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At the end of my rope, do I join the military? Anonymous 261415

I literally can't find a job anywhere. I ran away from home and have been crashing at a friend's place for something like 3-4 months. Their parents want to send me back home for not being able to get a job this whole time, but I've been applying constantly. Not even the shittiest shit jobs will hire me even though I have 10 years of experience in food and have told them I'm just trying to start anew. I'm negatives in the bank, maybe 30 dollars to my name now.
What the fuck can I even do at this point, should I just enlist?

Anonymous 261423

If you're going to join the military you should at least have a strong social media influencer presence / persona set up so you can be one of those psyops girls they keep safe and happy.

Anonymous 261430

this. if not, ur asking to get raped

Anonymous 261433

Is it actually easy to join the military?

Where I live, I have to meet physical requirements and clear psychometric tests, and the pay and prestige is very good. I'm also very scared being around moids who look like they're in a gay porno.

Anonymous 261435

No, the military is awful.
People who are backed into a corner before enlisting always leave ASAP.

Anonymous 261438

to put into perspective how bad the military is, a guy I knew in high school who was on track to enter as an officer quit the academy and said fuck that recently. if you're struggling to get hired, Amazon is probably a safe bet for something short term. Also look at nonprofits. A lot of the time they don't list on the same sites as businesses and the hiring process rarely requires a typical interview.

Anonymous 261440

If you join the military, join the Air Force or Space Force. The living conditions in the other branches are terrible. I'm enlisted rn, I can talk about what it's like with a little expertise.

Anonymous 261443


(Opie) How is the food? Do you ever get the chance to cook for yourself? Most notably… what is the timeline like, from walking into the recruitment center to now, without the bullshit they try to peddle civilians?

Anonymous 261446

>no woman would ask for that
Lmfao it was sn expression. IM AWARE NOBODY ACTUALLY ASKS FOR THAT. It's the military. It's an occupation with a scrote majority. You're crazy if you think sexual assault is not rampant or swept under the rug there. I'm saying at least if you have a loud public presence, u might be protected. Calm TF down.

Anonymous 261448

This is one of the more obvious things about the military, yes. I am very ugly though, so I don't think it will be an issue for me in particular. :')

Anonymous 261449

Not to discount your lived experiences, also myself being an ugly woman, but the moids who would sexually assault women in the military aren't solely doing so out of uncontrollable reaction to beauty. A lot of them are psychopathic males who want to hurt and subjugate women. Being ugly will not protect you.

Anonymous 261451

>10 years of experience in food
How old are you?

Anonymous 261456

military is easiest option to end up bad yeah

i'd rather ask where op lives cuz if its europe or something she could go straight into police ranks instead for the much more pay and tenfold better conditions generally

either way nonetheless of country you are in right now army is a punitive institute with all its byproducts like "what happens on tour stays on tour"

Anonymous 261461

Try UPS instead. Better benefits than military and if you take a packaging job, they usually hire just by filling out the application alone. You just got to show up to your start date and be prepared to work. I worked in the airport, which entails bursts of physical labor and dealing with weather/heights. Not hard one you get use to it. have recommended before. Short, part time shifts but hires at a decent starting pay.

Anonymous 261481

Try joining the navy or the airforce instead of the army

Anonymous 261497

Yes just join Air Force don’t don’t do army or marines

Anonymous 261498

Don't join the military out of desperation, you will resent it for the rest of your life.

Anonymous 261503

ugly women get raped too u fucking retard

Anonymous 261937

Sorry for the late reply, life's been hectic the last couple of weeks.

I'm in the Air Force, so I can only speak about their food. I've been in about 2 years now. I live in the "barracks", but we call them the dorms. It's just like a college dorm, everyone gets a room to themselves. It's a nice place, actually way nicer than any of my college housing was. Food varies from base to base. Overall it's been good, and when I was in Mississippi it was even great. This base has been pretty bad, so I just cook for myself. We have a little kitchen area, but I have am electric hot pot skillet and a rice cooker so I mostly just use those in my room.

