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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 260829

Hello girls!
I need help.
I would like to starts vidéo on ytb, talking about internet ppl, like VenusAngelic, Amberlynn etc… but these subject are already exploited.. can y’all give me idea ?

Anonymous 260843

It doesn’t help me

Anonymous 260845


Have an interesting personality, don't edit in manic ADHD jumpcut fashion like every other commentary channel (or maybe do it, it gets views), and have unique and, ideally, funny, takes on overly explored topics.

The best thing would be to discover videos that no one is talking about. That's how you'll break the mould.

Post some links to your videos when you post 'em, i'd be curious to see

Anonymous 260846

Thanks Girl !!
If you can understand French, I will happily send link

Anonymous 260848

It’s okay, dear !!

Anonymous 260850

Oui je comprend le français. Trop cool! C'est la troisième/quatrième fois aujourd'hui que je vois une francophone ici! Quelle belle coincidence!

T'es européenne ou québécoise comme moi?

Anonymous 260858

Trop cool !!!!! Et EU, si j’ai l’occasion de passer et sauter le pas, j’enverrais un lien promis :D !!

Anonymous 260883

I hate you weird stalkers and gossips. Why do you invest so much energy picking on women? Do something useful.

Anonymous 260891

Maybe find something you like and then make videos about it. It feels like you're going the wrong way about it. It doesn't matter if it's already exploited - nothing is never new under the sun.

Anonymous 260924

I like talking abt internet culture, goth/ Vkei fashion, music and animation but I don’t want to face reveal. The only time I face revealed. A lot of moids from 4chan said I was "bwc slut", it will be complicated to talk about vkei without face revealing… maybe I could post my animations?

Anonymous 260925

I want to describe their stories for the French public. Not be a hate account girl :(( it’s not abt gossiping. More a detailed video!! Sorry if you misunderstood it

Anonymous 260952

These women are not good women lol at least in Amber's case. Why not?

Anonymous 260954

no way theres local femcels here

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