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New Year's plans Anonymous 260481

What are you doing tonight? Going out? Staying home? Spending time with friends? Alone? In silent reflection or dancing the night away?

Anonymous 260482

Going to help dad with some stuff and decorating the place later, then stay up late and watch the news being all toxic optimistic about the coming year and how good things are going to happen, then wish my mom who is depressed and cries every day a HAPPY new year for the sake of it, and go to sleep.
Till then I'm alone listening to music and ruminating about the year gone but I can barely remember anything significant right now.

Anonymous 260483


Working, hopefully my shift goes smooth and the patients are calm.

Anonymous 260484

That sounds nice, I hope your mom is able to one day recover from her depression.
I'll pray your shift goes well and is uneventful!

I'm probably going to treat myself to some good ramen and push past my anxiety to actually make a friend tonight or at least put myself out there. I've been super agoraphobic since my ex so the last two years I've not left the house except escorting my autistic sister to the Lego store and sushi kek (not complaining, I've been loving those days out with her but I need someone a little older mentally speaking now). Here's to hoping I'm not too crazy for friendship and scare anyone off!

Anonymous 260492

Top 3 CC songs NOW

Anonymous 260493

Uh oh I don't know maybe Sad Eyes [creepiest lyrics] and Frail after Leni. Maybe Pap smear and Transgender. It's very hard to choose and I'm just a casual listener!
What about you?

Anonymous 260510

eating homemade food and drinking more than I should. I hope all of you have a good night and a good new year ily s

Anonymous 260511

since when was n0nnie censored kek

Anonymous 260513

it doesnt have to be nonn​y! hope you have a good new years too!

Anonymous 260559

I have done nothing and it was pleasant.
I lazily thought about 2024, and what I hope and expect out of it. Today I made plans.

Anonymous 260562


I got a car so I want to use my newfound freedom to go fucking everywhere. Will probably try to make some roadtrips to some nearby towns.

Anonymous 260563

Anonymous 260564

Driving and not be terrified about it is on my 2024 wish list.

Anonymous 260566


Stop talking about yourself.


My mom was in a car accident recently, I've been a hair away from getting killed by a car at least four different times just as a pedestrian, and people drive like retards where I'm from, so I'm terrified as well. If you are also stuck in shitty U.S. suburbs, there's no other option unfortunately however. Here's to getting through this!

Anonymous 260570


>If you are also stuck in shitty U.S. suburbs, there's no other option unfortunately
I actually have a choice (European city). But I worked had to get my license, I want to be able to use it, just because.

Anonymous 260583



That's understandable. You may never know when you might still need it. Plus, if you're also into travelling, alot more places that wouldn't otherwise be accessible can open up for you. Good luck!

Anonymous 260617

You too Nona Like everything, it's a matter of practice.

Anonymous 260636

Lucky! I'm hoping to pass my practical exam this year. The freedom will be amazing. Also I live in a country with amazing natural sights that are inaccessible unless you have a car and I'd just love going to more private beaches and nature walks by myself

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