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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


What do you think he did to get in such a predicament? Anonymous 265756

Surely the justice system will rehabilitate him into an outstanding member of society

Anonymous 265757

he is so tall gee

Anonymous 265758

Right away I sensed the latent psychological issues present behind his eyes. I wouldn't trust him. I'm happy he's behind bars. Some criminals can't be rehabilitated.

Anonymous 265759

Instead send him to his end by firing squad. Those eyes are that of a monster.

Anonymous 265761

I can fix him.

Anonymous 265762

I can have him fixed.

Anonymous 265771

Top of head, not tips of ears. He's 5'6". That's the height where maintaining civil rights and participation in society becomes questionable. I do not think he can be rehabilitated.

Anonymous 265800

I know what he did he a good boy

Anonymous 265803

He stole food

Anonymous 266130

committing insurance fraud for food

Anonymous 266141

he was being a goober

Anonymous 266145

he killed an entire family of 27 mice.
and, not content with this, he proceeded to jump on the keyboard.

Anonymous 266158

he peed on my porsche that's why he's behind bars stupid ass cat

Anonymous 266314

longcat is long

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