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Help my teeth fell out Anonymous 258357

Was eating a bagel and my tooth broke into pieces and some fell out. It doesn’t hurt but wtf do I do? Can I put it back together?

Anonymous 258358

File name is 100% suspicious but found nothing with reverse image search so:
What in the actual fuck, when was the last tie you brushed your teeth? that shit looks brown

Anonymous 258360

>Can I put it back together?
Obviously not kek

Anonymous 258365


Why is it dirt coloured

Anonymous 258366

I brush my teeth every night, IDK why I'm always having dental problems

Anonymous 258374

Kek theres no way this is your actual teeth it looks like wet popcorn, do you eat bricks for breakfast?

Anonymous 258388

For a tooth to break like that, its root was already dead. That's why it didn't hurt. Even if you're not feeling any pain, go to the dentist. Losing a tooth on one side will cause problems on the other side.

Anonymous 258389

bad diet? anorexia? maybe get it checked out

Anonymous 258392

Start brushing them in the morning too

Anonymous 258394

why wouldn't you brush them in the morning/when people are most likely to interact with you?

Anonymous 258398

Teeth aren't shit colored and just FALL OFF, how's your diet and hygiene, show us your gamer cave

Anonymous 258400

Yofukashi Nazuna.j…

Had a friend (fat, 30yo) lose a tooth like that the same week as her in-law (fat, 65yo).
They were eating nothing particularly tough, but probably had shitty diets with a lot of overlap, since they lived together.

You MIGHT need braces to offset the gap and make it look less retarded moving forward.

If you eat anything, the brushing was basically for nothing.
Brushing before bed is ideal, as it's the time you stop salivating and your teeth get the most vulnerable.

The rest of the day you can get by by just drinking plenty of water.

Anonymous 258410

How does this even happen?

Anonymous 258419

those are not teeth ^_^

Anonymous 258427


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