Dolls Anonymous 268955
Does anyone collect dolls here? What kind of dolls?
I collect pullip family dolls but only isuls and dals because for some reason I dont really like pullips and taeyangs :D I have 3 ones started in 2017!
Anonymous 268957

idk if they count but I'd like to start collecting Sylvanian families/Calico critters, I didn't even play with them as a kid I just think they're pretty lol
Anonymous 268966
>>268957there are pretty cool :D what's your favorite one you have?
Anonymous 268978
>>268957I had these as a kid and I loved them! happy to see someone collecting the toys I liked lol
Anonymous 268980

>>268957Sylvanian families are super cute! I had some as a kid. Loved them as well.
Anonymous 269005

I used to have a few littlest pet shop toys as a kid, recently they brought back the old designs style which is great (The image i choose are the old ones though)
Anonymous 269023
Never collected any because of how expensive it can get, but I always wanted to collect monster high dolls. Maybe I'll check secondhand. Do you buy new or used ones mainly?
Anonymous 269027
>>269023I have bought all the 3 as new because it is more limited what dolls are sold as used but if you can find the ones you want as used in good condition sure buy :D
Anonymous 269172
isn't that bit childish?
Anonymous 269175
>>269172I don't see any problem with having "childish" hobbies and interests, after all we're still adult and have much different perspective on it than kids.
Anonymous 271351
I collect Precious Moments figures
Anonymous 274064
Screenshot 2024-06…

these are pretty new but i've been thinking of collecting these nendoroid dolls! they're pretty cute :D
Anonymous 274848
i collect porcelain dolls
Anonymous 274889
I don't know if vintage ponies count, but yeah, restoring them is one of my hobbies.
Anonymous 275050
American girl dolls. I have ~22, roughly 7-8 are just to fix up and resell though. AG used to have such a good balance with their historical collections for older fans, and GOTY and me dolls for younger girls. Now all three collections (I think there might be another new category too but I haven't been following AG itself) are focused on appealing to 7 year olds. Picrel is the historical character samantha in the old and new versions. They made her neon pink for no reason other than trying to maintain relevancy with today's girls who want OMG dolls. AG needs to understand that a large part of their remaining fans are adult women who don't want a glitter-bombed historical character.