.e. Christian ones) so had to adapt.

Anonymous 272976

Ugly men have more worth than you. You’re ugly both on the inside and outside.

Anonymous 272977

Why are you so defensive for ugly men?

Anonymous 272978

It probably is an ugly man that's why.

Anonymous 272990

I'm glad to see someone with common sense and compassion. These are the same women who complain about being lonely, they honestly deserve it for being horrible people.

Anonymous 272992

They literally just stated that they'd rather be alone than with an ugly moid. How is being alone a loss then?

Anonymous 272993

>ur gonna die alone
Moid confirmed. Only moids think women are desperate to be bang maids

Anonymous 272995

Please describe this worth cuz they seem pretty fucking useless to me. Attractive men don't go bald, men literally go bald from being incels and seething about women online all day.

Anonymous 272996

I see you’re a moid.

Anonymous 272997

>who complain about being lonely
kek I'm not lonely. I have a boyfriend and he's tall, athletic and handsome. He'd certainly never get beaten up and die like some little loser.

Anonymous 273000

Anonymous 273032

Based as fuck
Weak men deserve rape and death

Anonymous 273039

Estrogen can fix this.

Anonymous 273096

lol just found out a guy i know irl uses soyjak.party, makes a lot of sense too

Anonymous 273099

How much of a loser is that guy?

Anonymous 273101

how old is he

Anonymous 273105

is a discord mod


Anonymous 273117

And strong men too

Anonymous 273124

How would that work?

Anonymous 273125

I'm trans btw

Anonymous 273129

lol come on this has to be some Reddit moid seething that we’re saying mean things about men online. Probably not even a tranny. Might become one to get acceptance though.

Anonymous 273208


4chan is a goldmine

Anonymous 273209


90% of the moids on 4chan do nothing but whine about Stacy dating her looksmach.
>spend youth orbiting girl who's way out of your league
>she fucks a man she finds attractive instead
>seeth online about how your going bald and now even young Becky won't touch you

I love to see it

Anonymous 273212

Good morning sir.

Anonymous 273213

Not to engage with the moid but i think it's really funny how they always think women date "up" instead of their looksmatch. I agree with them that women never date their looksmatch, i'm so tired of seeing a beautiful woman dating a hairy goblin dude and he doesn't even treat her well. Says a lot to me that they perceive guys as being better looking in general while i think most men are barely above a 5 considering how little they care for their presentation. IMO het/bi women should indeed aim higher. Women on average are like, an 8 at worst, they could do so much better and it's incredible how little moids actually appreciate that so many gorgeous women are willing to stoop down because "he's funny" or "he treats me nice".
>t. Lesbian

Anonymous 273217

I want to believe this because I hate misandrists, but these numbers don't add up.

Chads make up 10% of the male population, meanwhile 60% of women are model Stacies. Majority of men are uglier than women, so "dating up" doesn't make sense. And in all my friends relationship, the man is almost always uglier.

Likely what's happening here is that since you're an incel, same as here, >>272921 any better looking man you idolize as "chad".

I see this multiple times online in how many men view a 5/10 woman with a 4/10 (+1 height) and think he's 8/10.


>thinks men look better than women
wtf anons? I thought it was a meme that incels were homosexual.

Anonymous 273558


If you leave a moid in a room alone he's going to L himself

Anonymous 273562

Maybe celebrating the misery and death of men is not the best, even if they are losers?

Anonymous 273563

If you feel so bad for dead men why don't you go join them and console them yourself, scrote.

Anonymous 273595



Anonymous 275691

Why do you think this is funny

Anonymous 275728

He broke bad for a reason

Anonymous 275737

Because it happened to a moid.

Anonymous 275975

this is so sad

Anonymous 275976

Anonymous 276039

Anonymous 276324

He’s exaggerating all this as a way to lash out against women because he’s a salty incel. He’s 100% lived a totally fine life but pissed it all away and become a bitter asshole just because he feels entitled to sex.

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