why does this happen to me Anonymous 260211
I don't know if this is a topic i can talk about here but i don't have anyone to talk about this, so it's just a vent. Ignore me or help me.
I don't know what the fuck is happening to me lately. Recently i found out that the guy i was with cheated on me. We were not an oficial couple, we aren't girlfriend and boyfriend but he treated me like one, he treated me like i was his real girlfriend, he was so sweet with me, he was my first kiss and he touched me like no one ever did.
I don't think that what he did to me can count as cheating, because we weren't a couple, but he did lied to me in my face. I found out that at the same time that we were in this weird "situationship" he was talking to another girl and also flirting with her, asking her to go out on dates, talking and hanging out with her, etc. The moment i knew i confronted him and blocked him. I wish i didn't do it, i haven't stopped crying about him since Dec 2, that was the day i found out everything. I miss him so much, i miss his touch, his kisses, his laugh, i can't stop thinking about him and every time i remember the things he did to me, i start crying; he wasn't the best, he choked me a few times and gave me the silent treatment for days, but i loved him, he said that he liked my curly hair, that i was pretty and that my eyes were beautiful.. sometimes he was just so sweet, i really believed that he liked me. I don't know why he did what he did, i have been torturing myself with thinking for a reason to justify his behavior, his lies. And i feel so dirty and stupid, because after all he did to me, i still miss him, i still think about him. Even tough i KNOW that he doesn't think about me, even tough i know that i never meant anything to him, i miss him. I remember the first time he kissed me, it was on Oct 19, that was the best day of my life, he was my very first kiss, he held me so gently in his arms, he looked me in my eyes and leaned to kiss me. It was so magical. And i feel SO guilty for missing him; I became friends with the girl he cheated on me with, my ex and her still talk, they're friends. She thinks im over him and we have some inside jokes about him. She's nice, funny, and so pretty, i sometimes find myself comparing to her, and it makes me feel like a bad person, because i sometimes wish to be her just so my ex can love me again, just so i can talk to him again, just so i can be as pretty as her. I hate myself, im tired of pretending being someone im not, i just want to be as pretty as her, im tired of being the other woman.
Anonymous 260220

Sorry to hear that nona. :( Men do be like that. Was he shy or vulnerable or something? It could kinda explain it because that kind of guys can target vulnerable and inexperienced girls/women for a confidence boost and it hurts a lot. Like you think no one's ever gonna love you because [insert reasons here] and then a guy makes you his practice gf which sounds so stupid you can't expect it at all until you realise it's not just a meme. Idk if you should spend time with her though because it can and probably will hurt you even more to see them together. But pls remember that you'll get over it eventually and you'll know to demand stuff like being officially a couple etc! <3
I had a similar thing happen to me years ago when I had a guy with whom we were dating on all levels except official and then he went on a skiing trip with his parents and texted to ask me help him approach women at the bar. I was like "wtf??" and he was like "thanks for encouraging me to find a gf I can show my parents" or something as pathetic and I told him it was my pleasure before blocking him and being broken for a month or two. Later I unblocked him to tell him I had a new (and this time real) bf who is so hot and I'm so happy we both have new partners now even though I was like 99% certain he didn't have a new gf and he said he doesn't and he regrets getting rid of me. I told him I would have dumped him anyway to be with the new guy he's no match to and wished him luck with his life. The new guy then eventually decided he loves alcohol more than me and dumped me after abusing me verbally for a year as did the third one after a year and now I've become so insecure with guys I act like I was idk 7 and afraid of boy germs
Anonymous 260221
>>260211males are shit i hope you recover soon and find someone who takes care of you!!!
Anonymous 260236
even if it feels wrong now, you did the right thing blocking him. What you had with him isnt special, any decent moid can do the very same for you without being a turbo manslut.
Anonymous 260243
>>260211I'm so sorry you had to go through that little angel
Honestly he doesn't sound anywhere near a decent guy. He sounds like a manipulative abusive whore.
I pray you learn to love yourself in these troubling times and that you find peace.
You deserve so much better and someday I know true love will happen for you.
Keep your heart and eyes open. You will find the right one.
Anonymous 260259
fuck you man this thread made me cry
Anonymous 260261
>>260211Yeah like four times, two of them just because i won in Mario kart LOL
Anonymous 260262
>>260220I'm really sorry you had to go through all of that anonnette, i really hope that some day you can finally meet someone who really loves you and its not a piece of shit like all of the male couples you had. Sending love and kisses xoxoxo
Anonymous 260270
>>260211Never enter a "situationship". They are one sided as fuck and men use them as an excuse to fuck 2 different people. Make it clear what you want out him him and don't settle for the scraps he throws you. Tell a man to go exclusive or get lost. If he doesn't want to commit, he doesn't want you.
Anonymous 260271
>>260211>he choked me a few timesPlease call the cops
Anonymous 260272
Stop replying to the obvious scrote
Anonymous 260285
>tall hot jock that literally all of them want
Objectively wrong. You sound like a cartoon villain. But even if this were true, this is how attraction would work. No man would gush this hard about a woman unless he was attracted to her either. Does this mean he is also shallow?
>Pretending to care about his personality or the things he did for her
This entire 500 word post is anon gushing about his personality towards her.
>even after finding out he's a manipulator and a cheater, OP is still in love with him
You have never loved another person if it's this easy for you to get over your feelings for them. How typical for men to be this narrow-minded when you're the ones most likely to leave your wife if she's dying of terminal illness or becomes unattractive. Your concept of "love" amounts to the shallow idea of lust. It's like when men love women you don't build billions of neural pathways that echo a persons character, presence, soul. You can only see us as objects. So you project this objectification of attraction you have on to us. Anyway, I'm not sure why I'm still arguing with you. I don't know OP but if I was in her position "personality and actions" would absolutely be the reason for still missing an ex. Maybe it's hard for a man to conceptualize. I defended anon so I'm done here