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/soc/ boyfriend horror stories thread Anonymous 262279

Anyone have any horror stories or just bad experiences with boyfriends they met on /soc/? willing to share my story if enough people care about this thread

Anonymous 262283

what was your experience OP? i never found a bf off /soc/ (but certainly tried) but did end up making a bunch of platonic friends. i ghosted them all eventually, but people were pretty respectful, nice, no dick pics or cp or anything etc.

Anonymous 262284

I do not understand the people that even go on /soc/ and try to meet others here. It literally feels like you're walking straight into danger.

Anonymous 262287

Either they are more hopeful about human nature than we are or their standards are really low.

Anonymous 262541

Most of the guys I've talked to on /soc/ have been pretty decent. The closest thing to a "horror story" I've experienced was this guy I was really starting to like freaked out and accused me of being a catfish, but even then he very quickly apologized and we went our separate ways.

Anonymous 262543

I never used /soc/ because I am ugly, but I used to talk to men off /r9k/ when I was younger because I was desperate and thought my best chance at getting a boyfriend would be an ugly loser like me, right? Wrong. Here’s a general picture of how that went: one guy started telling me stereotypes about my ethnicity within 15 minutes, another guy called me his ‘waifu for laifu’ after talking to me for a few weeks then tried to hack my email, one was incredibly paranoid and kept accusing me of not being a real woman and saying I was lying to him, one was a full blown woman-hater who supported rape and violence against women, one had bad OCD and was unable to do anything but commiserate, and a few of them ghosted me with no explanation. I eventually gave up and moved on from trying to meet men on imageboards. Luckily I met my bf last year. He’s a mentally healthy attractive and kind normie with a good career and he’s my age, the exact type of guy I used to avoid because of my insecurities in the past. I’m still insecure and feel like I don’t deserve him, but I try not to self-sabotage and just enjoy how much better life has gotten and just do the best I can. Love is really worth it if you find the right guy. I wouldn’t advise any woman to look on imageboards however.

Anonymous 262550

Really interested in story OP!
I had a LDR with a guy I met on /soc/ when I was 17. We never met up in person (lmao) and he was horrible.

Anonymous 262704

Yes and i am not sharing

Anonymous 262705

God i meant to use it before i moved to college and guess what im still using it once in a while

Anonymous 262758

Wasted a couple years of my life in a ldr and never met him! Constantly kept bringing it up in the last few months or so and he always dodged it. I've met other guys off soc and they're mostly just dorky/harmless if you have a good filter and keep the ball in your court when meeting up.

Anonymous 262946

I've never even attempted to meet up with people from the internet or to form an online "relationship" (if you could even call it that). Not only is it super risky, but it's basically guaranteed to end poorly. How many successful relationships start out from online boards and forums? probably less than one in a million.
Especially on /soc/ of all places, which is one of the worst 4chan boards you could possibly use to meet people. I genuinely don't understand why you would try in the first place.

Anonymous 263856

This is honestly so reassuring to hear, I'm happy you got your happy ending!
>I never used /soc/ because I am ugly, but I used to talk to men off /r9k/ when I was younger because I was desperate and thought my best chance at getting a boyfriend would be an ugly loser like me, right?
Oh god, this hits too close to home. I've unfortunately fallen for this many times and I'm still trying to get out of that cycle when it happens (partially why I want to make a committed migration to a more female populated image board).

Anonymous 270572

what generals do you even check on /soc/ to find decent human beings? there's so much porn when I go there I just click off instantly…

Anonymous 270592

There’s a SFW general last I checked. You still have to be selective with who you add, and if they’re not degenerate they’re still probably boring

Anonymous 270608

met an r9k guy who was pretty chill; awkward, insecure nerd who had a cute face and voice. went to shit tho bc he was also schizoid bpd type (like me) and kept showing his dick on cam. hope he doesnt see this bc i think he lurks < 33

Anonymous 270674

/soc/ is completely worthless now because it's filled with both normies and horrible degenerates, worse than the normal kind. It used to be better but past few years it's just gotten so bad that i've stopped trying entirely.

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