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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

what do you think of this? Anonymous 266324

Just saw this, don't know what to make of it really. ANyone else seen it

Anonymous 266326

>channel 4 documentaries
is this name a play on 4chan lol

Anonymous 266345

They mostly just show incel discords with some femcels in it and pretend that's what femcels are about

Anonymous 266346

I am fucking sick and tired of people trying to make these sensationalist documentaries about "dangerous" online groups that amount to nothing more than losers on the internet shitposting in a chat group. "Oh no! A bunch of lonely women are posting about gratuitus hatred for men online! This is srs bznz because…. because uhh…" This is really the best we got now that VICE already interviewed all the actual dissidents who actually go outside and do things?

Anonymous 266352


Anonymous 266375

seems like they ended up doing more research on distraught girls caught up in incel spaces on discord rather than femcelism itself
at least they make the point that femcels aren't inherently dangerous (because they aren't men) but those girls glorifying some to be shooter or so is gross
those girls need help, that's all they really highlighted

girls who hang around incels for acceptance create their own shitty fate, as in the same with people groomed by TRA's.
lonely people delving into whatever sphere for a means of social communication no matter the personal cost.

i think the terrible way those men interact with them keeps them around, alongside how shoddy and inferior those guys are, makes girls feel like they have some control on their relationship despite being degraded more
i hope they get help and that video highlights how stupid any girl is to hang around rampant woman hating freaks with no empathy for human beings. i hope they come to realize what they're doing to themselves

also loved the Lana del Rey and MLP featuring

Anonymous 266378

didn't watch, not giving views to these assholes and femcels are better than they will ever be

Anonymous 271305

What kind of femcel are they talking about 1/ whore who calls herself a femcel 2/ normie who calls herself a femcel 3/ fake misandrist 4/ femcel who hates herself cause men don't like her 5/ female voluntarily celibate

Anonymous 271347

I feel like it's just an a priori truth that a femcel or incel wouldn't have the self confidence to go on a public documentary and tell people they're a femcel/incel. Also, I've seen a ton of documentaries by this woman (and analogous trendy chav milennial hosts e.g. stacey dooley, cherry healey etc.). They're pretty fun, but nothing like louis theroux and considerably sillier.

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