I just learned about the KFC Double Down sandwich Anonymous 258473
Why did the Americans allow this to happen?
Anonymous 258476
They like to feed into the obesity stereotype.
Anonymous 258522
I treat things like this like those wacky carnival food creations. It's for once a year.
Anonymous 258801
I ate one, just too much protein and grease, you need a bun to even it out.
Anonymous 258815

I really hate it how appetizing and crunchy it looks on the outside, but when you take a bite it tastes like actual plastic shit. You can see how frozen, processed, stored and white the chicken meat is when you look at it.
I once ate at a KFC, I took a bite and I saw blood and sinew inside the piece I had. The crust is tasty, but the meat is yuck. Disgusting!
Anonymous 258820
>>258475We had it in my country for a little while and it was great. One of the best items on the menu. Can't even say it's bad for you because of how filling it was.