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I wish Texas was real Anonymous 269295

Too bad it's not

Anonymous 269311

I have been to the fictional land of Texas and am thankful it was all just a figment of my imagination.

Anonymous 269322

That fantasy land when you can fry eggs anywhere

Anonymous 269331

Wdym "too bad its not"?

Texas is a moid-hellhole. It would be very awesome if that place would just vanish.

Anonymous 269333



Anonymous 275895

Listen to "I hate Texas" by mxmtoon

Anonymous 275898

as a Texan I hate texas too

Anonymous 290791

Texas CC meetup. We all get in a circle and tase each other.

Anonymous 290799

Why tase, we all have guns even better

Anonymous 290801

How wonderful it'd be to have a miner/LC refugee release me from my internal pain with a kiss and afterwards, a blow to my forehead.

Anonymous 292039

I choose to believe all of Texas is exactly like the town from King of the Hill and I could some day move to a suburban house there with a nice lawn and some quirky neighbors to keep things interesting

Anonymous 292042

Are duels still legal in texas?

Anonymous 292044

Speaking of KotH, does anyone have the genderbent version of them sitting at a patio table? It was posted on LC a long time ago, but I don't have it.

Anonymous 293204


i've only watched a few episodes, but i grew up in the town that arlen was based on, and i can confirm that it was and still is incredibly similar to king of the hill.

picrel, enjoy

Anonymous 293213

King of the Hill made me feel this so badly

>i grew up in the town that arlen was based on
Which one? People often claim it's different towns.

Anonymous 293243


Agree, it would make so much sense if it were. It’s the only conspiracy I believe in

Anonymous 293268

originally i thought it was garland, because the names sound so similar. later i read that it was actually based on richardson (where i grew up), but honestly they're both right next to each other so it doesn't make a huge difference. DFW's whole outer suburbia is pretty samey in my experience.

Anonymous 293346

Ah! Thank you, anon! So comfy.

Anonymous 294289

There's probably other UT nonas and I'll never know who they are.

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