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Female Content Creators to Uplift Anonymous 265539

I believe we seriously need to uplift female creators who spread anti-manosphere messages in order to counter the online wave of misogyny

Here are some examples I thought of :

> BurbNBougie (Youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/@BurbNBougie)

> Princella Clark (Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/@TheQueenMaker)
> Tree of Logic (Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/@justtree411)

Anonymous 265553


Sillypoo is great. Their most recent music video CYBERGIRLZ is a banger

Anonymous 265558

That art style is so ugly it distracts me from whatever you are trying to say.

Anonymous 265560

i love sillypoo

Anonymous 265564

i love sillypoo but i wouldnt put them here since they pander to polfag and manosphere moids
corporatism and the consequences of alegria art

Anonymous 265565

For real, I really was more thinking about radfem aligned creators, or simply anti-manosphere female creators.

Anonymous 266187

I got comics here!

Clarice Tudor who draws funny pink rabbits and criticizes patriarchal crap - https://www.instagram.com/claricetudor/?hl=en

Nele Jongeling who is a detransitioner who draws about double standards - https://www.instagram.com/nelejongeling/

Alison Zai who leans more surreal but got called a radfem once for a period comic, so she's probably cool - https://www.instagram.com/alisonzai/?hl=en

Anonymous 266193

I only know Sillypoo, Null and troonytoons. That's about the only fix I need. Most of the content I consume is pretty gender neutral like fitness, cooking and nature/hiking/camping/etc

Anonymous 266208

I love Clarice Tudor. I want to buy her stuff but yea maybe when I have a job kek

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