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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


husbando general! Anonymous 266716

rant about your fictional/anime crushes, and rate others~ try to include a picture of them in the reply!
ill go first, saiki from saiki K, i just find him so relatable and funny., honestly its more of a childhood crush thing.

(im new to this website so please dont bully me lols)

Anonymous 266721

no offense, your post isn't bad or anything, but I think it probably belongs in /media and not /b

Anonymous 266733


KURAPIKA!!!!!!!!!!! He's so tortured and sad I love him. He's so polite lol

Anonymous 266774


Harry Mason… i like him a lot

Anonymous 266777

OIP (7).jpg

If one asked north koreans this question do you suppose they would say it was Kim Jong Un?

Anonymous 268489


Anonymous 268490

He’s just hot and sexy.

Anonymous 268544


Sugimoto is so cute

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