
Anonymous 261093
why would you even want a relationship like what is the point of it?
Anonymous 261097
To have a close friend who always prioritizes you over everyone else.
And then the daily access to fun things like sleepovers, not having to go to the grocery store alone, and oral sex.
Anonymous 261100
>>261097>To have a close friend who always prioritizes you over everyone else.Codependencies never work out
>And then the daily access to fun things like sleepoversOk
>not having to go to the grocery store aloneI see no issue in going to the store alone
>and oral sexSurely there's more than that.
Anonymous 261101
>>261093To get free money.
To have someone do favors for you all the time.
To make other women jealous.
Anonymous 261102
>>261093it feels good to have someone care for you and also care for them. also sex is nice
Anonymous 261103
It’s nice to have company. I love my bf.
Anonymous 261108
>>261093To touch her face with gentle hands, to feel her touching my face while she looks at me with loving eyes, to work for something that it's not me, to love, i want to be in a relationship to love and be loved.
Anonymous 261111
>>261100>Codependencies never work outHaving someone who cares about you more than anyone else isn't codependency
>I see no issue in going to the store alone>IYour feelings aren't universal some people find it the experience of going out by themselves lonely and somewhat intimidating
Anonymous 261113
We don't live in a society where you can kiss someone repeatedly in public spaces and have them not assume it isn't some kind of relationship. I like kissing and hugging and cuddling and being told "I love you with my whole heart"
And a FWB will only maybe do some of those things but never says the last one.
I also challenge you not to undervalue yourself for scrotes that just want meaningless sex with no strings attached. Meaningless sex isn't as good as emotionally driven sex.
Anonymous 261185
>>261093because being happy reaffirms my worth
Anonymous 261205
>>261097Wait what is even bad about going to the grocery store alone again ? This is a fun activity.
Anonymous 261206
>>261101Accept you have more freedom to do absolutely anything you want when you're single.
Anonymous 261207
>>261113Yeah but most of them want a one sided relationship, a nanny and a bang maid so no matter how you look at kissing and love it sounds better if it's just fantasy.
Anonymous 261208
>>261093bc sharing my life with someone makes it feel more meaningful
im literally a better person when i'm with someone
Anonymous 261221
>why would you even want a relationship like what is the point of it?
To find love. Even if it's nice to have friends you'll never be as close to them as you'll be to your partner, only your partner will put you on the 1st place in their life.
Anonymous 261229
it's a cosmic tragedy that sigmund freud didn't see the internet
Anonymous 261232
I've heard that there are women who are able to feel good by/after doing sexual violence to men but it seems like that's not really possible for most. The physical action of interacting with any male body surface including the face through one's genitals/clitoris would just feel vulnerable and exposed.
Anonymous 261237
>>261232I've gone through femdom phase which was a cope and I agree. Female body in hetero sex is submissive and vulnerable and oh my god I hate when people deny this or biological differences between sexes and their roles in sex. I hate it so fucking much and other women get offended when I call female role or body submissive mean while it's just a fact, women can't dominate in sex and when they say they do cause they can make males scream in pleasure while stabbing their mouth with their dick then I feel like laughing hysterically cause its so bizzare, it reminds me of a person who lacks self awareness in some way. I suspect the denialism is a backlash against men weaponizing the word submissive so now we can't admit the truth about things. Meanwhile it helps me because I struggled with some internal conflicts. Female pleasure in sex is servile and we can't lie that it requires you to be some kind of a pickme, I explored my own sexuality to the core too so I have no doubts about it all. And obviously things like penetration of the bottom of your body is the most submissive vulnerable position a human being can be in, you are completely giving yourself. Woman can't dominate.. Its not conceivable, men are even physically bigger than women so physically bowing down to them to please THEM while getting nothing physically or piv (that even when it leads to orgasm than after orgasm you still just getting used as a fleshlight) is an extreme feeling of submission or masochism. I'm over explaining myself cause people nitpick, gaslight and in autistic as hell which makes sense why I have a problem with being submissive and shows why I push towards the submission being acknowledged as submission because it helps me understand my internal conflicts. It's misogynistic to say so as my alibi I will say that I experience insane stimulation from piv and clitoral stimulation, had full body orgasms, had orgasms being released in any body part I choose to release it etc. And I still think that this pleasure isn't real and that sex is women serving men and giving something to men
Anonymous 261262
I like men so I've already given up on having a "relationship". My ideal relationship would be FWB where I don't have to be his mommy and he has his own life, and we only hang out to have fun, rather than me beg him to brush his teeth or wipe his ass or not make me cry in the middle of sex or let me sleep because I have work in the morning, I can just hit him up, bang, and leave.
Anonymous 261356
>>261237NTA. All this talk of the inherent submission and servility of taking dick feels so far removed from my experience with sex. It just happens that the man has the stick and I have the hole. How those two parts fit together doesn't represent or symbolize anything, it's just the way the physicality of the act is.
What makes it submission, for me, is the fact that I'm not getting anything out of penetration so mentally I'm definitely doing it to please him and for no other reason. He doesn't know this though, it'd destroy his ego, so it's not like he even knows I am submitting in such a manner.
Anonymous 261362
>>261237>had full body orgasmsthat is not real, whatever you think you're experiencing isn't an orgasm
Anonymous 261363
I just want to be important to someone. I was a really smart kid so my parents raised be to be ambitious and chase success and indirectly taught me that achievement is what made me worth loving, but when I'm alone at night and listening to my heart that's really all I want, to be important to someone, to be cherished and illuminate their life, and I'm not sure anymore if any of me means anything at all if I never find that person
but the truth is that I'll never be worthy of that so here I am. if it were for me I would have had it by now. I hate knowing that all I'll ever have is myself I feel so fucking empty