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Normal Person test Anonymous 268241

It's hard to get 100 with the way some of these questions are phrased.


Anonymous 268242


All tranny subhumans deserve the rope.

Anonymous 268243


I swear I am troonphobic

Anonymous 268251


these questions are worded so weirdly that I don't think I answered accurately. They assume trans is a thing and I hate people who are that thing but in fact I don't even believe trans is real. It's like asking an atheist if they hate god

Anonymous 268253


How’d I do laid ease?

I don’t really consider myself a hardcore transphobe either. I’d be curious to see how a libfem handmaiden would score…

Anonymous 268254

They are pretty straightforward, easy to get 100% and achieve Total Transphobia

Anonymous 268257

There was that one question asking if you think trannies are human. The answer that increases the transphobia score is to say, no, they're not human. But they are humans, they're just retarded moids. That question doesn't really make sense the way it's worded, it feels like it's written by one of those idiots who complains that language specific to people is dehumanizing.

Anonymous 268258

do you think this was made by a tranny

Anonymous 268263

You need to stop seeing them as human if you want to achieve total transphobia
I guess it's based on race discrimination logic where other races are seen as subhuman

Anonymous 268264


That was fun ig
Troons are peeps I never pay attention to, I just don't care
Yeah I felt oddly dumb trying to answer to my best ability.

Anonymous 268284

this was definitely made by a tranny or friend-of-trannys but whatever

Anonymous 268319

I don’t think it was made by a tranny personally. The group that makes these tests are psychologists who have been posting them for years. They have hundreds of tests mixing pop psychology and consumer nonsense and this one came much later, probably only because trans ideology is trendy. The test is also based off of early transsexual-psychologists who are just run of the mill pervert males. It’s funny but the men who wrote the work this is based off of probably look down on trannies too.

Anonymous 268321

same and I don't live in the west so there's no troon epidemic in where I live. but watching troons on the internet from places like the US (it's always the US, most of the time) is funny while at the same time I feel sorry for normal people around them. sorry for blogposting

Anonymous 268333


I consider my views on this to be the most normie-aligned, which is why I think that the "average person" metric is way too low. If anything it should be higher than mine.

Anonymous 268346

Uhh guys? BCBRP (basically a countryball roleplay)'s server is about to raid yall. Watch out.

Anonymous 268347

nvm this place is safe

Anonymous 268349

The true normal person average is probably brought down by all the trannies taking this test.

Anonymous 268350


I'm surprised it's high since I generally don't care about trannies and considered myself to have an "is what it is", "dont step on my toes, wont step on yours" attitude towards them up until now.
Today I learn that I'm learn hypocrite.
Trannies 41%

Anonymous 268351

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How are you not getting perfect hundreds, nonas?

Anonymous 268352

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these questions… its like 26 are "DO U LIKE TRANNS??" and 2 that are like "DOU U HATE TRANNS???"… its almost like a self-hating fetishistic tranky made this to verify that he's hated so much and is gooning to the results.. like i hate them all but even i could think of better questions that offer more insight to people's affirmations

>do you believe trannsgender persons should receive the medical help they need in order to feel comfortable?

>do you believe most young adults who are tranning out are just going through a phase they will grow out of?

stuff like that

Anonymous 268372

the way they make themselves out to be the victims make me even less inclined to see them as humans.

Anonymous 268375

The most annoying part is that some of the questions twist factual statements into questions of opinion. For example, one of them was something like "Do you think that transgenders feel ashamed when not validated by others" or "Do you think transgenders identify as such to feel like they're above everyone else". Like…. these are not matters of agreement or disagreement, this is exactly what is happening. The only two reasons you would ever want to transition are to either desperately get free validation/attention from others, or to fulfill your AGP desires.

Anonymous 268411


Anonymous 268414

Wtf why do I not have 100s in every area? I know I can do better

Anonymous 268417


i answered with TIFs included in mind, if took this test thinking of TIMs only the results would be different

Anonymous 268474


My sisters!

Anonymous 268478


>34% above average person

That score would be far higher if they asked more questions relating to sports and childhood transition.

Anonymous 268485

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How do I become more transphobic?

Anonymous 268486


Anonymous 268488


lol. I honestly scored lower than I thought.

Anonymous 268521


61% is too low for comfort but me hanging out with troons is extremely rare to begin with.

Anonymous 268526


So for some reason, my scores came out in French….. I find that and my scores frigging hilarious

Anonymous 268531

>41% more transphobic than the average person
Kind of a based number not gonna lie. That said, I really don't think I am hateful or transphobic. I think these people should be treated with compassion and respect, just like anyone else that has a mental illness - and I don't think they can really help it. Even mild exposure to these people makes it clear to everyone it's the result of genetics and abuse.

It IS a mental illness, though. If you think you are something you aren't, that's the definition of a mental illness isn't it? And you can't tell me that their incongruous lifestyles don't haunt them every moment of their lives, all I ever hear about is how distressing it is for these people to exist near real women or see their own reflections. Is it transphobic to then say "yes, these people stress about their appearance and acceptance more than other people"? Like I said, I don't hate them. But, they shouldn't be validated or celebrated. They need help. Therapy, medication… something.

Anonymous 268533

Moids don't deserve compassion and respect. TTD

Anonymous 268535

BASED fuck the yannies

Anonymous 268537

i agree, bullying trannies feels so wrong, it's like going around bullying people with schizophrenia. it's not their fault, it's a mental illness

Anonymous 268539

This test is so obviously biased it's so dumb lek
"If a Troon took a pass at you would you take the compliment like you would a normal person?"
Then the ones that go "they should just dress like their birth sex and hide" their identity takes the absolute stance that a person is trans like they are gay so they are hiding something by calling themselves by their birth sex and also takes the stance that nobody could possibly be fine calling men in dresses male. Men and women can dress how they want and stay men and women.
It's like this "test" was made by a bunch of 20 year old troons creating strawmen. I'm trying to imagine a "racist" test with these questions and the most racist person in the world would be able to fudge their answers with how leading the questions are.

Anonymous 268572

Its like calling me so disgusting and ugly that a tranny freak would think they have a chance with me. It worse than every slur put together.

Anonymous 268601

>Your transphobia is 25.59% higher than that of the average person.

I'm pretty sure this is because I routinely picked the "trans people want to be seen as cis" options. If they didn't want to be seen as the opposite gender why would they transition?

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