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2024 Predictions Thread Anonymous 260461


Anonymous 260462

Palestinians will be shunned in every country they go to for refuge, yet people will pretend to be welcoming on social media

Anonymous 260476

>world's first pregnant president
>price of canned ravioli increases
>oprah dies

Anonymous 260477

I'm from a week in the future and these have all come true. Well done!

Anonymous 260485

>Trump wins his next term due to Biden's ego not letting him let go the next election
>One or both American political parties fractures
>More Troon mass shootings or attacks
>A massive riot or civil battle of a kind between two factions, not state-wide large though, just very stupid and damaging
Am a leaf and I foresee:
>Troons being the reason we lose free healthcare due to their shit being covered and super expensive meanwhile more important things are already rolled back
>Canada being roped into an American war
>China takes advantage of America being distracted by Ukraine and Israel and their election to try and take Taiwan or they escalate in Hong Kong and/or their genocides
>Ukraine and Russia sign a peace deal or America keeps preventing talks resulting in a less than ideal result for Ukraine. No matter the result, Americans cheer blindly
>Pakistan's current leader or someone high up gets assassinated. This is either caused by or will cause the death of Imran khan ##america stop overthrowing leaders resulting in the country being destabilized challenge##
No idea how true or likely but these are the intrusive thoughts in my head

Anonymous 260486

Oh made reference to but didn't mention but I believe America is gearing up for war. No idea who they'll deploy against but they're getting itchy, the war propaganda has been escalating hard

Anonymous 260487

Alexander Stubb will win the Finnish Presidental Elections. He will win just slighly barely Pekka Haavisto in second or third row.

Anonymous 260496

Republicans will win but not with trump

Anonymous 260508


Someone wishes me a happy New year because no one else did

Anonymous 260515


Wishing you to have a year of inner and outer peace!

Anonymous 260517

happy new years. I hope you will have someone that'll remember next year

Anonymous 260552


Thank you so much!!! May the next year be fruitful and be filled with fortune for you too nonas!!!

Anonymous 260595

>The Sacklers are relieved of all accountability by the supreme court
>Faith in the institutions rapidly declines on a bipartisan basis.
>Military recruitment plummets to a net negative
>Ridiculously small voter turnout but still in Demotrash favor
>Earliest signs of social media crash start to show
>We stop hearing about AI and the tech industry and culture shifts even more in the direction of nostalgia.
Trump is literally the only candidate who even could in theory win the election.
Haley is a joke. Morrowind man is a MASSIVE joke. DeSantis is somehow an even bigger joke than those 2. But it's definitely going to be Biden again. MAGAtards are the only sector on the right that actually matters and they mostly believe that politics is rigged against them.

Anonymous 260745

lol im so late but happy new years :)

Anonymous 260746

I get laid lol jk

Anonymous 265824

I genuinely believe that in the next 5 years some feminists will turn terrorist.
I'm talking pedos and rapists getting shot on camera in front of a feminist flag.
The sooner the better.

Anonymous 265826

Count me in

Anonymous 265835

Women are still too doormat-wired they would probably worry about consequences of males going violent with that excuse

Anonymous 265837

lanky men are icky

Anonymous 265838

Gals is short men a crime

Anonymous 266009

Maybe in South Korea

Anonymous 266018

That's really not how terrorism works. That's only how action movies work.

Destruction of soft targets, specifically. A goal of incitement of short term political turmoil or change.

Terrorists who hate the military do not target the military, nor mil-industry, they target recruitment. High schoolers. When Boko Haram wanted to end western cultural hegemony in Africa they were not misaimed nor incorrect in targeting busses full of local schoolchildren instead of western imperialist military bases. They were behaving as terrorists.

For feminists to turn legitimate terrorists they would not target rapists, femicidal murderers, pedophiles, wifebeaters. Those men are armed and comparatively hard targets. Nor politicians, judges or other high profile bodyguarded harder targets.

Identify an unarmed nonviolent soft target for theoretical feminist terrorists to hit, broadly and in general, in such a way that hard targets will be affected downstream, and it might happen.

Anonymous 268516

Even the black panthers understood soft targets were a retarded tactic. I like to think feminists aren't dumber than a movement that died 50 years ago.

Anonymous 268549

World war incoming?

Anonymous 268699

I think they're going to keep the world in a cold war or proxy war state for as long as possible. But honestly, ever since America has been meddling in every country they can, the world has been at war. Just not the first world yet but I believe eventually they'll push a full scale war somewhere to help boost the economy again. And I think they've learned from Iraq that they need a good reason to fight, the world won't be totally on board just cause it's america leading the charge. They'll orchestrate a way to "save people"from a country without nukes. The only thing stopping them is the threat of nukes in some countries but eventually america will find a spot they can destroy. They're probably hoping China pushes for Taiwan so they can put more tax money into Lockheed Martin and "support" Taiwan. Can't go directly against China and Russia, but they can use roundabout ways to do so and give more money to their military corps. Also war nationalism might make Americans support their politicians again so they'll want it for that too.
Maybe they'll find some African dictator to suddenly care about or South American ones while funding proxy wars in China and Ukraine/Russia

Anonymous 268724

>Identify an unarmed nonviolent soft target for theoretical feminist terrorists to hit, broadly and in general, in such a way that hard targets will be affected downstream, and it might happen.
Can you word this better? Do you mean the average man?

Anonymous 268759

>Can you word this better?
I don't think so, sorry.
>Do you mean the average man?
No, because that would be indistinguishable from random violence. In terrorism the act is self-actualizing propaganda.
I do not believe that an appropriate soft target can be selected / even exists. Feminists are not going to start bombing churches, not even anti-abortion churches.

Anonymous 268762

Nvm I re-read your comment again and I completely understand it now. Really sorry about that.

Anonymous 269790

Was highly doubtful of this at first butbwith the recent Weinstein news it became slightly more likely in our mind.

Anonymous 269795

You say the Black Panther movement died 50 years ago. It was primarily known for operating Cop Watches (hard targets, surveilled carefully).
The KKK is still running, still gathers large numbers at public demonstrations, and occasionally still kills people. The Klan was known primarily for bombing churches (soft targets selected indiscriminately).

Really seems like soft targets are the way to go.

Anonymous 269807

The klan is half a honeypot and half a sad joke that could never effectively show force anywhere. Not even in the small impoverished towns they still organize. As soon as it stopped being acceptable for political figures to openly be involved (who need I remind you started the klan, there are just endless reasons why the klan is an invalid comparison the more I think about ) they lost power indefinitely.
The klan is a massive failure. Numbers and rallies are meaningless when their project is over.

Anonymous 269824

Yes that is exactly what I mean. The movement died when it was killed by the CIA. And then the subsequent aftermath movements were also destroyed quickly after.

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