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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 263915

I just want to climb trees

Anonymous 263917

Koala scum hands wrote this thread

Anonymous 263919

This is the most blissful post I've seen in a very long time.

Anonymous 263920

Monkey thread

Anonymous 263922

This post and OP's pic reminded me of a dream, where I snuck into big forest-like park to have sex with trees. I found trees like in OP's pic the sexiest ones, with thick and tall branching trunk and lush big bright green crowns of leaves. I climbed them, sat on thick brances and rubbed my coochie on them. Worst thing about this dream was that next day I was tempted to actually fuck trees and it was hard for me to resist climbing one. Fucking trees is now a recurring motif in my dreams. I have zero idea what does it all mean.

Anonymous 263926

You are lying but this is a funny/weird story so I will give a (You)

Anonymous 263931

I am not lying, it indeed happened. I am still getting dreams where I climb on trees and rub on them. Why the fuck would I lie about it on obscure imageboard?

Anonymous 263933

I believe you nona follow your true calling and become a tree lover

Anonymous 263936


this thread reminded me of my favourite tree that i loved to climb, it was growing at an angle which made it really easy to get on. someone cut it down like 2 years ago and i still miss it :-(
no i believe her i've heard of this fetish before. based treefuckernature loving nona

Anonymous 263938


Thank you, in late spring I will fulfill my dream and fuck a nice big tree with virgin fresh green leaves

Anonymous 263939

>picrel nonas husbando

Anonymous 263940

Squirrel thread

Anonymous 263942

i genuinely wish you all the best, good luck. hopefully ants won't bother you

Anonymous 264023

>used to live up north close to the east coast as a kid
>would climb trees daily, loved to climb, occasionally went to a rock-climbing gym that was close by
>parents and I eventually move down south near the border
>all the trees are covered in thorns and have weak shitty branches
>no longer allowed to climb
>become shut-in internet nerd

Anonymous 264041


Started taking daily walks recently and realized how jealous I am of squirrel life. Seeing them run so fast all over the neighbourhood, into the trees and along the fences.

Anonymous 264101

Trees are just shitty mountains, and mountains are already the lowest form of life on this planet. Wake the fuck up miners

Anonymous 264102

How to tell me you're a depraved worthless scrote, one of millions lining up around the block for 2d weeb tts

Anonymous 264106

Don't you get splinters in your tongue from sucking tree dick so much?

Anonymous 264179

>wake up
>still not a gibbon
>cry myself to sleep

Anonymous 264372

i used to like climbing trees…

Anonymous 264930

Anonymous 264932

Why? Women can't have weird dreams and fetishes?

Anonymous 265169

Screenshot 2024-03…

everything you don't like is troonies nona, get with the program

Anonymous 265180

me too!
lets do that some time

Anonymous 275636

there was a dilbert cartoon briefly when i was young and in one of the episodes there was a guy who was horny for trees so maybe you're in a dilbert cartoon (an unfortunate fate)

Anonymous 275648

if only the giving tree was about a male tree and a girl the world would be a better place

Anonymous 275658

No she's right, it sounds like a sex pest moid

Anonymous 275738

I contemplated the thought of having sex with a tree and I decided that it's not for me…

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