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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


dungeons & dragons Anonymous 257338

anyone here interested in d&d?

Anonymous 257339


Anonymous 257340

I am :D
never had a chance to play with someone other then my dad tho :<

Anonymous 257343

how does someone with a good relationship with their dad end up here?

Anonymous 257344

I don't! I was 5 at the time lol

Anonymous 257348

would anyone want to play in an online campaign? i have one that needs a player

Anonymous 257349

I'm up :3 might take me a min to understand some stuff tho

Anonymous 257350

namzu0490 on discord :D

Anonymous 257351

I've always wanted to learn how to play but don't have people to play with.

Anonymous 257353

I have a group on discord if you wanna play!

Anonymous 257360

Sure but I've never played before and don't know the rules desu. I would be willing to learn though!

Anonymous 257369

I love DnD - I've been wanting to play recently but am tired of always being the only woman in every group. Any way I can join you guys?

Anonymous 257376

Ok! Our group is fairly new, and we've only had around 5 sessions before, so you won't have missed much. If you're interested, I'm @silixr on discord :)

Anonymous 257379

I like OSR, but not that 5E stuff

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