
‘Femcel’ larpers? Anonymous 260301
Why do people want to be a femcel so bad, and don’t know what a moid is? It really pisses me off. This supposed ‘femcel’ always talks about getting fucked by men and how men are better than woman. Why has TikTok watered down this term?
Anonymous 260314
>>260301I seethe hard at these supposed 'femcels'. I used to participate in these spaces years ago and watching it get turned into an aesthetic for pickmeism drives me insane. The whole point was to doom about how you will never truly be loved because you're too boring/ugly/unlikeable. Femcels don't even actually exist, any moid would fuck you no matter how ugly or retarded you are. But even then this trend is forgetting that fundamental point of being a femcel; that you will never being truly loved and cared for.
Anonymous 260315
>>260314Daxmn, almost like we never needed this place in the first place.
Anonymous 260316
>>260315>this placeWhat do you mean? Sorry am tarded
Anonymous 260359
People who didn't find a belonging with their family will go out of their way to find a belonging with some fringe group. That's why something as innocuous and uncommon as femcels are now suddenly being mixed in with TiKToker coquettes and whatever the hell. Adolescent girls trying to find their place.
The same thing is happening for male fringe groups, btw. Boys who were emotionally neglected by their parents are now trying to weasel into these groups (neos, incels, troons, etc.) without knowing exactly what they're about, just to have a sense of belonging. Must also be why these groups are so successful in grooming them.
Bit of an off-topic thing, but that's why you leave reproduction exclusively in the hands of women because the quality of the mother will reflect the quality of the child. Most mothers I see today are really unfit for their role. You will continue to see more and more kids conform and adapt to these edgy ideologies or identities. This is an actual phenomena in psychology. Afaik, this type of people is called "Lost Child" so you may want to look into that.
Anonymous 260402
>>260301tiktok is a cancerous chinese propaganda device and everything that comes out of it is just as soulless and cancerous
Anonymous 260435
>>260301not everyone is terminally online. I have not seen anyone use the word moid except on cc and another chan
Anonymous 260489

Let's not pretend the term was stupid already.
Someone is a bit more than just a word on the internet.
Anonymous 260540
>>260316the femcel "community". a room for weak people who get walked over by anyone turns out to get walked over & destroyed by pick-me opportunists. Imagine my shock.
Anonymous 260575
>>260359China is subverting the youth of the west and demoralizing it? Who would have seen that coming?
>>260314Then this Nona is right:>>260540
If the world haven't gifted you with something worth being loved, then you must work on yourself to become lovable or just accept that you will never be loved.
Anonymous 260598
>>260575TikTok is not a "chinese state" company, only ~a third of the company is owned by the original chinese founder anymore. a lot of european or american elites have the real rights over tiktok now
Anonymous 260605
A few years ago the word femcel was for ugly women who feel like it makes them suffer in society or won't get romantic relationships, then pinkpilled or blackpilled women and not as always pickmes stole it or started complaining and got mad etc
To me femcel now means a celibate woman or a woman not capable of being a pickme I dont think this word should be an insult or used by normies. And just cause moid and femcel are used by normies doesn't mean we can't keep using these terms lol
Anonymous 260607
A few years ago the word femcel was for ugly women who feel like it makes them suffer in society or won't get romantic relationships and wanna talk about how shitty moids are, then pinkpilled or blackpilled women and as always pickmes (but I hate all femcels becides the volcel and blackpilled ones, cause they are pickmes too lol) stole it or started complaining and got mad etc
To me femcel now means a celibate woman or a woman not capable of being a pickme I dont think this word should be an insult or used by normies. And just cause moid and femcel are used by normies doesn't mean we can't keep using these terms lol
Anonymous 260608
I don't understand wanting exclusivity over the use of terms that were unoriginally adapted from the niche stereotypes of men
Anonymous 260616
>>260301TikTok is mainstream. Mainstream does not have strong opinions and the majority is too stupid to keep nuances. Once a topic hits mainstream it will lose its edges.
