
Anonymous 259447
Straight women, is it true?
So I had argument with a moid that you think the sex is more attractive which you are into therefore I think women are lot better looking because I am lesbian. All he said was cope and I told him he is likely gay if he thinks men are better looking sex overall. Is he coping or do people truly think men can be the better looking sex?
So if you are straight, do you think men are overall better looking sex? Face, body.
Anonymous 259451

I do not remember exactly where I read this but research says that men prefer neotenous [babyface and cute looking] women and women prefer average looking men.
I think this is like comparing apples with oranges but I think that women are better looking, because look at how many cosmetic products and variety in outfits women have. I think society is also designed to reward beautiful women in a lot of ways.
That moid is likely gay btw.
Anonymous 259453
>>259447Women are the better-looking sex since we're conditioned to actually take care of ourselves. This has nothing to do with sexual orientation, it's just true. The guy must be hella gay to try and argue with that.
Anonymous 259460
>>259451Don't even like roided-out moids, but Arnie wins over this generic beauty standard Stacy any day.
Anonymous 259461

>>259460I think they're both attractive in their own terms but 100% yes, Arnie any day.
Anonymous 259465

>>259447Men only look good when they resemble women
Anonymous 259472
>>259465He doesn't look like a woman though.
Anonymous 259505
>>259472he very much does look like a woman. google pictures of male vs female facial features. female faces are consistently found more attractive than male faces.
Anonymous 259520

>>259447No way, I don't want to fuck other women but we just look better. Healthier hair, smaller pores, finer features. All men should be metrosexual tbh, the ones who grow their face-bush more than three days look hideous.
Anonymous 259826
Came here to post this. Damn men are bad at basic self care. We need to shame them into doing better.
Anonymous 259838
>>259447When a corpo want to give a face or identity to a product, they make it female. Tay, Alexa…
I can not think of one male example.
>>259465You will never be a real women and he won't either.
Anonymous 259843
>>259447You're right, he is likely gay. As a lesbian, I find the male body abjectly disgusting. Its why I was unable to force myself to be straight, I am simply too sexually averse to how men's naked bodies look.
>>259451As a lesbian I also find women who are covered in cosmetics extremely unattractive, and I loathe straight moids for pressuring them to do that. I consider the female body in its natural state to be beautiful, the most beautiful thing.
So yes, nona's moid is probably a fag.
Anonymous 259845
>>259453As a lesbian I think women who don't coat themselves in cosmetics and obsess over their appearance look better than ones who do. Although I admit I am weird. I literally have a thing for scraggly unkempt women and I don't claim this is a universal lesbian thing but just a quirk of me. I think its way more common in lesbians than in straight scrotes tho.
Anonymous 259849

>>259505>he very much does look like a womanNot exactly but he had more feminine features than the average male and that's why he's beautiful and other males are not.
>>259838But I've never claimed that resembling a woman makes him a woman, you're being unnecessarily hostile and inflammatory…
Anonymous 259850
>>259849Who is this? If males that looked like this were common and not essentially fiction, I might be bisexual instead of lesbian.
Anonymous 259852
>>259849He's not feminine at all. You only think that because he's a child in that picture and hadn't undergone puberty yet. Look up pictures of him around age 20, he doesn't look as "pretty" as he did here.
Anonymous 259853
>>259852Oh is this the one who got super ugly when he got old?
Anonymous 259854
>>259850Bjorn Andresen and yeah he's a teenager in these photos I'm sorry for getting your hopes up nona
Anonymous 259861
well you're straight and i'm not
Anonymous 259868
i prefer women who look natural, without a bunch of makeup. have a thing for mildly tomboyish nerdy women. straight men's taste in women honestly pollutes and ruins anything related to women, the male gaze is terrible.
Anonymous 259870
yeah my gf presents feminine sometimes too but it just doesn't feel synthetic like how men like it, y'know?
Anonymous Moderator
Let me remind everyone about rule 7. Please take time to properly read the rules.
>Encouraging male posters by responding (including calling them out) may result in a temporary ban.
Anonymous 259978
>>259870>syntheticdo you think he might be an AI?
Anonymous 260036
I don't think men look better in general but they have the looks I'm attracted to sexually. For example if I had to tell which one looks better and people would show me a hairless twink and a big guy with some chest hair I'd say the twink does but if I had to say which one attracts me more it'd be the hairy dude. Or idk looking good and being sexually attractive are two different things for me. If it makes any sense… But ofc it has a lot to do with how much one puts effort into looking good and obv a buff dude puts in less than the twink or an average western woman!
t. straightoid
Anonymous 260039

>>260036why torture yourself with uggos as the only option? men should be buff, pretty, have no body hair but a full head
Anonymous 260042
>>260039there's just something aesthetically wrong with men, I'm looking at him and I don't think he is more beautiful than a woman.
Anonymous 260043

>>260039This guy’s really attractive, but I’m cursed with liking older guys. Even body hair. They just give me a sense of comfort that hairless guys in their 20s don’t. It’s hard to find one that actually takes care of his body and doesn’t get fat though. And the ones that do will cheat on you.
Anonymous 260045
I feel the same but i'm also a lesbian…
Anonymous 260056

