
How old is everyone? Anonymous 261242
It seems like most users are around 20-30 but I wanted to ask anyway cause I’m curious. I’m 18.
Anonymous 261247

I actually am ashamed to say this. I'm 30 and I spent most of my life online.
Anonymous 261251
I am 26 and my life feels like it still hasn’t begun.
Anonymous 261270
one thing I'm ashamed of is staying on imageboards as a teen, get out of here
t. 25yo
Anonymous 261312
29. I suspect my 38 year old friend lurks/posts here
Anonymous 261314
I feel like the retarded here and im 15 (mental age)
Anonymous 261339
Stop invading spaces that aren't for you zoomzoom
Anonymous 261367
no wonder moids and moid content have a field day in here
Anonymous 261375
>>26124235 and i don't know where else I'm supposed to post, now that all the old places are dead. I drift from place to place, reddit board to reddit board but you know how reddit goes
Anonymous 261411
Most people here were 20-30 until the recent influx of zoomers, nothing wrong with that but the most annoying archetype are those who think this is a site for femcels or act like poltards cause they think all imageboards are identical to 4chan
Anonymous 261413
>>261411Uh hun this board is nothing but volcels and femcels.
Anonymous 261417
>>261413have you seen the bf-comlaints threads?
Anonymous 261457
>>261411Cc has always been r9k adjacent it's not a new thing
Anonymous 261468
>>261417i complain about my bf here but ive never met him irl he’s e-broken up with me before and im still a virgin.
Anonymous 261471
>>261469Yes but it’s an improvement from being a femcel. I am going to live happily ever after and there will be no problems in the future.
Anonymous 261524
>>261457I’ve been here since it’s inception, it was just a female only imageboard but gen z recently got obsessed with idea of femcels being a thing and are trying to rebrand all female imageboards as femcel spaces. That Atlantic article definitely didn’t help, I’m not going to pretend like I’m not a very stereotypical femcel-like archetype but it’s obvious the new users on here think this is the female version of /r9k/, that explains all the cringy new posts.
Anonymous 261531
>>261524>I’ve been here since it’s inceptionSure Jan… cc was advertised by snail on r9k when it was first made it was always like this.
Anonymous 261543
>>261528If you want more sauce here is the lolcow thread on her journalism request
https://lolcow.farm/ot/res/1151094.htmlIt’s pretty entertaining, I’ll stop derailing now
Anonymous 265694
I'm 26, and don't really like it
Anonymous 266071
>>261375>>266068There are some good subreddits left for oldies.
Anonymous 266072
I'm afraid I would be here till I'm in my 40s
Anonymous 266073
>>261524don't worry, zoomzooms think "femcels" are girlies who listen to lana and relate to girl interrupted. if anything, the new influx of zoomies has made the board more normie.
Anonymous 266074
Been posting here since I was 20, now I'm 26. I wish I hadn't wasted so much of my life online instead of doing something but I'm always so drained by life obligations that I never have the energy for anything else. I guess that's how it'll be forever, because it gets harder over time.
Anonymous 266077
Started posting here at 19, now I'm 24, although I've been barely posting since I was 21
Anonymous 266086
I'm turning 29 in a couple days. I'm actually celebrating my birthday with a couple of friends, too.
Anonymous 266100
>>266074I'll be 27 soon; 2018 didn't feel that long ago. Calendar years are a poignant reminder of how much I've been alive, whether or not I'm cognizant of it.
Getting older kinda sucks. I was more impressive as a 21 year-old, but I kinda flat-lined thereabouts after getting a job. I'm not even 30 and I can't shake this feeling that my time has passed.
Anonymous 266105
>>261251And it will not begin with than attitude, you need to get off the internets.
Anonymous 266112
30 here. Still have the same childish interests since I was a child so i feel inadequate
Anonymous 266161
Im gonna be 27 this year
Anonymous 273755
I first came here when I was 21… sigh
Anonymous 273759
>>261543Can confirm,thread made me kek, especially the first few posts.
Anonymous 273760
>>266074>>266100Our culture lacks major developmental milestones, that's why.
Say what you will about things like quincineras or bat mitzvahs, marriages or children, graduations or apprenticeships, learners permits or vooooting, they're all memorable milestones signifying personal and communal development.
Without them you lack things to eork towards and don't recall aging much of the time, no different than driving the same route every day, your brain kinda has an autopilot function.
Anonymous 273808
>>261375I turn 35 in a couple of months…
Anonymous 273815
I turn 34 in two weeks.
Anonymous 273876
>>261538I'm still sad I sent KT an email for funsies and she never replied to it kek I wanted to fucking be interviewed but roast her while doing it so I knew it'd probably never be published but she never even responded to my inquiry
Anonymous 273877

27, I've always been exceptionally immature and socially stunted, which is why I'm here
Anonymous 273890
>>261543This is fucking hilarious thank you for sharing
Anonymous 273892
28. I'm starting to feel like I'm aging out of image boards and most online communities but the RL social network I managed to cultivate in my 20s (I even managed to get away from boards in that time and almost got married/started a family) has basically eroded to nothing now. It makes me pretty anxious.
>>273889>>273808>>266134>>261246>>261247>>261312>>261375>>266112>>273815This makes me feel better - ty nonas. I find people in their mid 20s and younger can't relate to some of the anxieties that hit you as you approach your 30s. I've never felt such a crushing "you're going to die alone" feeling as I am approaching my 30s.
Anonymous 274143

>>274093I wish we knew one another irl nona I need more friends
Anonymous 274700
just turned 18 3 days ago
Anonymous 274720

35 and I spent most of my life on the internet. Female shut ins need to be taken more seriously.
Anonymous 274836
I'm finally 18
It's not as freeing as I thought it would be lol
Anonymous 274838
I turned 22 recently, I’ve been lurking/ occasionally posting on this website since I was like 18