Anonymous 260624
>>260607Sorry but I think it's an insult to call pinkpilled women femcels. Femcels are the female equivalent to neckbeards who post on /r9k/, Elliot Rodger, etc. I guess an example would be Jodi Arias. Normal pinkpilled women aren't that.
Anonymous 260625
>>260624Also I hate femcels in case it's not clear.
Anonymous 260631
>>260607yeah i feel like the word femcel kinda replaced the word egirl in some ways
Anonymous 261662
"femcel" is just like "nonbinary" as in literally just "i'm not like other girls" but for zoomers.
Anonymous 261671
>>261662It used to be for an actual nlogs
Anonymous 263815
just find a virgin
Anonymous 263822
what is this femcel hate in the replies, sorry let me just fuck the nearest guy i see
Anonymous 263827
>>260301I've come to the realization anyone who uses the word femcel and/or nlog is below me
That's it folks thats all there is to see here
Anonymous 263861
>>260301Everytime I see somebody call themselves a femcel its a TIM, always.
Anonymous 264187
>>263827Based, same. Can we just drop these fucking useless words already
Anonymous 264189
The concept of a "femcel" is dumb as shit. Why did it suddenly become necessary for women to name themselves separately from incels? It's as dumb as calling yourself a gamer girl. There is no need to needlessly gender everything. Why don't women reclaim the term "incel"? If I remember correctly, a lot of the early online incel communities had quite a bit of a female presence, and they were not segregated by sex. I remember reading about incelsupport having feminist moderators. Anyway, modern "femcels" are posers who whine about their boyfriends. It has become merely an aesthetic, and the suffering of struggling of actual (female) incels has become minimized.
Anonymous 264191
You sound like a moid for equating inceldom to sexlessness. Incels themselves say that going to an escort for sex would not fix their issues and inceldom. So women having an easier access to sex does not make them less of an incel. The indicator is if someone is in a relationship or not. (By definition I even wonder if incels technically count non-virgins, since the metric is currently being in a relationship or not.)
Incels are about not finding a relationship, not sex.
Anonymous 264210
>>264190>women could easily have sex if they wantThis hasn't been my experience, and I am not obese or even overweight. Again, I even dry-approached many males and nothing came out of it. I pursued men aggressively, and they merely rejected me. If you're socially awkward, but not in the cute way, then it makes it extremely hard. No body finds it cute. I wish that the modern incel community did not project the lives of beautiful social media influencers onto below average and ugly women. I did not gun for attractive men, either. One was 5'5, which modern incels claim that women find "subhuman" based on cherrypicked videos, images, and articles they found on the internet. None of them were "chads" by any stretch of the manner. Some could even be considered "unattractive" by a modern male incel's standards.
>>264191>You sound like a moid for equating inceldom to sexlessness.I do agree with that poster that inceldom is related to sexlessness, but I disagree with, his (likely), other points because men have standards, too. Men's standards have become very high because of social media. I see a lot of beautiful women with disgusting fat fucks, and it is hard to compete with.
Anonymous 264213
I’ve known 2 femcels irl. Both were autistic lesbians. Just like every male incel I have ever known, they were “involuntarily” celibate because they had ridiculously high standards that did not align with who they were. Neither of them looked like they were looking, either. Both of them had piss poor personal hygiene and a godawful fashion sense.
Anonymous 264218
>Then at that point incels and femcels don't exist because anyone can date if they want but chose not to?
This is the black pill.
Anonymous 264223
>>264218It's a very simplistic view to say everything is the fault of the celibate person. Many people are going to have a combination of undesirable traits that they cannot change. Does this mean they are obligated to date shit moids because they cannot obtain a man with their baseline standards due to their own inherit undesirability?
Anonymous 264224
>>264223They are not obligated to date shit (fe)moids if they don't want to.
The question is, what qualifies as an involuntarily celibate individual? Imo, that's in the definition: it's someone who is forced into celibacy. Only true incels are those who've been castrated. Everyone else has a choice, even if that choice doesn't include the option of having sex with someone high quality. And those who choose to hold their potential date to the standards they don't meet themselves, thereby dissipating any chance to be had with the said date, are called volcels.
