
Anonymous 259103
Marulk is a beautiful cinnamon roll; too good for that world, too pure.
Anonymous 259193

Seeing traps, femboys and feminine shotas is just so icky to me since moids get off to that shit.
Anonymous 259198

>>259103>The end of patriarchy>Wife>HusbandFor me it's them
Anonymous 259230
I hate feminine men less than I hate podcast men but far more than I hate regular men.
Anonymous 259232
>>259230I don't hate traditionally feminine and elegant men but I hate modern faggots and troons
Anonymous 259239
>>259230People like you are the reason why all the feminine men are trooning out.
Anonymous 259244
>>259232Yeah, that.
>>259239"all" the feminine men are trooning out because being feminine doesn't stop somebody from being pornsick.
Anonymous 259257

>>259244They're trooning out because nobody likes feminine men as they are. From one side they're pushed away by people who think men should be testosterone balloons, into the other side they're pulled by trannies who want to multiply their numbers.
Anonymous 259262
>>259245how else would you describe something that inflicts an 'ick' response? ick-tier? ickpilled???
Anonymous 259265

>>259262>>259093My beloveds. I am glad Ozen is making a comeback into the story again, I want to see more of these two. They are my favorites. I constantly crave more older jaded female/younger cute male type relationships in media…
>>259198They're cute, here are my two.
>>259230>>259231>>259257Fuck right off, I love femboys and I wish they weren't almost a majority gay. It's really upsetting when feminine men troon out because they're my ideal and I will never ever fucking see them as fellow women lmao. And they will never convince me that I'm a "lesbian" for being into feminine males.
>>259193>>259262One nona's yuck is another's yum. I think facial hair is fucking nasty. Men should shave all over.
Anonymous 259266
>>259193>>259262Also I didn't mean to link you twice but I will add, moids will get off to almost anything so that's not really any good reason to hate something. Moids actually tend to get off to yurishit way more than they do anything trap/femboy/shota related, actually. They hate themselves so much that they would rather imagine themselves as cringey anime girls than actually feel good about pretending to be an anime boy.
That's why a lot of porn censors the male's face, because moids hate the idea of seeing another male receiving pleasure if it's not them, and they can't self-insert. But they feel distant enough when they're imagining themselves as girls. It's stupid because MEN are fucking stupid.
Anonymous 259272
>>259257We fucking love feminine men though, don't you see how popular androgynous idols and characters are ? Those who troon out are mostly the narcissistic ones who only have the negative traits associated with femininity but none of the positive like nurturance and softness.
I do agree feminine men get bullied by other men but that's not enough a reason to cut their dick off and reject reality. If they can't score however, that's another story.
Anonymous 259278
>>259272>We fucking love feminine men thoughWho's this 'we'? If you mean cc, sure, but that's such a small portion of the (American) population. What I meant was 'practically nobody'.
>it's the narcissistic ones who troonHave you considered that tranny propaganda made them narcissistic to begin with?
>that's not enough a reason to cut their dick offIt's also women who often detest feminine men too, not just moids (see
>>259230). Anyways, even if it's not enough a reason alone, it's combined with the tranny propaganda.
>>259265>fuck right offGeez, why are you so hostile?
Anonymous 259279
>>259272I don't like feminine men and I think they smell like sweat and poo.
Anonymous 259280
>>259230I absolutely agree. Men who listen to podcasts are the worst!
Anonymous 259281

What percentage of men would you say are feminine (and also not a faggot or a tranny)? I don't think I've ever actually seen one before in real life.
Anonymous 259282

>>259281I wonder if it's a cultural thing. I think I've seen maybe 4 femboys in my life so far where I live.
Anonymous 259295
>>259282this nona, Japan is like one of the few societies
where effeminate men are allowed to be at peace
here in the states they get turned to traggot crap and ruin their lives,
based on how they receive their mk ultra influences. to becoming toxic sexist scrotes
or completely destroying themselves in a gender identity fueled delusion
in meeting one older japanese american man, he wasn't necessarily effeminate
but he was total house husband material. indulging in his arts and caretaking for his wife
I wish american scrotes werent so toxic so that more and more men knew that
they had a place in the world just by being good people, not getting caught up in bs
mostly because two I know that the older japanese man gets bullied by his peers (still!)
but in him knowing how great he is to this world and his wife, he easily disregards his ugly moid peers belittling
Anonymous 259301
Keep screaming into the void, little one
Anonymous 259312
I love feminine men and I'm not afraid to say so
Anonymous 259323

