Anonymous 269345
>browsing on the internet trying to find content that I would like
>come across content that I seriously do not like
>rant about it
it has happened to you, has happened to me, and may happen again
Anonymous 269452
This happens with me too I’ll just see a post and rant for 10 minutes I kinda want to stop though because my sibling might hear me
Anonymous 269467
>>269466it is not my fault people on the internet have the worst ideas out there
Anonymous 269468
unfortunately this happens to me often right here on cc
Anonymous 269471
So true. Having someone to rant to after doomscrolling is the #2 reason why you shouldn’t live alone (#1 is to have someone to find your dead body before you get stinky)
>>269466Nuh uh
Anonymous 271079

reminder to breathe and drink water and stretch a little and all that good stuff