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STEM Majors Thread Anonymous 266664

How many users here went into STEM? Doesn't matter if you actually ended up making a career out of it.

Especially interested in seeing how many engineering majors there are because, for whatever reason, just about every engineering class seemed completely devoid of women at my school. It seems like the majority end up going into life sciences or pre med, personally wasted years poking around with bacteria in microbiology just to end up 'producing' (AI does most of the work) low effort mass produced content for some tiktok dude who pays me way more than this junk is worth. Feels like I sold my soul.

What's your major? Did you end up where you thought you would, or did you basically just end up spending a ton of time and money for a wall decoration? Would/will you do things over again and study a different field?

Anonymous 266665

compsci. I like it alot, I just wish moids were less insufferable, you can make the slightest correction to what they say and you can feel their blood boiling. don't blame any women for staying out of it I wouldn't have done it if computers weren't my obsession since childhood.

I kinda want to do computational linguistics as a second major cause my current field is somewhat related but doesn't fully delve into it(it's more related to speech than language).

honestly for a lot of STEM the issue is dealing with men than the major itself imo.

Anonymous 266684

premed bio major here. didn't get accepted into medical school because most schools in my country only let women in who are married to current students/graduated alumni. i would not do it again, but if i had to do it over at 18 i would probably pick a bullshit major, look pretty and networkmaxx.

Anonymous 266686

Did a liberal arts major, pivoted to med school impulsively last second. Graduating soon, hate medicine, thinking about pivoting to business.

Anonymous 266687

if they let you into medical school you can open a successful business easily.

Anonymous 266693

Does veterinary counts as stem? I am satisfied with my uni, pretty interesting stuff.
I tried working as vet technician in clinic, got disappointed because it is working with dumb ass owners, not animals. I will work at big industrial farm this summer. I have big hopes for it, my friend already worked there and said it was interesting. Also, surprisingly farm vets aren't as low paid as I thought.

Anonymous 266723

Agricultural Science. I worked in a soils lab for 2 years before I realised that, unless I went to work for an agricorp that's dooming the entire planet, I'd end up living in an arid country town for the rest of my career, achieving basically nothing, then go back home to teach at a shitty university or, God forbid, a high school, until I retired poor and alone. Thankfully, I accidentally befriended a guy in uni who inherited a fairly large timber and forest product agribusiness around that time and was just given a job through sheer nepotism because he needed someone trustworthy and he knew I always handed in lost items and money we found. That's literally it. I suddenly had a senior position that paid 80% higher than industry standard and let me live in a cottage with satellite internet, at the edge of a rainforest with a worksite I could walk to each morning. That only lasted 3 years, sadly, as I made the classic blunder of falling for my new boss and wound up pregnant in an industry where it's illegal to work while pregnant. I had to give up my cottage and my job in favour of consultancy for local government and corporate construction. Honestly, I don't think I would have done anything differently. I'm not a genius and I was never going to revolutionise any field I studied, but this one let me live like a queen for a few years and I ended up with a family because of it.

Anonymous 266728

how would you networkmaxx and look pretty?
i'm debating on picking compsci(college) or a meme degree (uni)
any advice

Anonymous 266729

hit the gym, do makeup, participate in all extracurriculars, suck up to professors so they will write letters of recommendation and befriend students who have wealthy connections. universities offer more opportunity for networking so go with that instead.

Anonymous 266730

thank u

Anonymous 266738

Should I do compsci or it as a second major? I have an associates already but I’m not sure if I’m prepared for all the math and moids in cs

Anonymous 266744

It does. It's a form of hard science, although I guess I shouldn't be exclusive to soft sciences here. Psych majors welcome!

Anonymous 268267

Compsci here as well, I suppose I relate to you in that aspect but I kinda isolate myself from people in general.

You are going to have to deal with moids in most STEM fields. The degree to which compsci is maths heavy really depends on which uni you go to (mine has been overwhelmingly just mathematics and theory, which I personally don't mind too much).

Anonymous 268280

This feels sleezy and dishonest, does the high school popularity contest ever end, why can't I just study and research something and people automatically realize the value of my work and give me credit like honest human beings.

Anonymous 269384

They are extremely insufferable. I felt and endured their superioty complex towards women. A lot of talented and smart girls get pushed out of interesting fields because some scrotes feel extremely entitled to said positions and will give you a hard time on purpose just because you are a woman. Men say women are snakes but I say men way worse because they will do anything to get their way in life. Plus are mentally unstable asf.

Anonymous 269893

Did 2 years of engineering and then dropped out. I had no one to talk to. Group assignments were an absolute torture, everyone had (male) friends but me so I was doing all stuff on my own
Now I’m shutin neet who will off herself one of these days

Anonymous 269903


but dont do that ok?

Anonymous 269928


I went through it, was rough. The professors have too much power and everyone was cheating. But at least i can sort of get a better job with slightly higher pay.

Anonymous 270195

I was going to go into robotics engineering but my dad talked me out of it. But then he tried to kill me three months later so I don't think his intentions were good.

Anonymous 270199

I did EE. My gender balance wasn't too bad, I did the electronic/electrical specialisation so there was only 11 people in the class and I was one of three girls. And it was kind of too small a group for there to be cliques so it was actually a nice dynamic, I never had moid problems, they were just kind of normal nice fellas, standoffish and shy but harmless. I only had problems with this one guy but they weren't moid problems, he had problems with everyone.
I was horribly depressed for my last couple of years which effected my study habits so I graduated with a shit degree and did nothing with it for the last couple of years, and now my confidence is shot so I don't know if I can do anything with it any more.

Anonymous 270565

did chem eng, working like a dog in manufacturing

Anonymous 270567

I am in EE but am probably going to drop out despite having a good GPA because 1. my schools program is god awful barely maintaining it’s not for profit status and 2. the program is so small that my grad date is delayed 1.5 years because I transferred in at the wrong time, transferring again would also extend my graduation date by a similar amount of time. I swear to god nothing has ever worked out for me in my life.

Anonymous 270573

does Nursing count as STEM? because usually when i hear talks about STEM majors it’s usually women in mostly male-dominated professions like compsci or engineering. i feel like nursing gets overlooked (for a lack of a better term) due to it mostly being women. i get irritated when people say nurses are just women who failed med school and aren’t as ‘smart’ as doctors.

Anonymous 270596

huh.. how is nursing part of stem… even 16 yr olds can become nurses with little qualification.
>just women who failed med school and aren’t as ‘smart’ as woman doctors
what certificates do you need to become a nurse compared to a doctor? i think if you follow this it will lead to your answer.

Anonymous 270644

The choice isn't just about intelligence. I'd rather do 2 years of RN school and make good money right out of college than spend 4 years racking up debt and busting my ass trying to get enough research + volunteer + work experience to compete with silver spoon kids. Just that is unrealistic enough for most people. Then add on an additional 6 figures of debt from med school, 4-6 years of opportunity cost, and then work myself to death in residency for a career that might not even pay 200k if it's a low-paying specialty. All while the nurses are working 3 days a week and making 80k just to take care of the same assholes. Becoming a doctor in the United States is so fucked up

Anonymous 270662

where do you live where even 16 year olds can become nurses? are you getting nurses and CNAs confused? Even then most CNAs need to be 18 and earn a certification to work in any state in the US.

Anonymous 270663

im from a 2nd world country and my mom is a nurse, when she gratuated the country needed nurses really badly so there were specialised boarding schools where high school kids only learned nursing, even then she became a nurse at the age of 18, noone can become a nurse at 16

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