>>259278>"I hate feminine men">"nobody likes feminine men">false troon accusations for liking a certain straight dynamic that's often pushed under the rug all the timeAnd I'm the hostile one? You need to realize not everyone is you or thinks like you. I stand with the other anon in "we" for "we like feminine men".
>>259279Today I walked next to a bald, wide hulking scrote that sharted himself and thought he smelt fine even though he wreaked of literal feces. Macho men are completely trash, give me a feminine man that cares about his appearance and how he smells like my bf and his cute friends.
Anonymous 259325
>>259323You misinterpreted my post, so don't get angry at me. I was complaining that 'nobody likes feminine men', not expressing my own views.
Anonymous 259326
>>259193Do you also feel disgusted when seeing horses? Or wolves? Or women wearing revealing clothing? Because moids get off to that too. There isn’t really an object they do not get off to, or type stuff.
Anonymous 259329

Feminine men are nice if they are easily recognized as men by their voice and handsomenss yet still looking androgynous. Not those tasteless "draw a girl and call it a boy" lazy bs that moids and trannies beat their meats to.
Anonymous 259336
I mean, duuh. They just don't want what moids see as masculine. Like, roided out bearded guys with who gives a fuck hygiene and zero sense of style.
Anonymous 259342
>>259323>They're trooning out because nobody likes feminine men as they are. Nope, it's because they're pornsick just like why all other moids who troon out.
Anonymous 259343

I like feminine men because I like feeling like a protector and want to be a leader. I think what I want isn't really achievable in real life, because men are stronger than women + socialized male + pornsick, but I like thinking about it and reading about it in fiction. Sometimes, I have dreams were I'm confident and (physically) strong; there's some cute boy I like and I'll grab him by the waist and keep him from danger. He'll usually be some irrelevant person and I'm the one telling everyone what to do and solving problems. Those moments are some of my happiest.
Anonymous 259352

>>259093It is upsetting how polarised things are these days. You have to be an extreme leftist who wants things to descend into anarchy, or you have to be a rightoid who thinks 1984 is a utopia.
This extends to male aesthetics. You either have to be a bald roid monster with shrivelled genitals, or a wannabe woman who adheres to inherently fetishistic male views on what femininity means to them.
In other news, it's a tragedy that visual-kei bands have fizzled out. Some dudes in that scene wear extravagant clothes and make-up and they end up looking angelic.
Anonymous 259418
>>259265>It's really upsetting when feminine men troon out because they're my idealnona are you me?
Anonymous 259487
>>259278Most men aren't very attractive so they have to redeem themselves by being masculine to attract normie women.
I don't know any studies but from what I've witnessed : between a masculine "chad" and a pretty boy, the pretty boy wins. They're always taken and their partners are invariably smoking hot, tall and thin. Sure if it's a regular guy who's feminine and a too fat or short he's going to get trampled on but that's more lookism than hating femininity.
>Have you considered that tranny propaganda made them narcissistic to begin with?Narcissism stems from childhood, if said propaganda makes them act nasty, they already had potential for a long time. There is a grooming issue but I was talking about grown adults.
Anonymous 259488
Often times you people describe men as feminine when you really mean attractive, then this is conflated with the traggots. Men are not and will never be feminine. Long hair is masculine on men. Makeup is masculine on men because they are men. Being a lazy househusband is not a feminine thing. Even when they pretend to fill the same societal roles as women they do it wrong. Masculine man chest man ass man penis.
Anonymous 259498
>>259488If women can be masculine then men can be feminine
Anonymous 259499
>>259487>Narcissism stems from childhood>implying children aren't exposed to propaganda Anonymous 259503
>>259499now read the very next sentence nonie
Anonymous 259506
>>259503Everyone has the potential to be narcissists, don't you think? In fact, most everyone is narcissistic in America.
Anonymous 259508

>>259499What that nona said is true.
Narcissism is a psychological element that is present in every individual, and Freud calls this Primary Narcissism. You have to be narcissistic at specific times to survive in a cruel world.
It is when this narcissism turns pathological it becomes a problem, which happens when the child had failed to individuate and become her own person from her mother [primary caregiver] by the age of 2 to 3. This happens if the mother had abused the child, sexual or physical, or when the mother had neglected or spoiled the child enough to make her incapable of understanding that the mother is castrated, a separate entity that exists exclusively separately from the child. The mother is dead, and the child had failed to individuate, so the child after growing up thinks that she is god of the universe, and everyone around her are her instruments who exist to serve her.
Propaganda only helps to reinforce narcissism, and it's not the other way, like imagine that narcissism is a wall, and propaganda is a plaster that protects it from rain and weather. The plaster is just an additional and unnecessary protective layer.
Anonymous 259511
>>259508Ah, but is not parenting a kind of propaganda? What's the difference between a mother spoiling her child and a political party telling you that you're so wonderful for voting for them? Politicians and corporations praise you with television advertisements, spoiling parents praise you with their mouths. Liberal parents teaching their children to be liberals is propaganda, so narcissistic parents teaching their children to be narcissists is propaganda also.
Also, Freud is pseudoscience.
Anonymous 259512
You both sound like shutin loser scrotes jerking each other off about philosophy and with 0 understanding of women let alone motherhood and then quoting Freud of all people… The fact that you're doing it on an alleged "female only" imageboard makes me think you're male pickmes
Anonymous 259515

