Discord Ettiquite Anonymous 269414
Is it some kind of faux pas to just… unfriend somebody on Discord that you never talk to?? I notice that people will add me from somewhere, ask me a question or something, and won't talk to me ever again but they won't just unfriend you for some reason. Yet when I unfriend somebody on Discord that I don't intend to talk to again (like someone I rped with for a few weeks but we aren't friends or anything) it's considered this big deal, apparently. I never thought about it as a crime to keep people in my contacts that I talk to/are friends with, but it seems like I'm the odd one here. Do you keep people on Discord that you don't talk to or intend to talk to?
Anonymous 269707
>>269414kek wondering about the same thing nona. but in my case I don't feel connected to this person and the conversation is just so boring.