
outdoors hobbies Anonymous 265382
hello nonas
let's talk about treehugger hobbies eg camping, bushcraft, foraging
also a question: how do you balance safety with enjoyment if you go out alone? i'm not sure about camping alone even with my giant dog.
Anonymous 265387
buy a gun and train with it, there is literally no other way
Anonymous 265399
>>265382Gardening. In my state if you have a homestead you don't have to pay property taxes !! And the definition of homestead is super lax. So I'm going to have chickens and a prepper garden.
Obviously I love camping too, but I have no money to go camping. For now I just love going on walks and looking for cool critters. I love geckos.
Anonymous 265405
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>>265399chickens and a prepper garden is enviable tbh. i kept quail once (illegally)
Anonymous 265423
>>265405I saw the quail pic on the homepage and I clicked just to say hi to you. I have chickens. I had quail, but I like the chickens better. So I sold the quail. But in a lot of places Quail are legal where chickens aren't. Because they aren't considered livestock.
Anonymous 265424
street and nature photography is a good choice Nona
Anonymous 265427
Does birdwatching count as outdoor hobby? And idk how it's properly called in English, but I just walking around forest and fields identifying and observing local wildlife
Anonymous 265429
>>265405Did you keep quails just for yourself or did you sale their eggs&meat?
Also, how keeping quails could be illegal?
Anonymous 265437
Gardening is my only reason to go outside in the summer, I'd like to keep some laying hens or quail but I couldn't afford the upkeep.
Anonymous 265457
>>265429zoning! i just kept them for myself and ate their tiny eggs
>>265408the loud one was named kevin. the rest werent given the dignity of names
>>265427birdwatching definitely counts. there are not many interesting birds where i live, mostly crows, so i prefer to look at plants.
>>265423hello :) ! i dont keep ANYTHING anymore, not even plants. so im jealous. do you cultivate anything else ?
Anonymous 265459
>>265457Crows are amazing, lord I wish I had crows. You can feed them peanuts and eggs, they will recognize you and bring you gifts.
Anonymous 265621

>>265459Crowposting for you nona
I have hooded crows all around my city, they love to troll stray cats and dogs, rummage through trash bins and occasionally kill pigeons. Pretty interesting animal
Anonymous 265765

tidepooling. I'm lucky to live near some great spots
Anonymous 271343
>>271336Who? Magpie? I don't know the fate of birds from that pics, but I think it didn't. Killing a magpie would be very energy costly for a crow, because they are quite big and smart. That crow probably just chased it away from its territory
Anonymous 271358
I like giving stale bread to birds and ducks
Anonymous 271359
kayaking at springs or down brackish canals, picnics at the park, taking shoddy nature photos, etc. outside of treehugger stuff i love to just take a slow walk down a stream with my fishing gear and catch some trout and look for pretty rocks and quartz geodes. i never find geodes but it's fun regardless.
Anonymous 271368
love love camping, but i wish it's safe enough for me to do it alone, right now i'm relying on my guy friend to go with me
Anonymous 271369
>>271368What if the guy friend is dangerous? Who watches the watchmen?
Anonymous 271370
>>271369i'll kill him and then kill myself
Anonymous 271395
I'm only scared of dogs in the environment I am but roads I bike on seem safe
Anonymous 271532
>>271395same, im less scared of dangerous men than stray dogs especially in packs and the occasional bear we have around here. and the government does nothing about this shit.
anyways to answer the question i enjoy running, camping and exploring.
>how do you balance safety with enjoyment if you go out alone?i think 'YOLO' and just do it