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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 262355

dirtiest trick you've played on a moid?

Anonymous 262525

>believe in God
>seethe about women ad infinitum
>die alone
>sire no children
>world cleansed from your degeneracy
as God intended. it all works out

Anonymous 262534

The epidemic works both ways with women's numbers being just a little above moid's. The dating apps and the sheer amount of people they cover make finding a person willing to tolerate you easier than ever. If you can't find a woman, it's either because you're at the very bottom of the barrel and are completely unable to groom yourself or hold a conversation with someone who doesn't share your immediate interests, or because you're just as fucking picky and run away with your tail between your legs after merely dipping your toes into the water (if even). You are the sole architect of your suffering. Rightfully so.

Anonymous 262535


Anonymous 262536

East Asian birthrates are even lower than Western birthrates. This is just more moid fetish content.

Anonymous 262539

I know, right? A woman deeply ingrained in East Asian culture may not even entertain small talk before asking about moid's education, salary, etc. These moids all dream about their perfect asian dolls serving a traditional role, but always leave out their part of the deal where they actually work their assess off to be able to provide for an entire household.

Anonymous 262957

The funny thing is how much they glorify 50's era "traditionalism", but emulate none of it. Men in the 50s used to dress up and wear suits just to visit the local market. Meanwhile these people don't even know how to use a clip-on tie.

Anonymous 263176


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