I don't know where exactly I saw this but there's an image where a naked average male and a naked average female stand next to each other and they honestly look ugly, like the male has a belly and his arms look like noodles, and the female's breasts are saggy and her ass is flat, and they don't look beautiful even in terms of their facial looks. They're just average.
So I feel that they're both equal, if you don't consider the effort that either sex puts in making themselves look attractive, which is fake in my opinion, all those shaving their body hair, armpits, facial hair, bikini waxing, wearing expensive outfits that enhances specific body parts like butts and breasts getting uplifted, or going to the gym and working on their muscles to look fit, or taking steroids, and things like that.
I won't complain because I get horny looking at attractive people and I masturbate to them, sure, but that's only because I'm hardwired to be attracted to them, this obsession with beauty is unhealthy and these are ultimately walking sacks of meat, blood, shit, piss and sweat and the only reason they're attractive is it's because they put an effort in it.
Anonymous 260057
>>260039I'm not attracted to guys with faces like that and not being pretty isn't the same thing as being ugly. My ex for example was a bald guy with a big belly and if he wore some stupid clothes he would often look pretty bad but when he was dressed in a nice way he was totally irresistible to me. Clothes make a man and most men can't dress at all at least over here and that sucks. t.
>>260036 Anonymous 260060

A lion with a regal mane looks better than a lioness. A stag with majestic horns and muscles looks better than a doe. If intelligent space aliens landed tomorrow, they would 100% say that the larger, more muscular humans look better than the tiny humans with weird fatbags hanging off them.
Anonymous 260063
>>259447>So I had argument with a moid that you think the sex is more attractive which you are into therefore I think women are lot better looking because I am lesbian. All he said was cope and I told him he is likely gay if he thinks men are better looking sex overall. Isi cant tell if you mean sex as in gender or sex as in fuck.
Anonymous 260067
>>260060>>260060Wrong. They look like potatoes. The veiny ones are the worst. Unfortunately masculinity is the insane opposite of beauty. It practically neutralizes it.
Anonymous 260068
>>260057No offense but this is the fucking worst. It's only ok if you're equally bad looking. But if you're pretty and settling like that it's suicide
Anonymous 260070
>>260056>this obsession with beauty is unhealthyWhy is it unhealthy? I don't think there is anything that is more important in the world.
Anonymous 260071
>>260060people find lions better looking than lionesses because a lioness evokes the image of BALDNESS
Anonymous 260073

>>260070>I don't think there is anything that is more important in the world.Sure, if you say so.
I personally think it's time.
>>260072LMFAO this.
Anonymous 260074
>>260072while not solely, being fit makes you happier than being fat
Anonymous 260075
1 __MSaeB71yefQgRt…

>>260074Being fit is fine but there's this obsession with zero size, double Ds, pouty lips and all that. What was once considered beautiful is now considered fat and obese.
Anonymous 260077
>>260075>What was once considered beautiful is now considered fat and obese.you are lying to yourself, being a landwhale has never been more accepted in general population than it is now. ffs kim karadashian would be considered obese 50 years ago and now it's "omg that ass so fat heart emoji" ad infinitum
Anonymous 260078
>>260077Nona, but Kim K isn't fat right?
>Kim Kardashian is known for her perfect hourglass figure with 38-24-41 inches or 97-61-105 cm measurements. Her body size is often hailed as the ‘ideal figure!’She's also not obese.
>Kim Kardashian currently weighs about 53 kg or 116 pounds, and her unmatchable height-to-weight ratio is a result of absolute hard work.I'm heavier than her!
Anonymous 260079
>>260078perhaps a bad example, i don't follow her but i've heard a lot of people talking about her fat ass being attractive
Anonymous 260080
>>260078also also, when i was growing up the "ideal" was 90-60-90, so take that as you will
Anonymous 260081
>>260068Idk I consider myself pretty worthless in a lot of ways not just that I'm ugly in my own eyes. If I didn't know there are people who care about me I'd be happy to die rn. People like me don't deserve good things :(
Anonymous 260082
BDD Perfect Body.j…

