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Neighbor won't stop slutshaming my cat Anonymous 262790

Hello I need some ways to fuck with this choad asap. he always makes kissing noises and harrasssing my pooter when she's trying to lay out in the sun.

He starts his hate campaign the second he goes outside to give himself cancer. 8 am every morning.
He never misses a chance to call my cat a whore and laugh it up with his wife. No i don't know if he's a furry or choad with dementia or what !

Misty greebles never bothered anybody. Obciously I would like to stick a cat turd in his mailbox but he'd know where it came from. I need to be sneaky please

Graciously awaiting ideas?

Anonymous 262796


Anonymous 263007

0000+ fine steel wool in outdoor electrical outlets? no more house lmao?

can u pet ur kitty for me and tell her nona says hi

Anonymous 263017


Film the guy, post video in your local groups "Retard slutshames cat", let him shame himself.
You can also let yourself be inspired by your cat: does she care?

Anonymous 263018

Just call him a slut back

Anonymous 263027

Do you think that will impress him? Just call him sexually frustrated and envious of the cat instead.

Anonymous 263051



Anonymous 263061

"Women, in other words, don’t have penis envy;
men have pussy envy."

- Valerie Solanas, author of S.C.U.M. Manifesto and shooter of scrotes, 1968

Anonymous 263094

she was so based

Anonymous 263102

I've actually done this to cats I've secretly wanted. He probably wants to steal your cat.

Anonymous 263178

What in the world? Is this real?

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