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What happened to FDS? Anonymous 262160

The Female Dating Strategy podcast hasn’t given us a new episode in half a year. Did they completely quit? Why? What happened to them? I miss them so much.

Anonymous 262161

FDS was only ever good as an open forum.

Anonymous 262202

I loved the original reddit too, but I really miss the podcast. Give me that anti-moid propaganda, inject that shit straight into my veins.

Anonymous 262205

yes the reddit was amazing, especially because it resisted so much interference by usual reddit powermods. they tried to kill two birds with one stone and get off reddit before their audience got nuked with a ban but it was too soon. I wonder if they used a reddit clone style of forum instead of a LSA one if it would have stayed alive.

Anonymous 262225

FDS Reddit is what introduced me to anti-moid rhetoric, I was already feeling this way and felt so validated when I stumbled upon FDS. Before I discovered terf feminism I just allowed others to convince me that I’m bitter or talking to the “wrong guys”

Anonymous 262249

I believe the creators were getting death threats from moids

Anonymous 262253

Lilith didn't need the strategy anymore since she got a scrote. She moved to twitter, laughed at the "smelly femcel separatists", got married to the scrote and disappeared from twitter

Anonymous 262286

i listened to it as a joke a few times and spotify kept autoplaying episodes when i finished listening to other things. Good thing its over, so i don't have to hear those complete losers cope for an hour ever again.

Anonymous 262290

So in the end, it was all a grift?

Anonymous 262806

All stuff like this is a grift.

Anonymous 262811

Yeah, I have never actually seen anything Andrew Tate produced, but FDZ gives me major similar vibes. It's just vanity, self-induced sociopathy, and a lot of hateful rhetoric disguised as self-improvement and romantic advice. Obviously, there's nothing wrong in hating moids, but I can't imagine this approach leading to a fulfilling relationship for those who actually want to pursue sharing their lives with one.

Anonymous 262812


I will casually bump this thread
this podcast used to be so famous back in the day~

Anonymous 263326

They were SO strict about their stupid guidelines… There was this time when I said in a thread that there's nothing wrong with a woman making the first move if the occasion demanded it… I received the "PickMeisha" flair… then, minutes later, I got banned

Of courses I'm talking about the sub and not about the podcast (I just needed to get this one off my chest)

Anonymous 263904

I agree with them, you were retarded for asking the question, by asking a moid out you give away what little advantage you have in the relationship, you are basically giving yourself away on a platter

Anonymous 263911

I'm honestly completely done with scrotes. Rather have fun on dating apps and then just leave when it's convenient for me. They are not losing anything either, so who gives a fuck? Moids can't get abusive if they have no power over you.

Anonymous 263912

I think there are some cases where making the first move is justified, for example if the moid is confirmed by other women as husbando material, they are cute and hardworking and dedicated, bonus points if he gets easily attached to me and is head over heels for me, not in a typical moid "hurry hurry I will fight and kill a walrus for you hurr hurr", but in a knows what I like and how to make me happy and is enthusiastic while he does this.
If the moid possesses all these qualities then maybe securing him might be a good idea

Anonymous 263925

Everything, and everyone, is grifting.

Anonymous 263941


You act like this and gross guys or guys who dont know if a girl likes them will have to approach girls because none of them know. If girls could pick out guys it would be better than a hundred guys harrassing 100 girls because they dont know what. Idk about you nonas but when a guy approaches me and you can tell its just because he wants sex or relationship it is irritating. If you want something take it, dont let yourself be taken.

Me neither but I agree, it seems like those pick up artist classes that were an oddity in the early 2000s and nobody took seriously. Now its evolved into waging psychopathic mental warfare on the other gender but FDS is less radical than Tate and Co. Becos tate is a literal Pimp.

Anonymous 263943


>FDS in current year
I have been on the subreddit since its creation. The ones who made the podcast were complete grifters; albeit they did at least attempt to make anti-moid philosophy mainstream, for the sake of enlightening some women here and there who were in trouble with moids (e.g., women in abusive relationships).

The real reason why they probably stopped is because of the lack of donations by now, however. It was fun while it lasted, and its fall is an objective evidence that Retards(tm) is filled with mentally ill transvestites. So no point in going to that shit website if there's a 75+% chance that there is a man on the other side of the screen while talking about women's issues, or so.

Anonymous 265504

They have a website of their own right now, it's https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy.com/

Anonymous 265541

ive grown to really hate the word "pickme" as its starting to be used. it was useful at first to describe a very real subsection of women who bend over backwards for moid validation, but these days its become a catch-all insult for any woman who disagrees with you (as if we didnt have enough of those)

Anonymous 265542

I personally never truly believed in the existence of high value men in the sense the subreddit was trying to sell out. Knowing what we know about male behaviour and how prevalent porn use is among moids, it looks like establishing finding a HVM as a goal will result in many women competing for a tiny portion of the male population.

I really can't see how productive it is in terms of moving towards female independence and liberation. A lot of this sounds like copium for straight women who still want to cling to the silly hope of maybe one day being among the lucky one who will stumble upon the extreme outliers of the male population and live happily ever after.

Anonymous 266565

I saw a girl being called a pickme for asking for a smaller size of gloves because previous ones were too big for her hands

Anonymous 271303

If I was retarded and masochistic enough to date and submissive enough to have sex then I would get the hottest man then didn't have sex with him and let him cheat here's your sweet validation of having a moid around!

Anonymous 271304

It makes no sense cause I implied I would have sex but I wouldn't.

Anonymous 271611

eww, get your animal abuse off of here

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