Anonymous 264225
>>264224What of the nona in
>>264210 it would seem she pursued moids that were at or even below her own level, does that make her a vocel for not dating the worms under the bottom of the barrel? Essentially where does the line get drawn for someone who tries to meet their equivalent but is constantly rejected by them?
Anonymous 264226
>>264225>does that make her a vocel for not dating the worms under the bottom of the barrel1. Kek
2. But yeah, it does.
Anonymous 264227

>>264226>But yeah, it does.You win this round nona. Sadly.
Anonymous 264228
>>264227Thank you, Nona. I've finally won something.
Anonymous 264230
>>264223A lot of incels/femcels may actually be volcels who believe that they do not have a choice, especially the males, as studies have shown that women that men find unattractive become invisible to them. Many of them are also pornsicknerds who are constantly looking at depictions of idealized women in anime/vidya/porn and therefore may find it difficult to get it up with any woman less attractive than a perfect 10/10.This is obviously not the case for every single incel/femcel, but it is quite common.
Anonymous 264231
>>264230But porn starts often aren't 10/10…
But yeah their standards are laughable. I saw a guy in YouTube comments call a girl in the video a 2/10 because she had a small (+ not protruding, not hairy) mole on her nose.
Anonymous 264241
>>264210i'm in the same situation as you– socially awkward, technically a volcel i guess– but i've found myself pursuing guys (texting first, basically asking out) short guys too. despite being a female stem major whose often the only girl in my classes, i'll be graduating single in the spring.
Anonymous 264252
>>260301It's because "Femcel" isn't a thing, it never was anything other than larping. you need to learn to organically cultivate your own culture instead of being a female counterpart to an already existing male community.
Anonymous 264273
>>264241I'm the person you're replying to. God damn, I'm also a STEM major who's usually the only female in my classes. I'm practically drowning in sausage on a daily basis, and I thought I'd be able to find someone in my classes. My standards are shit-tier, too. I'm deliberately shooting as low as humanely possible. Incels would call the guys I shoot for "giga trucels" who could never ever get a girl friend. My hygiene ain't shit, either. My fashion sense is a little basic (leggings and a hoodie, but that's most girls on my campus.) I'm also not whiny and try to show a positive face at all times.
Anonymous 264288
>>264252>organically cultivate your own culture instead of being a female counterpart to an already existing male community.>implying current online incel communities would exist if it weren't for a woman Anonymous 264291
>>264252even ignoring that it was a woman who created the term incel, nearly everything thats associated with one culture is taken from other cultures. nothing is entirely original in 2024
Anonymous 264308

A lot of "failed normies"/"inbetweeners" who aren't really that succesful but are also far from failing in life larp as femcels for sympathy, to vent and due to cope with general dissapointment in the life thei're living.
It's the same as people on the upper end of normal weight calling themselves fat. They might even truly believe they are fat, but that doesn't make it true.
Anonymous 264324
>>264252the word incel was literally made by a woman in her blog where she discussed her life of being involuntarily celibate and tried to cultivate people who struggled with relatinships as well, it was never a "male community" moids fucking came in with their toxicity and ruined everything as they always do, the woman (i think her name was Alana) eventually found love (bc being an incel is a state in your life rather than an identity) but the moids never left and they pushed women out of a once welcoming community
Anonymous 264538
>>264324>the woman (i think her name was Alana) eventually found love (bc being an incel is a state in your life rather than an identity)No, she did bc she is a woman lmao
>but the moids never left and they pushed women out of a once welcoming communityAll incel communities are forced to take that decision sooner or later. Women users inside incel spaces are put on a pedestal and no one can argue with them without being assaulted by other moids. Forum discussion becomes polluted by chitty-chat and trivialities that revolve around women's lives and preferences. But the most frustrating thing is, natural selection finds its way into the incel haven and the least unattractive incels start having sex with female users, just like in real life, while the others keep starving, orbiting in vain or get banned if they dare criticize the situation. All of this happens behind a curtain of private messages and secret discord servers and heavily undermines the cohesion and the credibility of the forums. In fact you could argue the sole presence of a woman creates a parallel channel that sooner or later takes over the actual forums.
