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Anonymous 262275

If you had a friend that made a decision like this, what would you say to her?

Anonymous 262277

I wouldn't be her friend anymore

Anonymous 262771

I would never befriend a Stacy in the first place

Anonymous 262774

True friends live parallel lives - one's choices has no effect on the other's life.

Anonymous 262780

I'd say that I don't understand it, that there are plenty of other ways to make money that she would definitely easily qualify for(ie: soccer coach). I'd try to convince her to not do it.

On a sidenote, I would like to deconstruct a little why I feel such a way and I would like to know what you think about it.

Aside being a Stacy(whatever that may mean) and an (ex)professional athlete, which is already unrelatable to me on so many level. The only real moral objection I find to it is her participation in the production of the content that has a bad impact moid's brain, and that don't make them more civilized.

It is a valid point I believe, but when I put myself in the situation that she would be my friend, the whole range of emotions and feeling that compels me to try to convince her no to do it cannot be atributed to that point alone: after all she is my friend, the content she adds is a drop in an ocean already overflowing, if she manages to make a relativly good living out of this, why wouldn't I feel good for her?
Also, considering none of this seems to be done under coercion and I think she would be able to do so many kinds of work if she wanted to, isn't this a rare case of more that average ethically produced porn? What do you think about this too?

Anonymous 262791

Based for getting money from coomers

Anonymous 262792

What news site is this? Do they actually have a section called "onlyfans" where they report on such tabloid trash? Sounds like free advertising for the wretched site.

The moid who founded onlyfans must've made an absolute fricking mint from that site… But hey isn't it so good that women's """sexual liberation""" just so happens to align with one of the most harmful (but profitable $$$) practices in human society? Oh but hey, isn't it great that a woman is CEO now, doesn't that make it so much better? No? It doesn't? Because at the end of the day the upper class exploits the lower classes for personal gain? Because they exploit young women and manipulate them into thinking that "pornstar" is a respectable and valued profession? Because they exploit young men into completely rewiring their dopamine reward system? Gah! I hate this, any publicity that wretched site gets (good or bad) ultimately abets OF. "Make the men know we exist so they can give us money, make the women know we exist so they can be our dancing monkeys". Disgusting. Hate it.

Anonymous 262797

Of course I share the very strong feelings regarding that, but, as I said, I would like to understand it better.

I am not op. I confess, this girl may not even exist, I have not checked.

>Because they exploit young women and manipulate them into thinking that "pornstar" is a respectable and valued profession?
This is where I am somewhat unsure on the degree of exploitation, or rather, what markers is carries: see, she is not in a situation when she cannot do anything else, this a conscious choice amongst other activities she could do. I do not think her agency can be denied here.
About the 'respectable' and 'valued' bit, aren't those relative values? Is not she entitled to have her own take on what are those from her own stanpoint? For instance, I personnaly, am overqualified for a very disregarded profession, but I like it, and I have people always telling me I should do "better" and that always makes me very angry.

>Because they exploit young men into completely rewiring their dopamine reward system?

Well yeah, my main point, but to compare her situation to the one of girls violently abused on sets, isn't her position better?

>>The moid who founded onlyfans must've made an absolute fricking mint from that site… But hey isn't it so good that women's """sexual liberation""" just so happens to align with one of the most harmful (but profitable $$$) practices in human society? Oh but hey, isn't it great that a woman is CEO now, doesn't that make it so much better? No? It doesn't? Because at the end of the day the upper class exploits the lower classes for personal gain?

Although I cannot really deny or argue on the Marxist approach, nor can I on the sex the CEO, I would be more inclined to reframe the discussion under OP's question. This is a practical case study for me, more than an attempt to discuss abstract tropes.

Anonymous 262799

Anonymous 262802

Ask her for a feature. But if we were really good friends, I‘d tell her that she has better options to make money than that(unlike me)

Anonymous 262803

That women like her should stop seeking attention from media and other women cause their prostitute sex positive culture is insufferable, keep it between you and your moidgods

Anonymous 262810

>she is not in a situation when she cannot do anything else, this a conscious choice amongst other activities she could do
Fair point, but according to the article
She felt pressure from "the public" to start an OF (after being on the team for only 19 days). Unsurprising that "the public" (i.e. porn-addled manchildren) would ask for that. The article also says that it's only speculated that onlyfans is why she left soccer - maybe she was just genuinely tired from soccer and is looking for something else; I hope she doesn't regret her choice to leave (hint: everyone regrets every choice they ever make [source: me]).

>re: 'respectable and valued'

Maybe I should've used other adjectives, my point is that "pornstars" will never truly be respected as people because their primary role is pornstar as object. That's what they are seen as by 50% of the population, which happens to be the population that defines their "job description". Given the "contribution" their "work" makes to the world, I can't say it's a respectful role. At least sports-stars are respectful in the sense that they're living evidence that trying hard at a skill can lead to proficiency (even if I'm not much a fan of sports).

>I personnaly, am overqualified for a very disregarded profession

Respectable is relative, and in my relative position, something is respectable if its contribution to society is honourable. E.g. nurses are respectable, even if the general public treats them like shit and pays them horribly. On the flipside, most doctors are arseholes, but are highly respected by the public. Respectability is gauged from an ethical framework rather than authority of democracy, no matter how much the mob (i.e. the people pushing the mob's buttons) wants to shift your perspective.

