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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 261917

What are your thoughts on the new e-celebs on kick? Kick is a new streaming website like twitch that prides itself on allowing misogynistic, racist, homophobic content to counter the "woke" narrative many feel is on twitch. Basically they are allowed to say the n word and faggot. Are they allies to our cause against censorship of true feminism and the like? Or are they just typical apes who are doing this?

Anonymous 261918

don't care what any man has to say, they're only good for sex.

Anonymous 261919

Anti-woke is even worse for women than woke bs.

Anonymous 261922

They deserve to exist, even if it's nothing but grifters. But I only ever browse rumble and that's because youtube keeps deleting reuploads of sumo matches.

Anonymous 261927

Doesnt get enforced as harshly as twitch

Anonymous 262280

respectfully have to disagree

Anonymous 262285

wtf are you saying, kik is not a "free speech platform" they just take a smaller cut from donations.

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