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Discord Ettiquite Anonymous 269414

Is it some kind of faux pas to just… unfriend somebody on Discord that you never talk to?? I notice that people will add me from somewhere, ask me a question or something, and won't talk to me ever again but they won't just unfriend you for some reason. Yet when I unfriend somebody on Discord that I don't intend to talk to again (like someone I rped with for a few weeks but we aren't friends or anything) it's considered this big deal, apparently. I never thought about it as a crime to keep people in my contacts that I talk to/are friends with, but it seems like I'm the odd one here. Do you keep people on Discord that you don't talk to or intend to talk to?

Anonymous 269707

kek wondering about the same thing nona. but in my case I don't feel connected to this person and the conversation is just so boring.

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