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Crazy pick me Andrew Tate fangirl Anonymous 265383

There's this insane anti-feminist pick-me that is obsessed with Andrew Tate to the point where she thinks she's married to him and has seances with him. I shit you not

Anonymous 265495

This woman clearly intends to use this strategy to launch her own grift. As long as LARPing as anti-feminist generates profit for women, there would be women who creare online anti-feminist personas in order to gain money, at the expense of all women in the population.

Anonymous 265496

She sounds like she's delusional to me, I kind of like watching ppl like this

Anonymous 265497

I wish I had enough patience to laugh at them instead of being annoyed with them.

Anonymous 265498

Definitely some sort of psychotic delusion or eromania granted she isn't bullshitting for attention.

Anonymous 265501

Do you think it might be a case of hybristophilia ?

Anonymous 265502

Who knows. She probably views Tate as the pinnacle of "traditional masculinity" and desperately craves his validation as the ultimate tradwife.

Anonymous 271833

Well she did do a video where she was screaming at this Muslim dude over followers so ya definitely some grifter

Anonymous 303230

She’s definitely got bipolar or something, complete dumpster fire
Pretty funny to watch lol
But scary part is these are the people with poor impulse control and become shitty parents. Hope her tubes are tied

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