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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Mental Illness Anonymous 260638

Any other mentally ill women on this board? I'm a 30 year old agoraphobe who's scared of going outside without relatives.

Anonymous 260652

do you have a comfy house nona? I always figured agoraphobes would because they spend so much time in it

Anonymous 260669


If depression, bpd, anorexia and bdd count then yeah :(

Anonymous 260678

Is anyone on Crystal Cafe mentally sane? That's the real question

Anonymous 260679

this uptick in moid threads is concerning

Anonymous 260690

Newfag here

How do you know which one is a moid, which one is a troon?

Anonymous 260700

Anonymous 260702

Really is. Can scrotes just leave one corner of the internet alone? They just have to implicate themselves in everything. So self-centered, self-important and unaware.

Anonymous 260704


I was agoraphobic as a teenager for years after being hospitalized for attempting to take my life and now I’m just high functioning social anxiety and OCD. I can go to work, uni, and the gym during the day (albeit I do often take breaks to hide and decompress) but at night I can’t go anywhere without a relative bc of this anxiety (I even make my kids talk for me). When my work and uni are closed like during holiday seasons I stay in the house and clean everything over and over again while listening to religious recitations. At work and uni people just leave me alone because it is clear that I have issues socially. I also have PTSD which I guess is the root of all my current diagnoses.

Anonymous 260712

Anonymous 260729

I used to stalk moids for years thinking I would find love and it only caused me further mental distress. Fortune found me on a lonely corner of the Internet: I got a ldr bf last year and now I spend all my obsessive energy on him. He is also clingy so he doesn’t mind me messaging him a lot or that I say weird things to him sometimes. We are in love and I am going to move to his country and we are going to live happily ever after.

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