As for the timeliness, it depends on two main things. The first is your medical history. If you have any kind of record at all, it can take a couple months to get waivers. I didn't have any history since none of my problems were diagnosed, so this didn't slow me down.
The second factor is how selective you are with your job choice. Shortly after meeting a recruiter you take a standardized IQ test called the ASVAB. Your score determines what jobs you're eligible for. I scored high enough that I got to pick whatever I wanted, but msot people have to provide a list of jobs they're willing to accept, rather than just one. If you pick a common job, then you can ship to basic training in a month or less. In my case I waited about 3 months until a slot opened for me.

I started the entire process in January and shipped in July, which is about typical overall since I was faster than average I had less trouble with medical but more of a delay waiting for a slot.

Anonymous 261938

A couple of navy people are attached to my office, and I talk with them sometimes. They're all men though so I can't say for sure. But I've heard pretty bad stuff. When you're underway (on a ship on the ocean) you barely get any personal space at all, just a bunk that's a recess in the wall with a little nook big enough for around two suitcases. It's even worse if you get sent on a sub. The navy us like three quarters men, and you're stuck at sea for months with nobody else except the people you're working with. Sexual assault is a pretty big problem I've heard.

Anonymous 261940

They might be, I don't know a ton about the navy. I'd be surprised though since women in the air force can do any job, even the combat stuff. I think that they stopped having male-only jobs across the whole military like a decade ago.

Anonymous 261967

Why did you join the military? Did you enlist straight after college? Did you plan on it, were you in ROTC or anything? What is your plan after your term ends

Anonymous 261981

not this one lil oomf
I understand that it happens regardless of looks but I'd like to reinstate that I don't have the fear of it happening to me. Men do not want me.

Anonymous 262003


Yeah, I enlisted right after I got my degree. I tell people that I always planned to join, but honestly I was incredibly depressed my last two years of school and hated the subject I studied and didn't want a career in it. So I enlisted as a way to get experience in a different field. After my enlistment ends I don't think I'm going to reenlist, I'll take my security clearance and go work as for a defense contractor. There's an Air Force program called skillbridge where the last 6 months of your contract you can just take an internship somewhere and you still get full pay but don't have to come into work or do anything except your internship.

Anonymous 262033

Op is a recrooter

> My fellow Young ugly Neet women, should I join the army?

> Hee Hee ugly women don't get raped in the military, you don't have to worry about it

How is anyone seriously falling for this, all armies are shitholes and soldiers would rape goats and iguanas if only they could get their hands on one

Anonymous 262040

Are implying OP rapes goats and iguanas given the occasion or that she is not a soldier?
Which is it?

Anonymous 262066

Do you want a girlfriend

Anonymous 262068


Yeah, but I don't ever expect to find one. There have only ever been one or two girls who I liked romantically, and neither of them really thought twice about me.

Every relationship I've been in, the other girl has been head over heals and I've been lukewarm. They were good people, and I liked them, but one sided passion isn't something that you can hang a future on. Being in a relationship like that made me feel really guilty after a while, and keeping up airs like I'm into it too gets draining. Eventually my guilt got the best of me and I break it off.

I always think that love is something that can come with time, but I've been in three "serious" relationships and I never really came to care about them like that. I don't want to make that mistake again, so I'm just stuck in limbo. In my case being alone isn't so bad though, I have a couple of close friends that keep me warm, and I get on with my family well enough.

Since I'm blogposting my emotions life story apparently, I've been chatting with a girl on and off for the last 458 days according to my snap streak. Same pattern as always; she's crazy about me, I think she's alright.

We do a private bookclub where we read a chapter or two a week and then have a long call where we talk about it. She always tells me about her life, and I always listen. She's just reading the books for an excuse to talk to me, I'm just reading the books so that I can deflect having personal conversations. I feel bad about it, but despicably I still take comfort in the fact that I' someone who other people can feel strongly about. I don't like that part of me, but if I look at myself from the outside, I understand and forgive it.

Anonymous 262139

>snap streak
For someone who has experienced rejection/abuse/neglect in the past, relationships can be an attempt to fill a void and feel loved and valued, while at the same time causing emotional detachment and avoidance

Anonymous 262236


Oh yeah this is 100% the case for me. My mom abandoned me and my dad when I was young, just left one day.