>>259511>What's the difference between a mother spoiling her child and a political party telling you that you're so wonderful for voting for them?I think it's different because of a lot of reasons.
I'm not sure how true this is but the child starts to develop a bond with her mother even when she's in her uterus, and there's a concept called filial imprinting that happens after childbirth, and the child imprints her mother within 6 hours and starts to mimic and mirror her mother. The first love is the love of the mother, and only through loving the mother the child learns what it means to love herself, so the mother's word has lasting impressions on the child when compared to something like that of a political party.
>narcissistic parents teaching their children to be narcissists I'm not sure how significant it is, but narcissistic parents most often do not create narcissists. They usually create codependents or something called inverted narcissists who exist to serve the narcissistic parent. It's quite complicated I guess.
>Also, Freud is pseudoscience.Yes, I know but Propaganda became a thing because of Freud's Nephew and he stole a lot of his ideas.
>>259512I don't know what word to use in place of mother, but mother doesn't exactly have to be female. It's just the primary caregiver. It can be the child's grandfather, guardian or the local druglord who traffics her for that matter, basically anyone that the child is dependant on.
I'm not a male pickme.
Anonymous 259516
>>259515I also don't know how to explain about Narcissism without quoting Freud's research about it because his contributions are very important, even if he's wrong in a lot of ways and there's no scientific basis for his ideas. Every subsequent research on it is only built from his ideas.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_narcissism Anonymous 259518
>>259517Sorry, I'll not bother anyone anymore.
Anonymous 259519
>>259515The problem is, you're using the word
narcissism as a medical diagnosis, as in the personality disorder. I'm using the word to signify a simple concept, someone who thinks too highly of his or her self. A cat would be a narcissist in my sense but not in yours.
Similarly, for me,
propaganda just means the propagation of ideas. I don't see why the "lasting impressions" of "the mother's word" is less propagation.
My point is, trannies are human beings who might otherwise not have become trannies if they weren't exposed to ideas that told them that their own individual happiness was the most important thing. Because trannies view themselves as even more important than reality, tranny propaganda needs to give an extreme narcissism, and makes a moid ten times the narcissist he was before.
Anonymous 259522
>>259519I don't want to bother the other nona, but I just want to say that I agree with your definitions and what you're trying to say.
I also agree that a lot of trannies need a lot of unhealthy defense mechanisms that either doesn't make sense or are outright violent [it's not just narcissism but I understand that you use it as an umbrella term for excessive self-importance, and from that self-preservation] to function. There's that "going against the society" antisocial thing that happens when you come out and rebel against gender norms and all that.
Anonymous 259528
dmc 4 nero church.…

It's clear that we have different ideas of what constitutes a feminine man. Some nonas think it's a dude who has long hair and does makeup. Other nonas think it's a dude who can cook and doesn't mind doing housework.
So I ask you this: when you imagine a feminine man, what do you see?
Anonymous 259805
>>259325Oh, sorry. Yes I did misread then, my bad.
>>259342That's true yeah. The porn problem really sucks, because now I heard a coworker say that a student in her daughter's 5th grade class somehow managed to bypass their school's filter and look at porn in class. :( Like, what the actual fuck. Parents seriously need to try to talk to their sons about why porn is not good for them.
Anonymous 259822
>>259508The hell does any of this have to do exclusively with mothers? Where are the fathers in this story?
Anonymous 259823
>>259230Agreed with other posts that you are the reason women can't have nice things. You're the reason we all have to settle for garbage CONSTANTLY. This kind of attitude is the only reason feminine men troon out. Its the only reason we have to deal with the troon plague at all. This wasted attitude is a scourge and a plague on this earth. The older i get the more i realize how much basic uninspired, numb to death women completely screw us over with their tolerance of shit males. All because they've been numb all their lives, they've never felt a single real thing. They consume flavorless watered down uninspired existence with the least reward possible for themselves. They have no idea who they are or what true value is, they just do what they're told all the fucking time because they're terrified of being judged by the average cis male. Ya'know what they say! Gotta get that cis male approval! Take a long hard look at yourself honestly.
Anonymous 259874
how come i never ever please them then? they always get mad at me and drop their spaghetti :(
Anonymous 259877
>>259326>horsesIf it's bestiality and degenerates drooling over their cocks is fucking disgusting
>wolvesIf it's bestiality and degenerate furryshit then yeah that is also disgusting
>women wearing revealing clothingOnly if she shows too much skin and is purposely meant to be sexually enticing like visible tits/cleavage, ass, midriff, thighs
Anonymous 259879
>>259823>when you imagine a feminine man, what do you see?Ok so imagine a woman's face but on a guy's body
Anonymous 259882
scrotes need a lot of guidance on how to sound right and not suspicious honestly and even when you give them 3 years worth of it they still flop and go turbo autistic ott. you really have to hold their hand at all times