
It is hard to find places to vent freely Anonymous 267143
Posting on image boards is shit because of misogyny, but at least you can talk back freely to rude people. On reddit if you ask a question or vent and somebody responds in a snarky way or tells you to go to therapy, something not everyone can do / a lot of therapists can be shit. You can't respond to them or you will get modified/downvoted for not agreeing, so you have to let the thread die. This might be petty, but I am kinda annoyed about getting stonewalled by either jokes or Go To tHeRaPy for being slightly upset about anything.
Anonymous 267144
i meant modded not modified sorry spellcheck
Anonymous 267149
Maybe you just haven’t found the right community. I’ve made vent posts and received nice replies, but they were in the appropriate places. I won’t name them for obvious reasons, but yeah, good places for this type of thing exist.
Anonymous 267150
you have a point, i post sometimes in the aspie subs and although sometimes i get understanding responses, still sometimes i get the well you sound depressed so go to therapy
Anonymous 267154
Go to therapy is Reddit for stfu and I refuse to hear different. People just don’t want to hear it because it makes them feel uncomfortable, so they deflect with jokes or say something like “go to therapy” that sounds helpful but is actually just dismissive. Why they can’t just scroll and not comment is a mystery to me. Plus this “everyone needs therapy” culture is extra fucking stupid too.
Incoming blog: Take it from an upper middle class firstie who got diagnosed with the anxiety and depression meme and had access to meds and therapy on therapy while I was still living with my parents. It does nothing unless you have a specific problem to fix (like a phobia or specific trauma, not just intense emotions). I pretty much would just complain about school and not having friends at individual and use group to hear gossip from people with more problems than me. I’m happy I did it because it provided twice a week interaction with someone other than my mom and my judgemental classmates but did I need it? No, and expecting someone who isn’t 100% mentally stable but not psych ward bad to waste 5 years on therapy and SSRIs just because they could kill themselves but probably won’t is stupid
I made a private discord server with a vent channel and I also use my notes app. It’s free and discord/apple don’t care enough to get me 5150’d over my data
Anonymous 267159
>>267143I like going to therapy, but people act like it's so easy to get a good therapist. There are so many quacks out there and you have to pay them for the first few sessions just to realize they're not for you.
Anonymous 271300
People take vents personally
Anonymous 271377
redditors are obsessed with the concept of therapy and think it fixes everything
Anonymous 271391
>>271377My therapist commented on me not wearing make up as a woman
Anonymous 271405
>>271391Every female therapist I’ve ever had has been an absolute cunt whose #1 focus was bitching about my appearance in one way or another.
Only therapist I ever liked was a gay guy too old for his brain to be testosterone poisoned, and then, this best-case scenario was that therapy was inoffensive but useless.
Anonymous 271885
You can always went in your own notes. If you post it on a public forum, mostly men will see it, and they really do not understand the concept of venting. They see it as someone nagging them to fix something for a stranger. Go to therapy means "i don't know you, you don't pay me, go pay someone to listen to your bitching". After all why should they care about your problems
Anonymous 274699
>>267143Ah, I really feel similar. Even around people that seem to care vaguely about mental health, anything that's to heavy just invites exactly what you described.
The therapy comments are very distasteful to me. Not everything needs to be medicalized I think. Feels like an easy way to put down any dissenting thoughts as wrong and treats variety in human beings as abnormal. I think it also makes people look at other remedies as non-viable, like it's the only thing that can help.
I wish more grim conversations were more socially permitted. I understand most people don't have solutions and aren't doctors but empathy is nice. I'm a constantly suicidal person and not being able to talk about it easily without someone just wanting to hospitalize you instead of getting to speak about it honestly just makes things worse. I feel like I'm constantly sanitizing my true feelings for the people around me.
Anonymous 274749
>>267143>tfw in therapy and still fucked updoesn't fix everything
Anonymous 274759
What do you get out of venting? I hope this doesn’t sound judgmental, but I’m genuinely curious. I used to be someone who vented a lot, but now I can’t remember what I even enjoyed from it.
Anonymous 274772
I had better results from mediated group therapy. I got to bounce my thoughts off other people and see they had similar struggles. It is so much better than unpacking things to a therapist that seems to just affirm things and have a "think positive" mentality. Smiling and looking for the bright spots won't undo years of trauma.
Anonymous 276434
I went to multiple medical prof and most of them were not great. One of them tried to convince me to transition and the other called me crazy for being scared of my family who I showed her proof of being abusive.
It's better to just have a journal and take antidepressants instead of talking to a jackass that can ruin your life for no reason.
Anonymous 276591
get friends you trust through common interests and shared experiences and vent to them
Anonymous 276632
>>276434>One of them tried to convince me to transitionI am really curious about this.
Anonymous 281720
There's this incel in my community who used to have public meltdowns when girls didn't want to be more than friends with him and when people got annoyed with his constant bitching they started telling him he needs to go to therapy. I knew it was a bad idea because his only problem was a shitty and childish attitude, but he really did and the therapist ended up telling him he hasn't been loved enough and needs love. So now he's even worse because his bitching is somewhat justified by a professional. I don't think therapists are well trained enough to handle modern terminally online people and then end up treating them in harmful way.
Anonymous 281745
>zoomies can't even comprehend the concept of not littering the web with their mental breakdowns
Get a journal.
Anonymous 281781
>>281745Anon as a millenial eho has lived through tumblr/LJ days that is not zoomer exclusive thing to do
Anonymous 284163
>>281781You may have come from tumblr or livejournal, but this has never been common on imageboard culture. Now every other thread is some zoomer venting about their crappy life.
Anonymous 284631
>>267143I think people often respond with go to therapy, when they don’t know how to help. Just say that you’re already in therapy or something. And you can still insult people on reddit, you just have to be creative. I get you though, there aren’t many places on the internet where you really feel a community spirit and I often feel like I don’t fit in too
Anonymous 284894
>>284163"Blogposting" as a term was created because people couldn't help themselves and spammed every single thread in existence with bullshit about their personal life.
Anonymous 287682
Reddit is full of people responding with snark and Redditors are well-known assholes. There's already been several innocuous questions I've asked on different subreddits where I got dogpiled with downvotes and snarky replies. It happens anytime I try to get advice on there. Especially on tech subreddits. Moids on there even automatically assume anyone else posting is also a moid by using "he" on me. lmao You are definitely better off lurking instead of posting on 99% of subreddits there. Also the karma requirements they put are ridiculous when it is a career thread and it is entirely reasonable you would want to use a throwaway so that your employer doesn't identify you.
Anonymous 287697
The zoom zooms need to get their own blog. Tumblr was full of personal venting blogs 12 years ago. You can even make your own website, customize it with fun cursors. Computers are so much better than phones