>>260079Maybe fat ass is just a porn fetish at this point.
>>260080Yes, it still is.
I guess fat positivity and fat acceptance is a thing, but I'm not sure if it's considered a beauty standard yet.
>>260081Having people who care about you is already proof that you are worthy, Nona. Why don't you see your worth by yourself?
And you sure do deserve good things.
Anonymous 260083
>>260082Speaking of fat asses I've read about some moids who are unable to get an erection unless they do it doggy style or anal. Coomers are quite sick.
Anonymous 260084
>>2600832 sides to this, i've seen moids say that anal is for fags
Anonymous 260085
>>260084Hmm yes, seen that on /pol/ a lot.
Anonymous 260098
>>260082I've just kinda learned it as a truth ig. I'm kinda happy I can skip the christmas family stuff today when relatives asks me something and start taling to someone else while I'm still talking because my mum has covid and now I'll just be with my sister who'll just keep complaining about my life all day long probably. I just know I'm the least valuable person in the room and it affects my whole life and then I seek validation from men who treat me like shit and dump me the very instant I ask do they even like me anymore. It's hard to see I'd have much worth to anyone but idk maybe my friends see something I don't
Anonymous 260161
I'm straight and I think women are better looking than men. This gets said often, but it's true—I can go outside and see dozens of women I find beautiful but I can go months (even years!) without encountering a man I find attractive in real life. The only times when I've seen a lot of men I find attractive was when I was traveling. I know I'm attracted to men because I like cocks and balls and lust for males, but the type of men I find attractive don't really walk down the streets of my town. The men I find most attractive are usually singers, actors, idols, and figure skaters who get made up and professionally styled.
Anonymous 260196
Women are more attractive on average because they put more effort into their looks than men. Both have equal potential to be attractive though, men just aren't seizing it. If a man thinks men look better on average he's gay.
Anonymous 260788
he is obviously gay but also it literally doesn't make any sense for females to be considered the "more beautiful" sex in humans when in every single other species if there is sexual dimorphism the male is the more "attractive" one. women being "the fairer sex" is nothing but patriarchal reversal of nature. why should the sex that bears the biggest brunt of reproduction and actually "creates life" also be the one who is supposed to appeal to those that are supposed to cum and die? female beauty standards are but society level negging to lower women's self esteem and get us to settle for males that would have never had a chance otherwise. look how female beauty standards are so volatile and highly influenced by social/cultural standards of the time and place (subjective) while male beauty standards are a lot more constant (objective). it's males who are supposed to be the ones who look pretty and do manual labor for women and be grateful for any crumb of pussy they get.
Anonymous 260988
I'm straight but I think women are generally the more attractive sex. I think even an average looking woman is far more beautiful than a conventionally attractive moid. Women just have better features, style, and what I can only describe as a kind of harmony or vibe or something that's present even in uglier women. I could stare at any random woman for hours but moids? Even most celebrity moids just look meh when compared to celebrity women.
Anonymous 260992
>>259838>When a corpo want to give a face or identity to a product, they make it female. Tay, Alexa…It's social engineering for a part. Women are the main consumers today and they trust other women over men. In the past you had male figures like Mr Clean, Marlboro Man or Uncle Ben. I wouldn't use corporate as argument. They play us like a fiddle for reasons we are not even ware of
Anonymous 260993
Maybe some just genuinely find the sex they're not attracted to more aesthetic but it seems like most of the people who feel that way have a lot of antipathy toward the sex they are attracted to.
I wouldn't necessarily say it's a gay thing but it does seem like most of them are misogynists.
The "male body/aethetic is objectively superior" spiels typically have a lot of focus on how pathetic and weak they think the female body is.
I think they're also very insecure about their own male identities and probably starved of healthy peer relationships with either sex.
People can have great aesthetic appreciation and fixation on the same sex without being gay.
Like…you can also really like looking at pics of animals or like seeing cute dogs and shit without being a zoophile. And even really get into how beautiful and interesting they are, etc.
Both sexes usually feel weird about doing this with the same sex, especially men.
Men are even kind of weird about getting excited about women's beauty too if they aren't putting extreme emphasis on sex appeal.
Anonymous 261676
I'm hetero and mostly women>men but very aesthetically attractive male body with low body fat>women body. Overall men are ugly
Anonymous 261684

I’m straight - I think men are the more attractive sex. Women have the advantage of styling and makeup being socially acceptable, men look good even without that. Women look good initially when you first stare at them, but then as you examine them/see them “natural” they start to look uglier, it’s the reverse for men. I don’t understand why women are the more objectified sex when men are so beautiful, I could examine a pretty boy’s appearance for hours. Honestly I do think women who find other women to be more attractive than men are bi/lesbian.
Anonymous 261687
Not really. I am very straight, I am SEXUALLY attracted to men but think from an aesthetic standpoint women are more beautiful. You can think people are beautiful without wanting to have sex with them. Ive tried to think about women sexually before but just cant, its not appealing.
Anonymous 265395
>>261684>I could examine a pretty boy's appearance for hours.What is the rate at which you encounter sufficiently pretty boys in the wild and why is it asymptotic to 0 as sobriety sets in.
Anonymous 265396
>>259447Hell no men are ugly. Except for a few. Most are just uggghhhhhhh.
Anonymous 265397
>>265395Because men are fucking gross they don't want us to be attracted to them. You realize this right ???????? They want to be ugly so they don't have to care about appearance. Which is why we should be completely and utterly brutal.
Anonymous 265398
Nta but I'm a volcel and I agree. You sound like a moid having to wake up to the truth.
Anonymous 265400
>>265397>Because men are fucking gross they don't want us to be attracted to them. You realize this right ???????? They want to be ugly so they don't have to care about appearance. Which is why we should be completely and utterly brutal.I do not see anything that most of them could actually do with their appearance to be honest. Teams of makeup artists and hair stylists are still only able to turn young physically fit hollywood men up to "neutral." Next time you walk down the street and see a man who is not fat be very serious when asking yourself if he would look actually good if his clothes cost more money or his hair had been brushed in different directions. The answer will be no.
Anonymous 265412
>>261686You're right… I'm sure his personality is nice though.