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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Question thread Anonymous 264813

So I’ve thought of a nice gaem of asking and answering. Someone asks a question and others reply, followed by a question they’d also like answered. Obviously do not answer bait or moid-like questions. I’ll go first: what is your favorite type of cheese?

Anonymous 264816

I’ll also start off by answering the question I posed. My favorite type of cheese is goat cheese. I hope that you all enjoy this fun gaem

Anonymous 264836

This thread must be bumped as there is a raid happening. Answer away your favorite cheese and ask a question for others to answer.

Anonymous 264839

My favorite cheese is My Little Pony.

Anonymous 264855

my favourite cheese is mozarella. what was your favourite subject in school and why?

Anonymous 264875

I don't like cheese because they're smelly.

Is it over or has it just begun?

Anonymous 264876

For some reason, you thought that posting this would put you on the moral high ground.

Anonymous 264911

My favorite subject in school was music. I got to go on a couple of amazing trips because I was the piano in improv-jazz.

If given a high-8 figure budget to use for whatever project you wanted, (no pocketing it) what would you do?

Anonymous 265088


id spend it on a big ol farm for me and my autismogirls to try and achieve self-sufficiency as a small community. like the amish but without the rapes

if you could have any fast food meal rn, what would it be?

Anonymous 265108

jolibee, with extra gravy on my chickenjoy.

If you could solve only ONE issue that you have in your life(or body/mind), what would it be?

Anonymous 265123


With bingus as our lawyer?????

How do you know you wont end up eaten by male choads if you live with men ? Has anyone figured this out ??? How to know you wont turn into a choad yourself?!

Anonymous 265124

do you guys leik fortnit

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