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why do i talk to myself Anonymous 260131

is it normal to talk to yourself out loud as if I was talking to somebody else but in almost like I'm making scenarios with people I know and actually talking like they are there in front of me in that scenario? like as if im planning conversations out loud. I do this daily

Anonymous 260134

Yes. But you can also define your own normal.

Anonymous 260136

I literally googled this earlier after stopping and suddenly realizing I had been talking to myself about the phantom of the opera as if I was in an interview. Insane behavior but I think a lot of people secretly do it. I always feel embarrassed after even though I live alone lmao

Anonymous 260139

>Research indicates that a subtle shift in language—silently referring to oneself using one’s own name and non–first-person-singular pronouns (i.e., distanced self-talk)—promotes emotion regulation.

Anonymous 260145

You are supposed to do that inside your head.

Anonymous 260146

It's normal to have an inner voice and rehearse things you want to say to people…

Anonymous 260151

It isn't. Are you autistic? I don't mean it as an insult, I've read that autistic people sometimes rehearse conversations in order to be prepared.

Anonymous 260153

Autists prepare two days in advance for a normal conversation and make flowcharts of all the possible deviations.

I was referring as the voice you have in your head, it's like talking but inside your mind.
Talking to yourself out loud is weird.

Anonymous 260162

I do it a lot when I'm in the car, I'll talk to myself out loud and have little arguments. Also, I will rehearse potential conversations and spend time on creating the perfect response.

Anonymous 260183

Personally lived with an older lady with severe BPD did this all the time. She looked absolutely batshit each time. So yes, you're insane

Anonymous 260184

Nta but how old was she?

Anonymous 260186

I do, and I sing and make funny voices to test my vocal range. Sometimes I pretend to be different characters and fantasize about a life where I became a voice actress.
I'm probably not normal but am functional, make decent money, and have friends and a partner. Being normal isn't the end-all-be-all.

Somewhat related, does anyone else only think in the way OP describes? My inner "monologue" is almost exclusively imaginary conversations with other people irl or online. It's like a constant rehearsal. I've yet to meet someone who is only like this.

Anonymous 260188

No I'm not autistic

Anonymous 260192

I do the same and especially when I have to give a presentation for example. Then I speak to an audience of plushies so I don't need to speak to myself for 15+ minutes

Anonymous 260207

I usually do this when I'm having a breakdown and I reassure myself, answer myself, as if there where someone else with me.
sometimes it's in front of the mirror, sometimes it's staring into nothing.

Anonymous 260294

i do the same and tend to do it more when i'm stressed out and at the same time i can't really control myself so sometimes i accidentally talk to myself in front of others

Anonymous 260309

Kek I do this as well but in my head. I think it's just an advanced version of daydreaming, plus aren't you kind of lvling up your social stat?
OP do you talk to yourself a lot in general? I usually talk myself through some tasks, I've multiple times thought "fuck I can't do this math assignment" and then my brain tells me step-by-step what to do (it's fucking retarded, I know). It could be an extension of that.

Anonymous 260320

I have done this most of my life. I'll simulate a conversation with someone, with the other giving small responses like "hmm" "right, okay" "why's that?" etc. And I'll do this at full volume.

I think some of it is me preparing for future interactions/confrontations with people. And some of it is me trying to work my way through some problem, e.g. I have some feelings that I don't fully understand and so talking about it out loud helps me work through it. It sort of helps keep my mind on track.

I think it's been a benefit to my life, but also a source of embarrassment as I've been caught a few times, or had someone ask "Were you on the phone with someone last night? I heard to talking in your room", forcing me to make something up.

Anonymous 276052

I talk to myself daily and constantly. I repeat interactions with other people that gave me anxiety by repeating the conversations verbatim over and over.

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