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What's your most profound realization? Anonymous 260964

Anonymous 260974

Groups that revolve around identity always become chauvinistic and full of hate. No exceptions. White or black, female or male, rock or hip-hop, DOTA or LoL, pro-scub or anti-scub. Doesn't matter if one group is verifiably oppressed or not. The moment you start looking at things through the prism of your chosen identity is the moment reality will start slipping from your grasp. You will learn to enjoying being a victim, you will generalize the outgroup, you will become extremely susceptible to the logical fallacies that didn't use to fool you, the words will start losing their meaning.
Your newfound sense of belonging will become the very thing that makes you miserable.

Anonymous 260989



really? no exceptions to this?
it makes it seem like if you're in any group for any period of time, you're gonna start alienating others.
I mean, it's been my experience too but I wish there was a way to stop it.

Anonymous 260991

Good IRL friends will not alienate you for having a different opinion. And it's not like an identity group can't be good at first, but they always devolve into those qualities as they expand and turn into bubbles.

Anonymous 261036

No exceptions.
The path to integrity with yourself is a lonely one. You can never associate with one group for too long or you will begin adapting its traits and narratives, and before you know it, you've lost yourself.

Anonymous 261047

> Your newfound sense of belonging will become the very thing that makes you miserable.
I agreed with you until this part.
The irrationality that come from being part of a group don't per se make you more miserable.
I'd even argue that it would be the opposite having a simple "good guys vs bad guys" to be passionate about could be pretty rewarding.

Anonymous 261048

You are most likely wearing and feed into a mask that's doing nothing but stopping you from finding genuine connections with others.

I sure was, it's mind boggling how deep the performance goes.

Anonymous 261051

>The irrationality that come from being part of a group don't per se make you more miserable.
Good point. I don't believe that irrationality causes misery directly in on itself. It's more about your irrational toxic patterns of perception and interaction with the world.
Abandoning rationality for the sake of conforming with your identity group is akin to cutting off or numbing your sensory organs just so that you don't have to experience bad sights, smells, etc. Except cutting off your ear would hurt and immediately lead to a deafening silence while the process of abandoning your reasoning faculties can feel pretty damn good, especially if you have your guard down and aren't aware what is happening to your psyche.

What's worse: identity groups that justify their existence by claiming oppression make you either nihilistic or psychopathic.

Nihilism comes from a perception of being perpetually attacked by outgroups combined with a perception that it can't be truly fixed, while your group-induced tunnel vision prevents you from seeing a bigger picture or looking at better aspects of life.

Psychopathy comes from a false hope that perceived issues can actually be fixed, when, in reality the issue is bloated and falsely projected onto objects and interactions which have either nothing or little to do with the it. And yes, you can feel very good in the moment as you and your group crush and stomp those objects into the ground, especially if you turn out to be good at it. But it will never be a permanent. The issue will not disappear because your numbed grooper (I hate that I came up with this word and you, nonas, get to suffer too) brain has misidentified most, if not all, variables involved, including the issue itself. What's worse is that regular people whose order you have interrupted will now resent you. They will perceive you as evil and rightfully so.
There is only one scenario where continuing this pattern of behavior won't come back to haunt you: it's if you die in the middle of this exhilarating process of destruction.

Anonymous 261052

>it's if you die in the middle of this exhilarating process of destruction.

dym elaborating on this, nona?

Anonymous 261053

The world is projected on a feeble gossamer. A small few spend a great deal of effort keeping the illusion up.

Anonymous 261056

I realized that unconditional love doesn't exist between adults. Romance is all conditional, and these conditions are so ingrained in society expectations that moids and women don't realize how their high standards are for love. Not that there is anything always wrong with that. Growing up, I just realized only a mother has unconditional love for their child. That's the only unconditional love in the world.

Anonymous 261058

>That's the only unconditional love in the world.
Being her child is a condition in on its own.

Anonymous 261062

Everyone is miserable just trying to make it through another day being a cog in the machine.

Anonymous 261091

You can let your mental state be whatever it is and notice that it's not real, your thoughts and feelings do not manifest in the outside world if you don't let them, this is how you regain control from automatic negative thoughts, just choose not to act. It's that simple (I can't afford therapy and this is a coping mechanism I currently use so I don't kill myself or do other stupid things, and I'm still ok!)

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