Anonymous 264547
>>264324So can we reclaim the word blackpill from them now cause… I've been blackpilled as a woman for years and forgot that men use this word and how retarded their blackpill mentality is while mine is like: all men are rapists, pedophiles, misogynists and misogyny will always exists, porn and rape exists, patriarchy always existed, all women are pickmes and all heterosexual relationships are shitty to women like it's basically a slavery and always ends badly men always fuck women over and I can't find myself in this world
Anonymous 264562

>>264538Fanfiction these days is getting to a whole another level. But I guess it's good to see people exercising their creativity! Keep doing what you love!!
Anonymous 264567
>>264538>No, she did bc she is a woman lmaoExactly! Since she was a woman she acted more logically and didnt decide to hate on the entirety of the gender she wants to have sex with, still kept herself open to meet new people, didnt harass men when she met them, and didnt threathen to rape or murder any of them! If men follow these simple steps they can also find love instead of making being an incel their whole identity.
Anonymous 264570
>>264191> Incels themselves say that going to an escort for sex would not fix their issues and inceldom. So women having an easier access to sex does not make them less of an incel.You don't understand what an incel is.
You see no difference between an incel paying a SW to have sex with them, vs. a girl
wanting to have sex with an incel without the exchange of money being needed?
Anonymous 264571
>>264547You can't possibly believe all that.
Anonymous 264609
>>264538>All of this happens behind a curtain of private messages and secret discord servers and heavily undermines the cohesion and the credibility of the forums. In fact you could argue the sole presence of a woman creates a parallel channel that sooner or later takes over the actual forumsI'm afraid that this is true in non-sex segregated spaces, and it depresses me even. Normals manage to find their way into everything and create social hierarchy where there is none, even on anonymous imageboards. A lack of social structure, in their eyes, is frightening. But, even if it is not likely that such spaces where male and female incels can coexist, it does not change the current incel community's roots.
>>264567>If men follow these simple steps they can also find love instead of making being an incel their whole identity.For men, I don't think it's that simple because men are scrutinized socially more than women, and by scrutinized, I don't mean outright harmful behaviors, but more subtle, harmless, yet odd things. I watch myself make social mistakes, but I see that people are not as harsh on me as they are my male counterparts. I've watched men be bullied and berated for doing the things that I do. It comes with the default idea that all men are threats. I don't think all of them hate women to that extent, are creeps, or dicks. Much of what you see on the internet is exaggerated, a LARP, or even fedbait. Many of them are simply normal guys who might have a benign oddity or two, which makes them unable to live up to societal standards.
Anonymous 264629
>>264609Men being scrutinized for different things does not mean they are scrutinized more. They don't have to play shitty games where too much confidence is bitchiness and too little makes you a retard. They are usually the ones who enforce those games.
Anonymous 264657
>>260301I have this condition that in any aspect I'm a 5/10 normal girl, but somehow I haven't been in any relationship for the past 6 years because men enjoy watching me boil and simmer in my sadness and loneliness. I don't think I'm ugly, I don't dress bad, I have had guys tell me long after it was possible for them to date me about their interest. I just came to the conclusion that they like to watch me be miserable. it's funny and entertaining and to some degree attractive so they just want to enjoy the sight.
Anonymous 264675
>>264609i dont think so nona, incels on the internet are really fucking terrible, ive met a few good ones that just seem to suffer from autism but most of them are absolutely terrifying. They post real vids of women getting raped and murdered to laugh at, they constantly claim that women have no value besides sex, ive been in a very disturbing discprd channel where these so called incels would constantly joke about kidnapping women, killing and raping them, and how they would get rid of the body, they also pretty much thougth that only little girls deserved "real love" and posted pics of real toddlers (not cp but still) and talk about how hot they were. If these are the type of exaggeration you do i think youre just a terrible person.
Anonymous 264685
>>264595It's true that all men are rapists, pedophiles and misogynists?
Your father and brothers are all of those things?
It's true that all women are pickmes and all heterosexual relationships are shitty to women like it's basically a slavery?
