
Have you ever considered becoming a nun? Anonymous 260672
You would get:
-free food
-free shelter
-a scrote free environment
-depending on which group you join time for arts and crafts, gardening or cheesemaking
Sometimes I dream about that life.
Anonymous 260673
It's not exactly free you have to do a shit ton of work
Anonymous 260674
Christianity is retarded. Having a job and buying your own shit and doing whatever you want is the best. You’ll regret giving up your freedom.
Anonymous 260675
>>260672I descend from a bloodline of priests, but the tradition of preaching was not comtinued by my mother and aunt. I wanted to become a priestess and be the 6th generation of our priest family but..
I chose the rifle instead, and I chose exorcism
Anonymous 260676

Have you ever considered becoming a
You would get:
-free food
-free shelter
-a scrote free environment
-depending on which group you join time for arts and crafts, gardening or cheesemaking
Sometimes I dream about that life.
Anonymous 260677
>>260676Have you ever considered becoming a convict?*
Anonymous 260685
>>260672I have thought about it but I can't because I live in a muslim country
sigh Anonymous 260692
>>260685Damn I feel you…
Do you plan on running away from said country or do you like living in such culture?
Anonymous 260699
>>260692There are goods things and bad things, it's not Afghanistan level of islam so I have no reason to run as long as my parents don't pressure me to get married as I get older.
Anonymous 260701
>>260699Marriage can be nice if your husband isn’t a controlling religion tard
Anonymous 260713
>>260699Just watch yourself and take care…
I wish you the best <3
Anonymous 260721
Screenshot 2024-01…

>>260674Most religions have nuns, no need to marry JC. Buddhist nun in a Western country looks fine.
>>260685No nuns nor monks in Islam?
Anonymous 260726
>>260721>No nuns nor monks in Islam?No everyone has to get married and have kids. I don't think any other religion in the world places as much emphasis on reproduction, there's basically no leeway for the faction of the population that wishes to remain celibate and contribute to their communities in other ways.
Anonymous 260754
>>260726In America we have Mormons, who are worse and become far, far worse if "traditional" mormons who illegally practice incestuous polygamy. The friends that I made were from a more "liberal" modern mormon tradition and their attitude towards their religion was that the girls are basically not told about nor included in discussions of religious doctrine in any regard EXCEPT sexual discipline and the necessity of hetero marriage and breeding. The boys, apparently, are told all the doctrines and rituals but still are told that if they do not marry and impregnate a woman they will have no place in paradise, but rape is forgiveable.
Anonymous 260756
>>260754Oh yeah I forgot Mormons.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD0mFhMqDCE (this is based on real crimes committed in a Mennonite community)
Anonymous 260828
I don't trust like that. I imagine nuns are abused quite often.
Anonymous 260961

That show Lambs of God kind of made me wanna be a nun for a while
Anonymous 260962
>>260675dude no youre not youre lying realy bad
Anonymous 261677
If I lived in the past then I would consider it to escape heterosexuality and society. Celibate women should be protected honesty
Anonymous 295200
Difficult times… I'm already searching info about it. I want to give it a try at least
Anonymous 295206
>>260672If it has anything to do with organized religion its probably repressive, abusive and vile. It simply isn't enough to be away from males. That is just coping.
Anonymous 295212
Every day, but I don't want to deal with the religious aspect of it.
Anonymous 295214
>>295207Ohhh that would've been great!!
Anonymous 295215
>>260676Friend of mine and her boyfriend both did this. She got out 14 months later. Her boyfriend is still in there. She has me convinced it's not any fun.
Anonymous 295239
I’d love to have been one of those monks who spend their whole life reading and translating books in some mountain monastery.
Anonymous 295246
>-free food
>-free shelter
>-a scrote free environment
>-depending on which group you join >time for arts and crafts, >gardening or cheesemaking
Just go commit a felony prison will satisfy all your needs op.
Anonymous 295247
>>295246there are male sex offenders in female prisons
Anonymous 295262
>a scrote free environment
Not by a longshot.
The convent will be scrote free but you will be dealing with more bullshit from men than you ever have before.
You will either become a janitor or a secretary. Or if you get lucky, a teacher for convicted felons who hate being there.
Anonymous 295267
God is the ultimate scrote though. I’m not sacrificing my life for him.
Anonymous 295268
>>295267What does that make the virgin Mary?
Anonymous 295270
>scrote free environment
Sex related scandals are extremely common. Also, catholicism is literally the anti-christs twisted version of Christianity to trick people into worshipping the beast.
Anonymous 295272
With each reply, I understand less what you guys are talking about
Anonymous 295303
When I was like 5 I considered it because I was a sheltered little lesbian catholic girl who didn't want to marry a man. Now that I know I can just go marry a woman, I see no need in it. I'm willing to bet that a lot of people are in the same boat as me, which is why the church is having so much trouble getting new priests and nuns nowadays. I also grew up hearing horror stories from my parents and older family members of how nuns would abuse them as children in catholic schools, and quite frankly I don't want to be involved with an institution like the catholic church. The sex scandals are really only the surface of the problem, the catholic church has a serious abuse problem, one that I don't think will ever improve.
Anonymous 295305
>just volunteer for scrote religion-flavored prison
I'd rather flee into the mountains and just go off grid.
Anonymous 295313
still at the mercy of scrotes. Aside from praying all day, I doubt they would let you do what you want or give you the money to do so. you're thinking of a nice resort prison in sweden or norway or a feminist commune with no troons.
https://www.chicagotribune.com/2007/10/05/nuns-displaced-from-convent-to-fund-sex-abuse-settlement/https://www.indaily.com.au/news/2020/01/24/vatican-says-nuns-abused-kicked-out-forced-into-prostitutionAnonymous 295318
>>295313They chose to live like that.
They go through a long process that last for years before becoming nuns to see if that life is the one they want.
For the male free enviroment idk. I i guess you're right.
Anonymous 295516
>>295268Chadette who got her son killed so she wouldn’t be stoned to death for cucking her moid husband
Anonymous 295521
>>295268A victim of assault and had a rape baby.