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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 268691

More unrealistic beauty standards for women. How can we compete with such perfection?

Anonymous 268695


Reminds me of the deviantart rabbit hole I found where the fetish was editing women's heads onto pairs of legs, like picrel.

Anonymous 268737

You can't just say that without posting pics

Anonymous 268763

If their constituent segments are about the length of the human average then these specimens are well over 10' tall.
Imagine them crawling through an open 2nd storey bedroom window late at night. Do you think they would take your skin and eat your flesh? Or simply add your limbs and flesh segments as additional body structure?

Anonymous 268869


This reminds me of the titty monster from Gantz.

Anonymous 268939

It reminds me of Chernobyl

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