It's kind of strange, I don't feel particularly bad about it, no conscious negative emotions, I don't have any memories of the period. But it obviously must have really messed me up, same way it would any other kid. If I imagine another 4 year old going through it my heart breaks, but it feels so matter-of-fact from the inside. I guess that a ton of my worse qualities must be butterfly-effected from that, but I can't really reckon the cause-and-effect chain for any of them in particular, so it doesn't feel true even though I think it probably is.

Anonymous 263733

DO NOT join the military. Awful pay, you can't just leave if you hate it unlike regular jobs you're there until your term is up, the 'benefits' aren't even worth it because if you're this desperate for work that you're even considering joining the military then a third of college tuition ain't gonna help ya, and given the state of the world you're extremely likely to get deployed in the middle east just to get drone striked or bombed to death. 30k a year to get instantly blown up is a really shit deal. Even if you get hired as a non-combatant role they WILL reorganize you because recruitment rates are abysmal.

Anonymous 263734


Anonymous 265653

I know this is an old thread. Not sure if you are located in the US. Been in the (US) military for 6 years. Go ahead call me a recrooter, but I'll give my input.

Depends where you live, but yes it's probably easy. Boot camp is a shock especially if you've never been ordered around and pestered before. But they rarely kick people out if they try to follow directions. Even room temp IQ moids make it through. Make sure you are in okay shape before shipping out (not obese), preferably work out consistently for like 3 months beforehand. It will reduce your stress a lot to be good at the physical portion.

Enlisting took me out of a really horrible home situation and taught me to be independent and have a lot of useful skills after being a failure NEET with 0 friends for years. I met a lot of cool people and made lifelong friends, even after I moved bases or other friends got out of the military I still contact them. Has it's issues but been the best period of my life. To be fair, a lot of my coworkers don't feel the same way. Also to sound less like a fed, I don't actually agree with the US mission. Consider the moral issue before enlisting.

Also, your experience will HEAVILY depend on your job. This matters a lot more than your branch even, every branch has the "nerdy" or "cool" jobs and the shit jobs no one wants to do. I won't disclose my job for OPSEC reasons but it is one of the jobs regarded as more challenging and "nerdy", which is probably why I have had such a positive experience.

People don't just get raped all the time. Although I'm told sexual assault rate is higher than in the civilian world, I've never personally or second hand heard of it happening in my career field. Again, very heavily career dependent. If you enlist, look VERY CAREFULLY into the job description and don't let the recruiter try to give you something random. I'm referring to the "MOS", called "AFSC" in Air Force and "rate" in Navy. If you're an 11B at Fort Hood, you'll likely encounter a bunch of absolute dregs. Air Force/Space Force have the best quality of life.

Recruiting process isn't too difficult, just go into an office prepared with basic information about yourself and act somewhat professional. The ASVAB is easy but it covers a lot of topics, if you've been out of high school for a while I recommend studying for it, the Kaplan ASVAB study guide is pretty good, $20 on Amazon, but worth it. I used that and got a 99 (highest possible score), and high enough raw scores in all categories to quality for any job. I don't have a high school diploma btw. If you don't score high, you'll be relegated to the shit jobs. Avoid mentioning small medical issues that could be easily hidden/remain unidentified during your enlistment. They may disqualify you or require you to get a waiver. The recruiter's willingness to get you a waiver may also depend on your test scores and whether you look good as a recruit overall.

Dining hall food is okay. 5x better than the public school cafeteria "food" in my state at least. If you make sergeant/whatever branch equivalent rank of E5 you will usually get a stipend of money to move out of the barracks into your own house, where you can obviously cook for yourself. Air Force and Navy are usually let out of the barracks faster than Army and Marines. It's very base dependent. But keep in mind also, Army and Navy promote a lot faster than Air Force and Marines.

I'm an E5 sergeant and currently live off base in a house I bought with my own saved money solely from my enlistment. I'm not married and have no dependents. Be smart with your money.

SkillBridge is not just an Air Force program btw, it's open to all services.

Lol barely anyone is even getting sent to the Middle East right now. 95% of roles are non-combat roles. If you want to avoid combat then just avoid signing up for special forces or infantry. Btw even those guys barely see combat these days. It's all near-peer adversary strategic competition now. Read the National Defense Strategy.