>Well yeah, my main point, but to compare her situation to the one of girls violently abused on sets, isn't her position better?

Sure, it's better. In the same way wage slavery is better than regular old slavery. Doesn't mean it should be something to strive for. Maybe she's suffered some trauma as a child, I wouldn't be surprised if she readily caved to a public demanding to see her sans clothing.

>This is a practical case study for me, more than an attempt to discuss abstract tropes.

That's exactly the point, if she were my friend then I'd probably have already had this conversation about how much I hate these sites. In which case, she probably would've stopped being friends with me 12 years ago on account of me being insufferable.

Anonymous 262996

sports is also selling your body for money. the only distinction here is of sexual morality. it's not like she even has to have sex like a lot of sex workers.

Anonymous 263002

I really hate the whole "x is also selling your body" cope about sex work. It is so dumb. You could say that about anything. The difference is being used as a sex object. And the psychological trauma from that. You can't possibly say that any woman is free from that. At least sports is fun. At least when I'm selling my body to burger flip, no one is going to shove anything up my ass. I sure hope not anyway.

Anonymous 263014

Becoming proficient at soccer, to the point where you're getting signed to play for money, is selling a skill, not your body. A human being can develop a skill and become very good at that skill. Being paid to play soccer is being paid for your skill, not for your body. Maybe there's a philosophical argument in all of this in that "your soccer ability is muscle memory, so it really is just your body," but that would be ignoring the years of work that goes into becoming good at soccer.

Sex work, on the contrary, dehumanizes you. A sex worker is viewed as an object by their patrons. Hence the term "objectification". When your typical male sees a woman like in OP's post, their first thought is "I want to see her naked". This is verified in the article - the public asked and she gave. First it was coomer men in the 19th century wanting daguerreotypes of scantily clad women. Then it was coomer men in the 20th century wanting magazines with full pages of nude women from all walks of life. Then it was coomer men in the 21st century wanting exabytes of pornographic material covering every possible fever-dreamed fetish that exists under the sun, as well as many, many things that I do not even want to know about. It will never be enough for them. VR and AI are the next big pieces of tech - let's leave it to the sci-fi authors to decide what reptilian brain demands the moid population will make next. I have no control over this. All I can control is my ability to say 'no'. We have to say no to them, because it will only get worse.

Anonymous 263041

>She felt pressure from "the public" to start an OF (after being on the team for only 19 days). […] I hope she doesn't regret her choice to leave (hint: everyone regrets every choice they ever make [source: me]).

Well I guess we will never know for sure

>(hint: everyone regrets every choice they ever make [source: me])

No, you are quoting ME, get out of here! (jej)

>Maybe I should've […] (even if I'm not much a fan of sports).

In a practical way, I agree very much with this.
In my normal mood though, I'd say that this world is fucked as ever and using it as a refferential is as vain as it gets. I am probably a bit too dark to work with people.

>something is respectable if its contribution to society is honourable.

I somewhat feel that just moves the problem to the definition of 'honorable'. I am nit-picking a bit here, but I have a very hard time recognizing value in traditional values (and there is for sure) while these very same values have played and still play a big part in today women situation.

>Sure, it's better. In the same way wage slavery is better than regular old slavery. Doesn't mean it should be something to strive for. Maybe she's suffered some trauma as a child, I wouldn't be surprised if she readily caved to a public demanding to see her sans clothing.

Maybe I am a bit jaded but most of my political views and opinions have drifted from supporting 'the ideal solution' to 'just go for the least worse and harmful one, maybe work our way up from there'. I am a big downer in partisan politics discussions.

On a side note, if IA can make too much of a competition for OF, maybe it will discourage such endeavour enventualy.

Anonymous 263058

I wouldn’t say anything to her because it’s her life but I think it could hurt her career prospects down the line

Anonymous 263292

sports "dehumanizes" you
there is a lot of pure physical luck and talent in how proficient you are at some sport in addition to the training
for example, michael phelps is tall and has a really wide wingspan for stronger strokes and has some metabolic fuckery in his body that makes him recover from swimming faster
and anyhow sex workers have to maintain themselves, too
sex work is mostly an issue of labor and economics, and it's only really conservative moids that focus on it as an issue of moral degradation or whatever

Anonymous 263314

Difference is : in sex work, the worker's body is both the dealer and the heroin. Do we want a society where sex work is taught in schools and sold freely? There is a reason sex is traditionally taboo: it's a controlled substance. Most people can't deal with it reasonably when it's freely available (look at pornography - same with alcohol and lots of drugs, mind you), that's why there is so much shame around it.
Of course, nowadays everything is about finding new commodities, selling everything and everyone, so suddenly, social taboos are painted as intolerable restrictions, and every young pretty thing is encouraged to open an only fan account.
Look at it pragmatically, beyond basic moralfaggotry: what does the society that allows it looks like? How does it work? How does it deal with male on female violence? Male on male violence? Does it makes freer human beings? competent citizens?

Anonymous 263325

I hate men and I hate society.

Anonymous 263353

>I'd say stay extra, Queen

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