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Drawing Anonymous 257735

Nonas, how did you get good at art?

Anonymous 257740

i draw

Anonymous 257751

How do you get good at draw?

Anonymous 257762

by drawing

Anonymous 257776

Practice, man, practice

Anonymous 257777


Anonymous 257789

just start :3
try buying a course off udemy or skillshare or something if u want structure

Anonymous 257796

just keep drawing. i have a sketchbook and its impressive to see how much my art has improved in a year by comparing my first drawings to my most recent. also consuming art media and finding out what aspects you like about the art, and how you'd like to adapt it to your own art

Anonymous 257804

Anonymous 257824

conscious practice, then you apply it to something you /want/ to draw, don't get discouraged if you find something that didn't work and use it to study some more about that

Anonymous 257825

Can the tranny that uses ":3" get banned already

Anonymous 257828


Is it a good idea to just start drawing or learning all these drawing or hand motion techniques first?

Anonymous 257830

Practice, nona, practice

Anonymous 257851

You hate to hear it but literally just practice nona, if you wanna get better faster then practice by copying art you like and watching yt tutorials

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