Your female acquaintances are all pickmes? So are your mom and sisters?
And your parents' marriage is basically slavery?
I'm curious, nona. Please elaborate.
Anonymous 264686
>>264629> too much confidence is bitchiness and too little makes you a retardFirst time I'm hearing of this, tbh. Do you have any IRL examples to help me understand?
Anonymous 264687
>>264657>I just came to the conclusion that they like to watch me be miserableThat's not healthy, and most likely untrue.
Anonymous 264688
>>264675How do you even find yourself in these discord servers?
I've never seen or heard of anyone acting like that IRL
Anonymous 264692
>>264688not that nona and I haven't been in places that bad yet but I actively search around to find the most deplorable shitholes on the internet sometimes just to feed my misandry/misanthropy
Anonymous 264698
>>264692That's actually kinda cool. Do you have a method?
Anonymous 264711
>>264698searching for the kind of keyword autistic moid are obsessing over currently. you will fine a post promising enough and then just go for the other accounts and communities connected to it and you'll find worse and worse stuff. zoomer moids specifically thrive on attention so they'll post the most disgusting aspects of themselves 'ironically'.
misogyny ragebait posts are also honeypots for these accounts.
Anonymous 265070
Y'all blame autists and retarded men for things that are done by psychos.
Anonymous 265075
>>264189kek the word incel was coined by a lesbian who dropped the label after she went to college and got laid. moids hijacked the term. funnily enough, no male is truly an incel because he can choose to rape at any time, and rape has the lowest conviction rate of any violent crime.
Anonymous 265076
>>264665this is retarded to be a femcel you kind of inherently have to be ugly (which in moids eye's is anything lower than a supermodel)
Anonymous 265077
>>264688men are like this irl too they just hide it
did you hear about the 14 year old girl who killed herself because her moid classmates kept making ai nudes of her. they're fucking subhuman.
Anonymous 265078
>>265070a lot of autistic men ARE psychos though
lack of theory of mind, black and white thinking, decreased capacity for empathy, lack of critical thinking/objective thinking (relying on solely their own experiences and what other incels tell them about women to form their opinions, opinion selection bias)
Anonymous 265085
Honestly any term that people can latch onto as a way to 'describe' themselves or to live vicariously through tend to end up overused or washed up terms. 'Femcel' is seen as an aesthetic now or some shit to these girls that use it and don't even know what it means ig.
Anonymous 265086
>>260301femcels don't exist and idk why some of you guys get so riled up and accuse anyone who says it of being a moid lol
Anonymous 265106
>>265086>femcels don't existokay, why am i still a virgin at 30? ive never been approached by a male in my life. the only one i kissed at 22 (he was 30) refused to have sex with me because he was disgusted not by my looks (i was fit back then) but by my lack of experience.
Anonymous 265185
>>265106>disgusted not by my looks but by my lack of experience.I'm genuinely so terrified of this happening to me I rather stay a virgin my whole life
I hate how men at the same breath slutshame women who dare have sex with men other than them you literally can never win
Anonymous 265189
>>265185it gets easier to cope with when you're older i guess. im still visually reprehensible to males except for muggers, and have repulsive permavirgin face, but staying this way is like any form of trauma you just learn to live with it.
>>265186it must be some kind of racebaiting moid so i didn't respond.
Anonymous 265199
>>265189>it must be some kind of racebaiting moid so i didn't respond.100% betting it on being a male from soypoop.party they are everywhere here nowadays.
Anonymous 265304
>>265189I'm 26 right now. I don't think it gets easier I just learned to cope with it better. best strategy is giving up hope for meaningful and fulfilling relationships with moids
Anonymous 274501
>>274497But it makes sense. Most women should be repulsed by relationships. Some of the most beautiful women I've ever known were treated HORRIBLE by men. I mean completely damaged by them to the point that if i was in their shoes i would never go back. I totally understand beautiful women who are femcels. Men are obsessed with trying to control beautiful women. They will stalk them, harrass them and terrorize them in public for shits and giggles, especially when they feel rejected. I totally get it. Women everywhere should be repusled by men no matter what they look like.