Do NOT enlist if you're unsure of your decision. It's usually a 4 year commitment at the minimum, 3 in special cases. You CAN'T easily get out if you hate it, without purposely getting in huge trouble which will remain on your permanent record and influence your job prospects in the future.

If you're in a Western European country, you probably won't have a horrible experience in the military either. I've worked with Germans and Scandinavians. Their military obviously doesn't get as much funding as the US, but their workload also seems more relaxed (from an outside perspective).

Feel free to ask questions. Don't really check this board much so I may reply late.

Anonymous 265669

tangentially related: i'm actually disabled, so why the fuck do army recruiters keep spamming my email offering to pay for the entirety of postgrad?

Anonymous 265841

>Avoid mentioning small medical issues that could be easily hidden/remain unidentified during your enlistment. They may disqualify you or require you to get a waiver.
Don't they have this new medical system that's connected to all the HIE stuff, which means you can't hide anything

Anonymous 265851

I've heard ok things about the coast guard (united states) but I'm not informed enough to give it any kind of endorsement. I'd be interested to hear from someone who knows more.

Anonymous 265858

When I was deployed, the men got raped more than the women. The scary thing was that it seemed to happen all the fucking time.

Anonymous 265886

average military r…

>thread about enlisting
>"surprise" AMA from "enlisted Nona"
>"People don't just get raped all the time"
>"Recruiting process isn't too difficult"
>"be independent and have a lot of useful skills"
>"95% of roles are non-combat roles."
The best part: no one mentions the coming WW3.
Come on Nonas, don't fall for the shill thread.

Anonymous 265889

This. I was in the military. Ffs don't fall for this shit.

Anonymous 265892

Good lord no, you'd be a meat shield against the opposing side and a rape target for the ones supposed to be on your side. Get to a women's shelter and have them help you. Even fake some Jesus-worship if all you can find are the religious ones. Those are insidious but at least they don't want to send you directly to a meat grinder.

Anonymous 265896

You won't be in a meatgrinder unless WW3 pops off. Otherwise, you'll be worked to the bone packing conex boxes in the rain on thanksgiving day with nothing but a shitty MRE to eat

Anonymous 265897

All of my friends and family in the military urged me not to join up lol. Recrooters must be losing their minds.

Anonymous 265900

do not join the military

Anonymous 265901

Yeah the MHS Genesis shit makes it harder but you can still opt-out through your civilian side doctor so they can't see your records.

Know a coastie, he did some interesting icebreaking operations, their ship conditions are way better than the Navy's. He also promoted super fast.

Yeah but it's mostly because there's more men. Infantry/marines will fuck anything.

Lol ok. I'll bite: "coming WW3".
>More than 16 million Americans served in the armed forces during the war. Fewer than a million ever saw serious combat.
This isn't Ukraine. In a hypothetical WW3 if they need bodies for the meat grinder they'll likely draft a bunch of education-less moids for frontline combat since they don't need actual skills, instead of losing troops they already spent money to train into their positions. Even Russia does this. If your job is computer programming you couldn't get on the battlefield if you tried. (Unless you're a Marine, then you're screwed.)

This whole image of enlisting in the military and getting immediately sent to a warzone in Iraq is a complete meme, anyone who has actually been in the military knows this.

Recruiters are desperate but not enough to go on fucking crystal cafe.

Anonymous 265902

I heard service guarantees citizenship

Anonymous 265904


Anonymous 265907

Screenshot 2024-03…

You're right, it's better to take a risk on your estimate.
>Recruiters are desperate but not enough to go on fucking crystal cafe.
You wish.
That's the Légion Étrangère.

Anonymous 265908

Then don't join. I don't think anywhere in my post I goaded people to enlist. I just gave requested information and corrected people who seem to unironically think you get gang-raped upon enlistment. It's funny that you posted that chart as if it's a lot of casualties. By the way, there are currently 1.3 million people on active duty.

Anonymous 265919

Screenshot 2024-03…

It's not that easy to opt out of everything, I could easily opt-out of my state one and I tried opting out of other HIE stuff and was straight up ignored by many places

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