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Anonymous 265624

It's kind of dorky but I get so upset when I think about how irreversibly polluted the world is. I feel gross eating anything (especially seafood) thinking about how many industry byproducts and microplastics I'm consuming. I fucking hate moid greed and how they gaslit us to associate eco-activism with obnoxious extremists and conspiracy theorists.

Anonymous 265635

I think this is the absolute worst thing about moids. It should be obvious by now to everyone they're using climate change to commit mass murder. Anyone who doubts this is out of their mind with delusion. It is the most aggregious crime moids commit. Worse than absolutely anything else. The climate "denialists" among them are filthy animals and they need to be culled. We need to stop talking about them like they don't know what they're doing. We need to have the real conversations with these pigfuckers.

For fucks sake I don't care how antinatalists these scrotes are. If they don't want to live in the world and would rather burn it all down then they should just off themselves. Not take people who love life with them. A TON more men are antinatalist than we realize and we need to wake th3 fuck up to it and be honest with ourselves. THIS is the conversation we should be having for God's sake.

This problem is a trillion times worse than trannies. This problem is the tranny issue on steroids. It's disgusting how parasitic and sloppy and worthless shitheel moids are.

Anonymous 265636

I'm not poor so I don't care about pollution. I'll just keep moving around the world to whatever part of the planet doesn't suck.

Anonymous 265639

I agree but I also think waxing melancholic about the environment without being vegan (not necessarily saying this is true of you nona since idk if you are) is the height of hypocrisy

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