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Am I missing out by not going on tiktok Anonymous 261727

My main reasons for not going there is I don't wanna see triggering content, normie content, soft porn, and overall I can be fragile, bitter and easily overwhelmed. But I'm scared that I'm missing out on things or some content or information

Anonymous 261729

Never used Tiktok, but I've seen Tiktok reposts on Instagram (which I also hate, I don't use the explore page anymore, just my feed). Overall, no. It's all shitty and overwhelming content.

Anonymous 261789

You are not missing out on anything, unless you wanna keep in touch with the newest memes or whatever

Anonymous 261791

Not worth it, coming from someone who can also be fragile and bitter

Anonymous 261794

Every time someone who uses tiktok shares a screencap/video I just get happier that I don't use it lol. It's literally a fucking predatory skinner's box designed to transform your brain into mush anyway.

Anonymous 261795

I'm starting to feel like this because of how mainstream media is now acknowledging TikTok as an actual social media platform, as well as how certain youtubers upload to YouTube second and TikTok first so you HAVE to see their TikTok to see their newest releases.

I'm not happy about it. I think ShitTok blows and the tinfoiler in me thinks that eventually China is gonna do a rugpull on the community and it's gonna be devastating, but I am considering making a TikTok just to watch certain creator content there.

Anonymous 261797

There's been experiments where they gave mice the option to push a button for a chance at a reward, and the mice would keep pushing the button even if they got repeatedly punished for it with an electric shock because there was a very small chance of a reward. Sounds ridiculous, right? Why would the mice keep pushing the button just to get a shock of electricity most of the time? But their brains were reprogrammed to crave the tiny chance for a reward. Basically tiktok (and other short form content) does the same to your brain, everytime you swipe to get to the next tiktok you're punished by wasting your time and not genuinely enjoying what you're doing, but you get addicted and can't stop because of the abysmal chance you'll encounter a tiktok that's worth it. It's not worth it. Keep your brain healthy. You're making the best choice you can make for yourself by not going on Tiktok.

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