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Medical Misogyny Anonymous 268599

>male doctor takes 4 months misdiagnosing me and leaving me basically disabled all this time
>female doctor took 1 visit to give me the right meds and solve the problem

Anonymous 268600

Sometimes they are just bad doctors. My female doctor told me my back pain was just scoliosis and to take NSAIDs forever. Hint: she asked me zero questions, provided me zero help, and was wrong about an easily fixable issue.

Anonymous 268670

>Sally face pic
Please become my friend again i didn't mean it

Anonymous 268671

I have anxiety listed in my chart and now every doctor chalks my symptoms up to anxiety. Yep I’m just balding with rib pain because I’m nervous. Blood was ran and my hormones and vitamins were normal, guess I’m just gonna lose all my hair and live in pain because “anxiety”

Anonymous 268693

Anxiety is like the modern equivalent for "hysteria" for diagnosing women now.

Anonymous 268752


How come nobody talks about how doctors are allowed deny you birth control if you haven’t had a Pap smear? What does cancer screening have to do with pregnancy?

Anonymous 268757

pretty sure birth control pills can worsen cancer if you have it, that's why

Anonymous 269209


I'm in med school, OP and every male just acts like women are "granted" an entry out of pity. I think it's why everyone in OB-GYN treats moids like shit.

Anonymous 269223

>I think it's why everyone in OB-GYN treats moids like shit.
And that's bad because?

Anonymous 269279

this is unrelated to your post but do you have a full version of the picture?

Anonymous 269762

money,this doesn't happen in countries that aren't the US
physicians in the US make loads of money off forcing women into invasive screenings even if they're extremely low risk and don't need them

Anonymous 269883

sorry, i don't this is the best quality I got. You could find it if you search for sally face art on tumblr.

Anonymous 270020

this isnt medical per se cuz it came from my boss at work but on friday i took my first sick day of the year because i had cramps so bad i couldnt get out of bed without a heating pad and i heard from my coworker that my boss was making comments implying that he didn't believe i was sick, and he said that people should only call out sick on a monday or friday if they're actually ill. no lie when my coworker told me that i freaked out and started talking about how i hoped my boss burns in hell for that

Anonymous 270179


And he should! Fuck bosses that minimise the pain some women go through during their period. We should create a new job which consists of a buff guy punching a dude of your choice in the stomach every month so that they have a semblance of what it feels like.

Anonymous 271287


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