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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


I have crafted about 10% of the posts on this image board. Anonymous 266600

You don't know me but I'm a 37 yo who gets bored as hell at her job and at home. I come online and screw with you all.

And this board is still dead! what more can I give you cc? Let us make an offering to the image board g0ddess CICI and pray for her health and longevity.

The rat in my talon represents a ratfuck internet moids everywhere.

Anonymous 266601

i'm responsible for 10% of cc posts too. this place is a ghost town and i love it.

Anonymous 266603


Blessings and praises to our reptilian internet goddess

Anonymous 266611

Same i'm always here, love you nonas

Anonymous 266612

thank you for your service

Anonymous 266669



Hail to Cece!

(picrel is how her species look like)

Anonymous 266671

cc ftw

Anonymous 272672

Long live crystal cafe

Anonymous 272841


crystal cafe is the best

infinite thanks to the nona who posted abt it on a random fb thread

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