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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Somone posted child porn Anonymous 265200

some fucking pedophile just posted a child porn image with a link to a telegram on this board. Thank the mods for deleting that shit so fast. Moid depravity truly knows no limits.

Anonymous 265204

They do that all the damn time, you're just lucky not to have seen it before.

Anonymous 265209

happens all the time

Anonymous 265214

I wonder this too. I tried googling but no luck. I knew a pedophile and he told that they just demand payment for the photos (and probs wont deliver), but wouldn't it be more effective to spambot those links into le darkweb pedoforums? I doubt many anons here want to fuck children.

Anonymous 265215


>I knew a pedophile and he told that they just demand payment for the photos (and probs wont deliver)
>I knew a pedophile
How do you casually know a pedophile and have a casual conversation about CP spam on cc with said pedophile?

Anonymous 265216

yeah that's kind of suspicious. like the anon over on the /x/ board admitting to molesting their younger brother or cousin and turning him gay. like what are the odds it's not the same person spamming gross and illegal shit by switching to a vpn?

Anonymous 265233

Most of the raids here are the tantrums of deranged trannies.

Anonymous 265239

lately it's been just soyfags or could xey be trannies as well 0_o

Anonymous 265266

trannies are yes literally just salty shoddy men. hence why they rant and rave about so much in their incel mens rights activist mind. personally meeting a few they literally proudly shout bout how they want to rape and kill "terfs" in public
they are more mad than an average asylum patient

best joke i heard in a while was that whats wrong with men cutting off their penis if they arent at least a 7/10 or so

Anonymous 265275

I thought it was just a bot that spams it on every board possible

Anonymous 265289

a vichan implementation of either of these could help with the telegram cp spam bot

Anonymous 265293

You're yelling into the void. Admin abandoned ship long ago.

Anonymous 265326

The problem is that there are only two people who visit this site

Anonymous 265333

Considering the fact that most imageboards (no matter how obscure they might be) are getting spammed with the same shit at an increasing rate, yeah, it's probably indeed the feds.

Anonymous 265358

not to mention the spammers get 0 real life consequences whatsoever. yeah, all these disgusting gore/cp spam posts glow hard.

Anonymous 265506

We were on a Discord server that had my friends in it. This happened like 6 years ago while I was in my le edgelord phase and thought that pedophiles should be understood. We didn't talk about cc though, just imageboards in general.

Anonymous 265507

you don't actually need to have cp in order to con pajoots in to sending you bitcoins with the promise of it

Anonymous 265513


I literally just opened the site and bam, there's more. I wouldn't dare click those links but knowing what's behind them makes my stomach churn.

Anonymous 265535

how do i contact said pajoots? asking for a friend

Anonymous 265580

why would the feds even target this site? what actual woman would want to see that shit besides the pedo on /x/. they must be bored at work then

Anonymous 265581

i dont think its this site in particular, im pretty sure its just a bot that posts on any image board based on keywords. idk about it being feds though i always assumed it was just to earn money

Anonymous 265661

What is wrong with that, if a moid isn't at least a 7/10 he doesn't deserve to breed anyway.

Anonymous 265721

Based,only 7 and up in general should have kids

Anonymous 265891

Come to India, preferrably UP :)

Anonymous 266085

Someone did it again this morning. Why do moids keep posting this shit? I hope they go to prison.

Anonymous 266089

They do it because they know cp upsets s and they get off on torturing women and girls. Nothing new under the sun.

Anonymous 266095

do they think if they post enough of it, they can get the site taken down?

Anonymous 266098

It's a strategy sick redditors use to shut down subreddits they don't like so I wouldn't be surprised if something like this could be done on an IB/website scale.

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